What exactly are the main principles of national socialism? I can't find any explanations that aren't pro jewish trite

What exactly are the main principles of national socialism? I can't find any explanations that aren't pro jewish trite.

Other urls found in this thread:

books.google.de/books?id=y0in2wOY-W0C&pg=PA7&lpg=PA52&focus=viewport&dq=reichsmark exchange rate occupied europe&hl=de&output=html_text

racism and bigotry.

Dont poison yourself on that toxic idoelogy. My ancestors suffered enough from it and should serve as an example why nazism is shit.

If you are seriously pro Hitler kys.

Fuck off Merkel

> t. David Steinberg whose ancestors were gassed 6 times in auschwitz

>hehe we are autistic neets worshipping the most desastrous ideology in history to be edgy

fuck off, you know nothing. Nazis were fucking bastards that destroyed Germany and killed lots of innocent people.

You wouldnt find it funny anymore if it became reality right now but behind your screens its all fun to laugh about that serious topic, isnt it?


and there goes your little thread, naziboo x)

Nazis destroyed Germany?
Google what happened to Germany after ww1, Google what the allies did to dresden, Google the atrocities committed to the German people by the Soviets. The list goes on.

>boohoo people died
Get over it faggot. Most people die for worse reasons.

We started WW1 so we got punished for it, we would have done the same to the Entente.

I agree that it was a bit harsh though, still not a reason to chimpout 20 years later and start a even worse war.

The soviets just took revenge after WE attacked THEM and declared them subhuman and killed millions of their citizens.

Stop spreading nazi propaganda you fuckhead

Ok so what if it was your family? Still funny? Grow up.

Also, you can support national socialism without sucking Hitler's dick. He wasn't perfect, but he was pretty damn close. You can leave my thread now, don't forget your kippah on the way out.

fpbp. fuck off stormfags

3rd reich is hitlers anti jew, anti art hissy fit

>hurr durr everyone who disagrees with me has to be a jew

So you are obviously an antisemite

Why? because you make them responsible for your miserable life? I bet you dont even know one jew

>assosiating stormfront with national socialism

Suck it stormweenie.

Nazism is a meme ideology that utterly failed.

Social Democracy brought us prosperity in the West even though its too capitalist right now

fuck off canada

ITT: Butthurt (((German))) on moral high-ground because muh ancestors suffered from National Socialism. My Marxist teachers literally told me!

>implying that good people had to suffer

lmao at the one German dude in the thread doing the whole angry German stereotype. But this is something i've thought of too, I guess a National Socialist state wouldnt exactly have to abide by strict nazi racial law but could just be a really xenophobic citizen-focused socialist state idk though nigga im high as fuuuck

Please annex us


Read that shit, but everytime it says Germany substitute it for your own nation. This is pretty much bare bones national socialism

I could point out how 9/10 of the 1919 German communist revolution leaders were Jewish, how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with. But I won't. Rather i'll ask that whenever someone in this thread witnesses societal/political rot ask yourself, and don't be afraid to do some digging if necessary, if a certain sunken eyed inbred tribe is behind it.

Sup Forums calls this 'taking the redpill' and it ruins everyone as it's impossible to stop seeing the (((coincidences)))


oh when the maple syrup runs out we're coming

Serbia refuses the Austro-Hungarian ultimatum. Gets declared war upon from Austria-Hungary. Russia then declares war on Austria-Hungary for declaring war on its ally Serbia. Germany declares war on Russia for declaring war on its ally Austria-Hungary. France declares war on Germany for declaring war on its ally Russia. The whole of Europe gets involved in a war because of a system of alliance designed to prevent wars from happening.

>This is somehow Germany`s fault

How dumbt do you have to be to support this sick ideology as a German?

Have you learnt nothing? You should be ashamed of yourself. I bet you arent even that super aryan blond blue eyed superman and would have been gassed yourself but you dont think that far, do you?

Read some literature to find out.

Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest Slavery
Mein Kampf
Zweites Buch
Prussiandom and Socialism

Asking nu-Sup Forums about anything but soft-core civic nationalism and Trump is a bad idea. Half of these faggots are colonists from r/the_donald or elsewhere who came for the election.

Note the autistic screeching nu-deutscher.


My dude.
National Socialism is the epitome of civilized society.
It is the only way we can reconcile our existence, both existential and biological.
Germany is still the seat of power in Europe.
Also it was Serbia that started WWI, Serbia and Russia.
Austria was justified in wanting dominance and vengeance.
The Germanic people will rule in time.
The Volk (Germans)
Religion (Germanic Paganism at the top, Christianity at the bottom, all else subject to those two)
The Aryan Race and its surivial, essentially the European race.
>Germanics (non-Nordic indo-Euros)
These are the Nazi gospels

NSDAP 25 points manifesto

We want all Germans to live in a "Greater Germany" [2]
We want Germany to be treated the same as other nations, and we want the peace treaties of Versailles to be cancelled.
We want land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.
Only Germans may be citizens of the Germany. Only those of the German races may be members of the nation, their religion does not matter. No Jew may be a citizen.[3]
Non-citizens may live in Germany, but there will be special laws for foreigners living in Germany.[4]
Only citizens can vote for parliament and councils, or vote on laws. Everyone who works for the German government, a state government or even a small village must be a citizen of Germany. We will stop giving people jobs because of the political party they are in, only the best people should get a job.
We think that the government's first job is to make sure every citizen has a job and enough to eat. If the government cannot do this, people who are not citizens should be made to leave Germany.
No-one who is not of a German-race should be allowed to live in Germany. We want anyone who is not of a German-race who started living in Germany after 2 August 1914 to leave the country.
All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.
Every citizen should have a job. Their work should not be selfish, but help everyone. Therefore we say
No one should live off money from rents or other income unless they have worked for that money
So many people die or lose their property in a war, it is wrong for other people to make money from the war. Anyone who made money from the war should have all that money taken away.
We want all very big corporations to be owned by the government.
Big industrial companies should share their profits with the workers.
We want old age pensions to be paid.

We want

to create a healthy middle class
to split up big department stores, and let small traders rent space inside them
to make State and town governments try to buy from small traders.

We want to change the way land is owned. We also want

a law to take over land if the country needs it, without the government having to pay for it;
to abolish ground rent; and
to prohibit land speculation (buying land just to sell to someone else for more money).

Crimes against the common interest must be punished with death.
We want the Roman Law system changed for the German common law system.
We want to change the system of schools and education, so that every hard-working German can have the chance of higher education.

What is taught should concentrate on practical things
Schools should teach civic affairs, so that children can become good citizens
If poor parent cannot afford to pay the government should pay for education.

The State must protect health standards by

protecting mothers and infants
stopping children from working
making a law for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and
supporting sports clubs for young men.

oh shit sorry leaf. now i feel bad.

Ask yourself why you can't watch this video in Germany.


Why are they so afraid of discussion? and why do people act surprised that Germany fought the British Empire, the French Empire, the Soviet Empire, and the Americans all at the same time after being a total and tiny shitheap not even six years earlier, and lost? The NSDAP knew communism had to be checked and only the Germans were capable of stopping it from swamping all of Europe. The NSDAP knew the odds were long and that their window was short.


So what if they were jews? How many people are in that picture? Not even 10.

Just because of a few people you want to exterimante a whole people? Do you even listen do yourself?

Where is your evidence that Jews "push" Drugs and Porn and Transsexuality? And even if they did, those things are perfectly normal and dont harm you, why do you care about them?

Get your life on track.

We declared war first and encouraged Austria-Hungary to set up harsh conditions for Serbia.

We were the instigators.

The good guys were France and Britain who protected Belgium.

We want to get rid of the old army and replace it with a people's army that would look after the ordinary people, not just the rich officer-class
We want the law to stop politicians from being anti-German, and newspapers from writing about them. To make a German national press we demand:
that all editors of, and writers in the German language newspapers are members of the nation (of a German race);
Foreign newspapers need permission from the government. They must not be printed in the German language;
Non-Germans cannot own or control German newspapers.
any non German who does own or control a newspaper will be made to leave Germany, and the newspaper closed down,
Newspapers which criticise the country or the government are not allowed.
Art and books which support foreign ideas, should be banned.
We want to allow all religions in the State, unless they offend the moral feelings of the German race. The NSDAP is Christian, but does not belong to any denomination. The NSDAP will fight the Jewish self-interest spirit, and believes that our nation will be strongest only if everyone puts the common interest before self-interest.
We will
create a strong central government for the Reich;
give Parliament control over the entire government and its organizations;
form groups based on class and job to carry out the laws in the various German states.

The leaders of the Party promise to work—if need be to sacrifice their very lives—to put this programme into action.

To summerize:

>Create society that recognizes reality of race, blood, and nationhood
>a state must represent this nation bound by blood, must solely represent their interests and make sure they reign supreme in society
>end to exploitative banking/capitalistic system while opposing leftist Marxism
>unite all different classes for national interest, but also make helping the poor and underprivileged among the people a great importance

Prussian military archives were destroyed after WWI so we'll never know for sure, but the NSDAP pointed out regularly that virtually no Jews fought in WWI and that nearly all of the German communist revolution leaders, newspapers owners, and agitators were Jewish (sound familiar Americans?). As you know they pointed how this revolution if it didn't cost Germany the war it cost them the ability to have a non-crippling peace forced on them. If we consider that virtually everyone alive in the 1930's lived through WWI and that virtually of the NSDAP claims of international Jewish influence can't be argued with to this day it's hard to not take this at face value and instead buy some unsourced wikipedia article written by a Brit born in 1990 named Adam Goldstein.

Germans let in the kikes with open arms in the 19th and 18th centuries and were put in the same position as modern day Americans thanks to their generosity. You're probably one of those rats that contends the 109 assbootings weren't the fault of Jews whatsoever.

Are you high? We dont want to rule anyhting, except the few pathetic German naziboos in this thread apparently.

This thread actually makes me happy that Germany gets more diverse day by day and people like you will hopefully die out in future.

Yeah why arent German allowed to watch Nazi Propaganda? let me guess; maybe its because last time we were exposed to it we killed millions of people and committed the worst crime in history?

I am here to discuss with you.

Communism is not an ideology of hatred but of equality. Yes it has its wrongs but mostly because it was abused by dictators.



are you new faggot?

Don't be such a bigot. You can't fight nazisim effectively if you don't have a good sense of what nazisisim actually is.

Otherwise you get shit like Antifa going full facist authoritarian and other stupid shit like that.

I actually hate it, but I hate it for what it is, not for what propagandists tell me about it.

Nationalisim, socialisim. Strong centralized government, lots of social welfare. Authoritarian, and facist.

It was frequently pushed as a third way, not liberal democratic with maximum liberty, not communist, wwith a total workers revolution..

The main principles of national socialism is EDGINESS and smug anime girls. Also, autism and virginity

Your ancestors would be ashamed of you, they liberated us from the Nazis and militaristic Kaiser and yet you praise them.

Who shat in your brain, seriously?

Why are you here?


Communism killed many more people and millions of your people were raped and had their lives destroyed under it. Why don't they care about you reading about communism if that's the case? We both know the answer.

I agree in one sense that Germans can't be expected to trigger the next big conflict they contributed more than enough already.

Please stop.

Read a book.

Third position, not third way.

Fascist, not facist.

Read Prussiandom and Socialism by Spengler.

>forefront of the E.U.
>"we don't rule anything"
>people like you
I'm a nigger.
The future belongs to the Nordic people, to a greater extent the European race in general.
Everyone non-white feels this way.
It's why they imitate white culture, because it IS culture.

You have no place in the future.
Your heritage will be honored, you shall be forgotten.

>here read this piece of nazi propaganda

no thanks

why are you asking? Because I dont accept your echo chamber mentality and challenge your views?

So what is it? It is bigotry, it is hatred channeled towards others just for how they look or which religion they follow.

This is toxic and dumb.

>ITT: no-one actually knows what NatSocs were all about
plenty of shills though

My ancestors fought for the empire and look where that got them. I owe them nothing in this respect, if they could see what I can see today they would be the same way.

Both of my grandparents warned me about Jews btw.



Authority through heredity (as defined in 2017 as blood haplo groupings)

Are you that insecure in your own beliefs and convictions?

I like to consider myself a well read person. I've read Das Kapital and the Communist Manifesto, and here I am. Still not a Communist. However it was valuable for me to know their ideology/philosophy so I could outmaneuver them in debate.

In short, even if you hate us, you'd do well to learn about us. Otherwise you can never combat us.

>Not realising the Soviets were also aiming to expand their borders with Poland just being the start.

most people on here blame black people and jews for girls not liking them.
>live in most liberal state in the u.s (massachusetts)
>never had problem getting girls
> only been cheated on once
>I basically sit on this board to see what is happening to my country
>Many white people here are scared of the future and are grasping to their whiteness cause dey scared.

Not well read on Sup Forums clearly you need to lurk a little more. Reddit spacing and forgetting this is an imageboard and all gives it away.

I am not from reddit.

I read about this forum on an international news site related with pissgate.

I am quite shocked that a place like this is allowed and even more so that Germans participate in this hate.

"communism killed more people than Nazis"

yeah sure, strange that nobody ever heard of this, right? But I bet its a huge conspiracy as well.

You dont even know what culture is.

I am glad that I can eat in a turkish restaurant, can buy italian food, and follow any religion (If I wanted, I am an atheist though)

Your society would be a tyranny


58-71% for Jewish women. 2-4% for white women. You know damn well your women hate their race and they race mix 23x more than white women and 7x more than asian women.

no, I say it because you sound like you're from reddit or tumblr. like you have no idea wtf the culture is like here. like you have no idea wtf you're talking about.

we don't give two shits if you ((don't accept the echo chamber)). It sounds like YOU'RE the one that doesn't want your world-view challenged. You seem mighty defensive and aggressive, m8

There's a reason you're allowed to research communism and not the NSDAP. You know what that reason is but you won't admit it to yourself. Communism is a far more dangerous ideology.


are you enjoying your women getting raped by immigrants you filthy dog cunt?

also nothing wrong with being antisemitic mate.

also take 30 seconds to read this. You might actually learn something.

No one knows. NatSoc is apparently whatever you can convince yourself is the best for your race.

I am Italian senpai



I was just testing our firewall, friends.


you are living proof of ignorance to the past
Germany is dead

Social Democracy. 'prosperity'. For whom? When? Neoliberalism has caused us to go backwards. Globalists profit massively off the working classes all the while controlling the plebs through 'democratically' elected governments and the media.
We never had freedom. It's an illusion and always has been. A lie thought up by those who control subversively. Inequality is higher than ever yet cucks like you will do whatever you can to make sure this will never change.




>super aryan blond blue eyed superman
Read a book, I'm dead serious. You should also work on your orthography.

How old are you?

How was my impersonation of a leftists? Was it believable?

thx m8



to contribute to the thread i will summarize why hitler hates jews.

>be hitler
>poor starving artist after great war
>paint watercolor postcards for jewish clients
>subject matter: german landscapes and architecture
>theme: destruction in the wake of great war
>self-identify as bohemian artist/painter
>apply to art school in vienna
>entire admissions board is of jewish ancestry
>they only like modern art, picasso, etc.
>dont like picasso, think abstract is trash
>not totally wrong
>admissions say adolf "unfit to be a painter"
>"should take up architecture instead"
>"adolf not progressive enough"
>take it personally
>how could you not?
>return to life of poverty
>living off patronage of Mr Goldberg
>get fed up, radicalize with antisemite underground gangs
>imprisoned, antisemitic ideas ferment
>stop taking former rejection personally
>now see it as an attack on trad. German art
>now hate modern art
>mein kampf

rest is history. degenerate art exhibit//house of german art, etc. Nazism is a reactionary movement rejecting modern art and culture in favor of national art and culture

good book to read on the subject is Art of the Third Reich by Adam Peter

pic related

Wow. You're worse than I thought. Is your wife having fun with the Syrian neighbors?

Keynesian Economics meets real life

triggered me / 10

Reddit spacing? This is just how I type.

The aussies are up. I'm happy now

Jews had plenty of time to either cut out their shit or leave. You need to remember that Jews had no right to Germany they were let in with more or less open arms during the 18th and 19th centuries when they were fleeing reprisal from their actions in Russia.

Many people draw parallels to the current American situation, they let in millions of the inbred sand rats with open arms and it took less than two generations for the majority to turn on them. Instead of telling their tribe to stop targeting our children they'll cry about muh americaust when assbooting #110 comes.

Why would that kike whore admit that though? Do they feel that safe?

It was actually hard to write down this dumb stuff, leftist must be retarded.

Even moreso Nazi Economical Plan



books.google.de/books?id=y0in2wOY-W0C&pg=PA7&lpg=PA52&focus=viewport&dq=reichsmark exchange rate occupied europe&hl=de&output=html_text


true shit. but then most of them were innocent. also, usurers and smug intellectuals arent exclusively jewish, just the jews were the most smug hand rubby and took the fall for everyday losers- the problem/solution also included germans, if you recall

the reason it's so easy to hate on jews is that people living in diaspora will form an isolated ((kosher)) community and wont assimilate into their host culture. i wont tell you if this is good or bad, but i will say that it is awful familiar...

and that history repeats itself...

It's just as the name implies, national socialism. Here's the most simplistic way to describe it.

Nazi Germany had free healthcare, free schools, many social programs, etc but they were reserved only for ethnic German nationals. Solidarity was encouraged based on nationalism as well. Immigrants weren't accepted and non-ethnic Germans were kicked out. Germany was the first country in the world to ban public smoking and prohibited testing on animals. Combine that with an authoritarian state where private industries existed, but the state could do anything they wanted to them.

It's a weird mix of socialism and conservatism. As a system, I give it 6/10.

what good, crisp german art that is




Have you ever heard of these? Flaktowers who were bunkers at the same time.

This one could shelter around 18.000 people while shooting at attacking bombers with multiple guns.

In berlin Flaktowers even engaged Russian infantry and held them off for days, the kept firing til they were destroyed. or stormed.

After the war the designers intended to put a more aesthetic trim on them so they are remembered as archaic germanic castles of war.

Looks like the years of occupation worked very well. youtube.com/watch?v=dvcf9DKSpPw