/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

/dvg/- Official Deus Vult General

Story so far:
>Sup Forums tricks the msm into believing Pissgate is real
>Stefan Molyneux Challenges Sup Forums to takedown ISIS
>A dubbs post decided to accept
>A tripps confirmed our cause
>A quadds confirmed that we are going to war
>Molyneux sees that we accept his challenge, thus confirming he’s one of us
>Sup Forums decided the angle will be to prove ISIS has turned homosex due to a lack of women
>The fire is rising
>Its been 24hrs and jizzmodo found out:
>Mods on the_donald pinned articles we fabricated
>Scott Adams (Dilbert comic) expressed his doubt for us
We have come up with the Final Battle Plan after a democratic vote:
We are going to paint a picture that ISIS has no women supporters left to keep as sex slave so they’ve turned to homosex

Ideas to combine with this:
>Teenagers and children of new members are forced into sex slavery at risk of death
>We make #ISisGay trending

Ideas on our strategy so far:
1.Target ISIS online presence
2. Demoralize ISIS sympathizers
3. Point out any ISIS sympathizers
4. Create believable stories involving ISIS (slander)
5. Take all that we know of conspiracies and meme them into existence

What you can do:
>Bump the thread
>Create twitter accounts to tweet out memes (makes sure to do so anonmyously and stay safe, do not use personal accounts)
>Create memes that perpetuate the plan (#ISisGay,etc)
>Spread the word (/k/, /sg/, /hm/, make other threads linking to this one, etc.)
>Participate and give us ideas to add onto our plan. Its always a good idea to have open options if things go sour

1.Ignore all shills
2. Although we are at war with the Luggenpresse, we can fight a war on two fronts
3. By going to war and imploding/destroying ISIS we can expose any conspiracy theories (US Influence) to be true
4. Stay safe

War has been declared Sup Forums.
This will be our first international military campaign.
Will you answer the call?

Other urls found in this thread:



zingo, this'll be a good one

I know Hebrew, how can I help?

Is John going to join us?

should we hijack these hashtags?

Reminder that the gay plan is shitty as fuck.
It will probably backfire and at best it will do nothing good.


RT if u agree!!!!!!!!

Training video: youtube.com/watch?v=9UGdnA1FppM

Elaborate, Mohammad.

Translate work
Also what are the hastags?
Is someone using them on twiper yet?

how progressive!

It's real though.

>Thread #324 in 2 days
>Memes created: ZERO
>Missions accomplished: ZERO
What the fuck are you role playing faggots even doing? This is PATHETIC.

Stop trying to co-opt the Trump CNN drama into some gay little Stefan Molyjew "meme war" you pathetic retards it's not going to happen. You're not going to hurt ISIS with memes you're just role playing because you're children and want to imagine you have some kind of influence on the world because you discovered Sup Forums.

You've literally become role playing keyboard warriors. You literally think a meme war is possible because old men flattered you over twitter.
Fucking end yourselves, faggots.

We are using #LGBTQISIS and others

>hebrew is arabic

There John is.

>destroy isis

>fear of muslims leaves and mass immigration continues

sounds solid

what i'm referring to is that you're wasting your time here being a fucking nobody.
now compare yourself to me you fucking irrelevant

# Chirp prayer of reluctance Dayman

# SAHIM llqmr

Google Translate

Yeah, probably. Still funny, though, and isn't that stickiness useful for a meme?

Get me something to translate.


when was the last time you heard about an ISIS terrorist attack? Exactly.
Checkmate theists.

غرد_بدعاء_تردده_دايما# is a hashtag about religious songs..


دعائي المفضل هو #LGBTISIS

Praise KEK

No one who has the mental illness to consider joining ISIS or sympathizing ISIS will have the rationale to let this gay stuff stop them.
Their thinking is irrational and will not likely be changed.

The current ISIS members are beheading people, they will also not be distracted with couple of muslims fucking kids/boys.

What will backfire is when the media covers this, they will spin it to their narrative. Anything you will do will be spun to the media's advantage.
Normies won't care whats happening on twitter, they'll care what the people who do their thinking determine it for them.

If you want a better game plan, come up with one.

We're doing this to make ISIS mad, not to rally supporters behind it.

>trying to talk sense into a gaggle of role playing babies
The only thing they respond to is unbridled ridicule and mockery. You have to point and laugh at them.

i found John

I don't know if i'm a fucking slowpoke, but we are creating another branch of Islam. Let's makes this one the most leftist appealing one after we take down ISIS. At thi point, i believe we are giving the very first step in order to remove kebab forever. Keep up the fight!

This is ISIS, not first world liberals.
They won't give a fuck what some pixels says on their computer, if they even had personal ones.

The biggest problem is people conflate criticism of the doctrine of islam as criticism of muslims as people. We're being sold this bullshit pejorative of "islamaphobe" that's barring progress in nearly every way.

Nah man, Muslims are easily angered.
Just check the one in this thread.


>first world liberals

No no no, you need to understand how this works, normies must believe that isis is engaging in homosex activity, isis cares a lot about how they are perceived by the west, anyway we can have some quality luls with this

>only thing they respond to is unbridled ridicule
look in a mirror and say that again you fucking salty nigger

Catholicism lost huge amounts of support after the priest and little boy controversy. we just have to claim that the same (believable) situation has occurred involving ISIS leadership. then they witch hunt each other into nonexistance

I'm just criticizing the strategy, you would accomplish more to that cause by doing nothing than to do the gay stuff.

It appears you haven't read my previous post, Mohammad.

provide constructive criticism or take your shekel and go

>CTR shills for ISIS now

Wew lads not getting any (you)'s from me, but you know who you are

Have a bump

you replied
you need to stop that, son
it only feeds his stomach


>normies must believe that isis is engaging in homosex activity
Normies will believe whatever their aggregate news sites will spin your effort into.
They'll probably say something about alt righters with islamophobe normalizing ISIS or something, whatever that means.

1.Ignore all shills

This can also lead to sjws defending isis online, everybody wins with this


Muslims don't have a track record of attacking cartoonists who offend them.

everyone can see your asspain your dumb nigger

>Infinitychan is working with us
>/lgbt/ supports our cause
>mods on r/the_Donald are pinning our fabrications
>native Arab speakers have been translating memes for us

>/k/ to get involved
>/hm/ to give us material for gay Muslims
>threads posted on /d/ Sup Forums and /lgbt/ to get a subversive psyop going
>trending hash tags in the middle east

Will you answer the Almighty's will?

I agree
I said this already.. Muslims are low IQ Shitheaded cucks

Offending them is more than enough to grab their attention

Also: when a muslim gets angry even if he was the religion of peace type, He will insta evolve to ISIS faggot if he got offended

is pepe being used to spearhead this assault?

i want to see the news reporting on pepe sinking ISIS mere months after watching him destroy Clinton

can confirm

want to make them really mad? make some cartoons aboud muh ahmed being gay. just look at how mad they got in france.

They have killed people that accuse them of being gay. They care. Muslim men hate being feminized.

>Ideas on our strategy
jews first otherwise our backs will never be safe... then attrition

At this point not doing the gay shit can be considered constructive.
You have better luck sending pizzas to muslim elites, people that actually give orders to mosques what material needed to be indoctrinated to the people.

death to islum!

desu kek!

What we need is a good old fashioned raid

Shall we create and spread memes of pepe shoving a pig cock into muhummad?

See vvv

Well, you are accusing ISIS members of being gay. The average muslim doesn't relate ISIS members to themselves eventhough they might silently agrees to their cause.

I'll send it to Adam Saleh---through Twutter of course.

>subversion 2/10

This is the angle we are rallying around

You already know what to do David

Yeah, that would have been a better strategy to start.
Escalate the situation and accelerate the inevitable military actions between ISIS and their enemies.

We should consider focusing on a few particular rebel and religious leaders.

Destroy their reputation and sow the seeds of doubt in their men.

i think the goal here is more about calling ISIS as an entity homosex

though i'd like to see both ISIS and Clinton declaring war against a cartoon frog


Compound Media has a show behind the paywall called In Hot Water. Possibly the most redpilled comedy show on the Internet. It is hosted by Gino Bisconte and Aaron Berg (yes, shut up).

There is a recurring character called ISIS Faggot. He is played by Aaron and is made out to be the Pulse nightclub shooter, with all the jokes being about fucking men but it's not gay because of mental gymnastics. This would be perfect for Operation Deus Vult. But as I said it's behind the paywall and nothing exists in freespace. Any interest? Maybe we should get with Keith the Cuck (head of operations @ Compound) and ask for some clips to be made available before just ripping it off and posting willy-nilly.

Consider this:

>ISIS wants to be sexually liberated
>Bad jews are always oppresing them
>ISIS retaliated because of constant bigotry of the jews
>Now they are merelly breaking the taboos in order to cleanse the bad image of Islam

Just blame the jew. I believe the muslims are on the top of the sjw church, so this can work out.


Nice person on /lgbt/ gave me pic related.

Also, translations:



Forgot pic

How soon can we get that picture of muhammed getting fucked by a pig? Spam it on twitter #religionofpeace or some shit.


See You are conflating between ISIS and muslims, while they both might be considered as bad as each other, muslims don't view ISIS leadership as their leaders.



Forgot to add the #s.

After so many years on Sup Forums its the opposite

bumping this

Only way to take down is ISIS is to identify leaders and their locations

The propaganda effort is simple, show them in one of their videos killing pregnant Muslim women.

I'm not SURE if this will be effective, but dilbertman's logic (association = persuasion, evidence is irrelevant) supports it. And for what it's worth, I'm a complete fag and I've started fantasizing about being an IS soldier's rape slave since this campaign started.

Thanks for telling us all shit we already know.

Right...the goal is to piss off ISIS and reduce the fear of them in the West. We know that they hate being perceived as gay. For now we are trying to strengthen the divide between ISIS and the rest of the Muslim community and ruin their reputation. If there are publicized gay rumors Muslim men won't even secretly support them.

Just make some bullshit story up about two IS-fighter that fell in love after they saved each others lives a few times.
>must be sign of god
>more than brothers
>trapped, surrounded
>Scared, feel love start fucking
>survive but enjoyed being fucked
> Happy ISISgay

I think Adam Saleh is a primo target personally.

newfag the OP is specifically against ISIS which is why we're targeting ISIS gtfo

It isn't propaganda, everything we say is factual here. Spreading awareness is super important.

Deus Vult

This is why I love this place

No, muslim don't hate gays as much as they hate western infidels.

and believable shopps of their leaders fucking little muslim boys and taking dat dick. we need to stay focused if we're going to properly manipulate those islamist pitbulls

>though i'd like to see both ISIS and Clinton declaring war against a cartoon frog

lulz aside, I think you're on to something here.

christ sold out by jews
israel small and inflamatory
remove israel then Deus Vult for final battle, nukes and all

> I'm a complete fag and I've started fantasizing about being an IS soldier's rape slave since this campaign started.

I was criticizing the arguments. Catholics followers still have the sanity not to behead people, ISIS member don't. therefore the logic won't work.

What we need to do is get as many pictures of Mohammed sucking cock/ getting assfucked to as many social media users as possible, spamming a mass amount of these pics to people with muslim names on twitter and facebook would be the easiest way to do this

>tfw tumblrtards will see this and be given the choice between supporting ISIS or the meanieheads on Sup Forums


Not all infidels are gay. But all gays are infidels.

there was a pic of a french girl naked taking a shit on the quran.. anyone still has that thing?