
Tattoo's on girls:

Acceptable or an indication of bad judgement on their behalf?

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Didn't that bitch have nudes? Someone link the set

Unless you are tattooing your blood type on your forearm, encase you are ever being rolled down a hospital hallway in a stretcher, there is NO reason to get a tattoo, and every medical reason not to

Don't be a fucking degenerate loser

I try not to let it cloud my judgement. I guess it depends on the tattoo, and maybe where it's placed.

It's an indiction that they need attention and will probably fuck you if you aren't too weird

>Don't be a fucking degenerate loser
That's a bit ironic coming from a Sup Forums user don't you think?

projecting much, no?

I'm on day 2 or day 3 of no fap. Don't push me into fapping. Women having a tattoo ruins their natural beauty.

>self awareness

Tattoos are like MAGA hats but for liberals and they're permanent.

No, I don't. I'm not the stereotype of a Sup Forums user. You are projecting, unfortunately

Dumpsters always have all kind of markings writings and graffiti on them.

Bad judgement, obsession with impermanence, and general stupidity, as far as I'm concerned. The only things that need to be marked are slaves and livestock.

Brother, I am proud of you. You will make it! Have this modestly dressed child wearing traditional bunad. It is in your future

Also, here is some supporting information to help your resolve

I'm on minute 5 of no fap. My last stretch was 3 hours. Feels good not to be a degenerate.

as long as it looks good, isnt tacky and is hidden

That's actually not at all ironic in any way.
Degenerate, unless it's a dead relative, fallen comrade, or blood type.
It has to be something which can't be changed.

What am I projecting there? You said porn is degenerate for losers etc, I said that's funny because your a poster on a site filled with degeneracy, if it was such a problem for you why would you be here?

Ok? Look I don't want to be arrested.

I myself enjoy the look of having art on my hands and arms but rather than get a permanent tattoo I just draw on myself with pens like an autist

>if it was such a problem for you why would you be here?

I don't run away from problems, and I consider it my hobby to discuss ideas with people who don't exactly agree with me. It would be boring to be in an echo chamber.

It's a very convenient label.

"Oh she's really cute and seems nice... whoops, tattooed, fuck and dump."

Actually you mean
>I'm a nofap idiot and I come here to try and take the moral high ground whenever possible
As evidenced by your quote ">porn Don't be a fucking degenerate loser"
Really, you shouldn't be calling people losers when you're the epitome of one

All that defensiveness, it shows on some level I triggered insecurity

I can recognize when somebody is on higher ground morally, and for that I respect them. But you, are a frustrated loser, being called out in his home territory, and because of insecurities (or maybe something else) is acting aggressively defensive (I'm sure it didn't help that other anons ganged up on you, I'm sure it was a surprise, you thought everyone was a pervy loser like you)


My GF is beyond imagination the best woman a person can get ahold of.

She has a small tattoo on her foot.

It's not a big deal, as long as she only has one.

Indication they didn't get enough attention as a child so hunger for it as adults.

>She has a small tattoo on her foot.
ya fuckd up.

Fine if done tasteful. It also needs to be a thing signifying a high point of attention that you can relate to your entire life and not have it become irrelevant a few years down the line. I would look into a Pepe face overlay tattoo, I feel the memetic energy would really help me in my day to day life.

I'm just in an argumentative mood, but your still trying to reach for that high ground I see.

Again you can't exactly claim to be morally superior when your posting on a forum filled with lolicon porn, we're all on the same level here, except you spend your time floating your nofap idiocy in an attempt to feel superior, maybe one day you'll realize how stupid you sound.

Tattoos are degenerate. That is all.

prepare your erections gentlemen.


Once a woman gets a noticeable tattoo, she is trash.



i dont get what theyre fighting about, they are both trump supporters and theres no man nearby



>we're all on the same level here
You sound like a liberal desu
>no idiocy
You say that again. I have provided quite a bit of evidence in support of nofap, but all you have to say about it is "idiocy". I have supplied paragraph upon paragraph, but you a single word. Ad-hominem does nothing but show your foolishness

I'm on a higher moral ground, but I am reaching my arm down in attempt to help pull another user up here with me, even you. Please read the evidence.

Be still, my beating heart

A couple of small, well designed tattoos are okay - except a tramp stamp. Just, no.

Any more than that is "Look at meeeeeee!' and I hate women like that. Men, too, it's just try-hardism and fucking ugly.

A full sleeve or more on a woman: mental disease. Sport fuck, never bring her home.

The sign she ripped up had anti-Trump shit written on the back.

Tattoos are for warriors who have seen some shit. Period.

The girl that had her sign stolen isn't a Trump supporter. They only let you take in Trump signs/ hand them out, so anti-Trump people have to write messages on Trump signs.


Look at the sign, It was help backwards. There was likely a pro Bernie/Clinton Message written there.

it's a red flag

when a girl has tattoos, you can easily conclude that she's a depressed wreck

Not good.

Tattoos are a reason and excuse to show off the body or try to make an expansion of the self by physically mutilating the self.

If the tattoo is NOT a reminder of something far more important to the self than the body, such as the death of a loved one or a promise to better ones self it is the immediate red flag to run from a self obsessed attention whore.

>I have supplied paragraph upon paragraph, but you a single word. Ad-hominem does nothing but show your foolishness
So I'm supposed to listen to a pastebin wall of text, in between your own ad-hominem attacks?
Don't try and act like you've been trying to convert me all this time, we all know you've just been trying your best to feel superior here, which brings me back to my point about the biggest loser calling other people losers.

I'm actually on day 5 of no fap.

Started talking to some girl, so hopefully I won't even need to fap anymore.

Godspeed, user

The only acceptable tattoos are full body suits on men.

Women with tattoos are trash

Funny, I was there in that thread. Good times..

>Acceptable or an indication of bad judgement on their behalf?
That a BIG slut-tell and the more private the area the more likely a diseased slut. Also I always used to like to count how many. I personally would avoid chicks with tats but that's just me and when I think of ink on skin I think of men but YMMV

Depends on the tattoos.

I may have been condescending and rude, an imperfection on my part. But this conversation is just repetitive now because you keep saying the same things.

I was giving you a hard time for wanting porn. At this point we should be having a dialogue about nofap.

>So I'm supposed to listen to a pastebin wall of text
A pastebin wall of text backed by scientific research, accept it or don't. I can only bring the horse to water. I hope you are more open to it in the future

Here's how I look at it OP. 1 to a couple small insignificant tattoos i.e. Simple designs, no nigger shit in inconspicuous places, I will generally disregard.

When they start to get elaborate and flashy, colorful in obvious places, that's a huge red flag. Overall I can't judge, I have one tattoo on my hip with my name for identification purposes but anything more than that is a very good indication of bad character and poor judgement and degeneracy.

I would not sew my seed into a woman with arm sleeves and a neck tattoo with some wiz khalifa lyrics, no matter how hot she was or how good of a personality she tries to project, she's hiding something from you and at some point she will let her guard down, show her true colors, fuck you over or you'll find something out about her you wish you hadn't. Use your discretion.

>that link
The link between masturbation and lower testosterone levels is tenuous at best

This. Almost all millennials have a tattoo of some kind. It's so sad because so many are examples of adolescent angst or young adult mistakes that will never go away. Anyway, some tats can be tolerated so long as they're small, in a well concealed location, and the content is approved. For example, I knew a girl who had a very very small heart right below her hair line. You'd never have seen it if she hadn't shown me.

You know she would be up for some good clean healthy fun like hiking in the wilderness if the right man came along OP. We live in an age of possibility, make it happen.

Are brands "degenerate" like tattoos? My wife has my initials branded on her back, is that "degenerate"?

>There is no consistent correlation between sexual activity, or abstinence, and plasma testosterone levels –
Then self contradicts with
>other than a one-day transient spike (46% above baseline) following seven days of abstinence. Wide fluctuations in male testosterone levels (10-40%) are normal.

"There is no consistent correlation between sexual activity, or abstinence, and plasma testosterone levels – other than a one-day transient spike (46% above baseline) following seven days of abstinence. Wide fluctuations in male testosterone levels (10-40%) are normal. "

""It has been seen that after multiple ejaculations a sharp decline in androgen receptors takes place inside the hypothalamus, and not only that, but a sharp increase in estrogen receptors follows as well."

"One rodent study also found out that 1 or 2 ejaculations in short span of time increased androgen receptor activity in the body, while 4 or more ejaculations caused a significant drop in the activity of AR, suggesting that ejaculating yourself to “sexual exhaustion” might lower your body’s ability to utilize androgens.""

>tattoos on bitches are a red flag...enter at own risk.

Yes, because a name tattoo of any sort is retarded. If you MUST do one, pick a dead person or your kid. At least a dead guy won't wake up one day and tell you they don't love you anymore

>needing to brand your wife like cattle
Perfectly normal family behavior.

Tattoos are degenerate on EVERYONE, not just girls.


It's not a tattoo, it's a brand.
She insisted on. She likes to know that she is owned and she likes other people to be able to see it too.

she has weird skin color nipples

If my ex is any indication, tattoos mean a combination of:

1) Daddy issues

2) Repressed sexuality/desire for more promiscuity (she lost her virginity to me, we stayed together for 8 years, she broke it up, got her 1st, 2nd, and 3 tattoos in the following 6 months.

No it doesn't as it goes on to say that testosterone levels return to normal afterwards and that fluctuations are normal anyway

I would suck the lint out of her belly button.

It's a permanent mark on the body with another persons' name, the intention is the same as a tattoo. My point stands, having the name of somebody on your body that could possibly leave you someday is a bad fucking call

It's a sign of degeneracy.

Utilization through receptors is a very important factor

What's with the degenerate trend of putting huge tattoos on your hips?

I couldn't possibly leave her. She's my wife. Are you stupid?

So she just wanted the world to see her lower backside?

Any girl wanting to be 'owned' over in a committed relationship is semi psycho. I should know, I've been in enough of those, those girls use those tattoos as a brand to YOU not the other way around.

shut up better brazil

spoken like a true cuck. I hope she lets you watch her get fucked by her bull.


Yeah man, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about

>better Brazil

Here senpai

I'm not arguing for or against porn, just your assertion that masturbation decreases testosterone levels. Other negative factors aren't really my concern. Personally I believe in fapping but with moderation. After all, there are health benefits with masturbation, but addiction to anything isn't good

I hate to break it to you buddy, but sometimes marriage doesn't work. The odds are against you in fact. I know "you're different, we'll be together forever", but who knows what will happen in a year, or five, or ten. Good luck, at least you're not the one with a stupid brand or tattoo.

>her lower backside?
It's not on her lower back, it's on her upper back, on the back if her shoulder. Easily visible in most dresses.
>Any girl wanting to be 'owned' over in a committed relationship is semi psycho
That's bullshit. She's just feminine and understands how relations between men and women are supposed to be.
>but sometimes marriage doesn't work
That's bullshit. What it is is sometimes cunts are worthless whores who walk out. But that's not going to happen, in part because she doesn't have anywhere to go but mostly because she wouldn't even consider leaving.
You just sound salty.

The 2nd one along looks fucking terrible. They all do, but that one does especially.

the worst things about those tattoos isn't how they look

That's a nice pussy

If the labia are small like hers are does that mean she's pure?

I don't know, but that woman's tattoo is on her thigh, not her hip.

No, it means she has a small labia.

>takes pictures like that and sending them to someone that later posts it on the internet

Vaginas are meant to let babies through, she can get dicked by Jamal for years and not show any physical signs.

wow two whole days, your so strong willed

Only if it's a swastika on her forehead

If we can't seperate pure women and thots by comparing their labia how do we know for sure if the woman is pure and marriage material? Hymen?

Depends on the tattoo

does she exist? then she isnt pure

> makes a thread about tattoos on grils
> uses a picture of a chimp wearing a DJT shirt