Why haven't men walked on the Moon in 45 years?
Why haven't men walked on the Moon in 45 years?
last moonwalk was in december of 1972
Nothing there. Expensive. Dangerous.
>no resources worth collecting
>no interesting features to inspect further
>space race is over
>too expensive with little benefit
>low-gravity experiments can just be carried out in the ISS anyways
why even bother with the moon
Scared of what we found up there.
We can create a small headquarters, or some kind of facility.
It would be on a worthless planet.
But a major step in human history, having built structure and and actually livable environment in space.
We could dig, and hopefully find something.
>Why instead have a space station floating in orbit - when we could colonize the moon
Because we never went to the moon to begin with.
if we want to have men exploring and settling the solar system, wouldn't it make sense to have a permanent base on the moon? our closest and easiest to reach celestial neighbor?
>worthless planet
I meant on a worthless orbiting rock, we call our moon
Went there a few times, checked it out, pretty much a dump with lousy food and a third rate clientele.
Not worth the drive.
That'd be 45 years, shitstick
because frankly there isn't shit to do on the Moon
because of ayy lmaos duh
>inefficiency up keeping an unnecessary stop on a barren planet vs just carrying more fuel
Kek asked.
Kek answered
Because the rock spiders come to life and kill everything. I saw the movie.
I'm by no means an expert (or even well rounded) on anything astronomical, but the moon would make a bad permanent base because it orbits the earth constantly, and it may be "behind" the earth when a crew would need to land. I feel that a base of operations would have to be in an area that's more accessible all the time.
>Nothing there.
What is Helium 3?
proof of concept
If we were advanced enough for off-planet mining or something, maybe. It's just not feasible right now. We don't do interplanetary travel yet.
that's what i said. 45 years. you ok man?
>unnecessary stop
why do you say that? if we're going to explore beyond our world, wouldn't it make sense to be able to maintain a base on our closest and easiest to reach neighbor? and then once we can do that, we can reach out to Mars an beyond?
you faggots all sound like a bunch of normies
Because we never actually walked there to begin with.
An isotope that might be useful when nuclear fusion is economically viable (it may never be)
>Why haven't men walked on the Moon in 45 years?
I wonder
I'm pretty sure we're decades away from being able to collect/store/utilize anything off world at the moment, and as there's no current demand for that to fill, spend vast fortunes to collect a supply would not be a worthwhile venture.
>Why haven't men walked on the Moon in 45 years?
The first time we went was a giant game of political grandstanding against the Soviet Union. We haven't been given sufficient grounds to budget a trip for any other purpose.
Lack of money, public interest, and political commitment.
Its orbital period is 28 days.. and you think space agencies are incapable of calculating its position and planning in advance? Do you think we just randomly launch rockets into the sky to dock at the ISS?
Fallen angels reside on the moon.
NASA finally caved to diversity hires
Niggers in general
Bleeding hearts and warhawks in power for the past 40 years
We decided suicide was a more important thing to invest in
It may be if we have a good supply of H3
Actually, having a staging area would allow something to be equipped with vast fuel supplies and stores, equipment and crew without having a massive gravitational field to break free from.
Because with no cold war rival there's no justification to spend that much money on it.
Maybe if China starts working on manned lunar landings we'll start it up again.
>if we're going to explore beyond our world, wouldn't it make sense to be able to maintain a base on our closest and easiest to reach neighbor?
No, it makes sense to maintain a base at a convenient refueling point like one of the lagrange points... not on the surface of a planet.
We just spent a whole shitload of fuel and money getting OUT of a gravity well, why would you want to go back down into another one?
Niggers!, of course. Just ask Gil Scott Heron.
Obviously because NASA found alien bases there and is hiding this knowledge from the rest of the world
stay woke
It's not that far in a spaceship.
>what is Helium-3
aliens told us to fuck off
>NASA finally caved to diversity hires
That's it! Let's send all the niggers to the moon.
but the escape velocity of the moon is 1/5 of the earth (2.38 km/s). not really a big deal compared to having humans live on the moon and learn from that.
How will they do at moon? building a hut?
Moon Spiders
how would they breath?
how would they not freeze to death?
>Why haven't men walked on the Moon in 45 years?
because there really is no reason to go back as of now. Mars is by far more useful to humanity.
Buzz Aldrin took a massive shit when he was there and the stench has gotten so bad that micro air scrubbers in space suits can no longer work fast enough to eliminate the smell
And you don't need to be a scientist to know that space suit + excessive vomiting = bad
Something the galactic wizard guild explicitly added to our peace treaty prohibiting it's mining
Literally a tour group you nigger
Read that with a sexy historian narrative voice. Male or female.
Best post that post
Who cares?
There are a handful of research places that can use it for study but we can actually use. Nuclear, thorium, and other things are more than worth investing more into and cheaper/easier to stand up and use by far.
Kek, making the darky man do work....
They can all lay in one big frozen/desiccated pile.
They awoke something
>dig and find something
There's not enough useful shit on the Moon to make sending people there worth it. There's barely enough to make sending MACHINES worth it.
At least Mars has ice and an atmosphere. The Moon is a pock-marked gray desert with a black abyss hovering over it. Nobody wants to go hang out there.
That one dude sitting at the console waiting for all these dumb bitches to get out of his mission control so he can get back to waiting for Opportunity to report back that it ran into another fucking rock, Jesus Christ rover get your shit together
>We can create a small headquarters, or some kind of facility.
Easier on mars in just about every way. Closer does not mean easier in space when you are just sending supplies, so long as you properly plan launch windows.
Mars is by far easier to work with
>Land on moon
>Moon dust is literally like microscopic razor blades
>If you put some into your hand then rubbed your hands together your hands would be bleeding all over
the triangle of terroooorrrrrr
What is fuel station for space exploration?
Can you elaborate Mr. Musk?
I think we ought to start sending people there right away, ready or not. We need something to take our minds off the daily grind here on earth. The moon shows really alleviated some cold war pressures.
>Mars has a light atmosphere, cooling things is much easier than no atmosphere
>Mars has more gravity
>Atmosphere can slow down micrometeorites, the moon can't
>Temperature on mars is far more reasonable to work with current tech helping in conserving power for other things
>Minerals and water
>areobreaking for landings
>far more resources to use compared to the moons dust
just a few
That's a ton of delta-v you've just added to whatever trip you were planning to make.
Let's say you want to go from the Earth to Mars.
It's about 10 km/s to get to LEO, another 6 km/s to get to Mars orbit straight from Low Mars Orbit using a Hohmann Transfer maneuver.
If you stop at the Moon first, it's 10 to LEO, a little under 4.8 to lunar orbit, about 1.8 to get to the surface, refuel, then another 1.8 to get back to orbit, and then another 4 to get from lunar orbit to Mars orbit.
That's a whole bunch of needless extra work and it ultimately adds about 40% more delta-v to your trip.
Leaving the moon is not a big of an issue as stopping on the moon. Landing in a gaseous atmosphere is by far easier than no atmosphere because the gasses are helping you slow down
They spent a billion dollars building a base in Iraq.
>all these retarded niggers that never even bothered to pay attention in class
The moon, like every celestial body, is fucking loaded with ores
the moon in particular has absolute fucktons of Titanium
"They" didn't like it when we intruded on them
We had a limited amount of visits to satisfy the people now we are banned
It's too high atm.
We went to the moon as a matter of national pride, to beat the Russians in the crown jewel of the space race. After we beat them, all there was to do at the time was collect some rocks and leave some scientific instruments--- which we did.
These days, there's reason to go back, which is why there's interest in the moon. #1 is He3--- an isotype of Helium that allows for easy sustained fusion. That will be the oil of the future. Other reasons to go to the moon is to go learn how to live long term in a much more hostile space environment so humans can migrate off this little ball of water and dirt and live out in the solar system.
Final reason is to make sure the moon isn't used as a military base to allow one nation or force to conquer the world. Set up a few mag lev rails on the moon, and you can hurtle iron boulders at earth targets. Just make them a moderate size, and they will be able to hit any place on earth with the force of nuclear weaponry and without any nasty fall out to worry about.
Because we have hd cameras.
Checc em
yeah that's what he said
Once you break out of LEO, why would you then go down into another gravity well that you will have to climb out of? From an efficiency point of view, it doesn't make sense.
Now, if we can find 6 zillion tons of water ice, now we have a reason to go back down into the Moon's gravity well. Water ice could be used as rocket fuel and provide resupply for oxy supplies.
But we might not need that much rocket fuel in the future, depending on how strong we can make "reactionless/fueless" propulsion engines.
Not quite.
Mars's atmosphere makes landing on Mars very difficult. Only 50% of all the Mars landers launched from Earth have ever successfully landed on Mars.
Mars's distance makes it very risky to travel to it, back from it, or just live without a large human city with its support systems.
The Moon is just 3 days away under current proven rocket technology.
Mars is at least 9 months away under current proven rocket technology.
There are some rocket technology waiting to be proven, such as VASMIIR, that could shorten that trip to just 4 to 6 weeks. At that travel time, the risk of travelling between Earth and Mars drops tremendously. But its still more dangerous than a naval voyage around the earth in the 1500s.
Americuck only went to the moon because they were butthurt the ruskies were BTFO them in the space race. So they moved the goalposts to something that really didn't matter at all and pretended that meant they won, because first satellite and first man in space aren't as important.
Meanwhile, Australians were...
...wait, have Australians ever done anything?
"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win." -JFK
Truth hurts doesn't it americuck?
iirc you can grow food in mars ground
makes it much better than on the moon
omg senpai read this literally the last thing this guy said before he died of natural causes
>the commies are kicking our ass in space so I decree the government will cut a blank check and spend unimaginable amounts of your tax dollars on a pissing competition we already lost, to prove that capitalism is superior than command economies and socialism
And to top it off, the ruskies are STILL beating you in space.
I thought mars had less gravity since it has less mass? Or am I retarded, also long term effects would also weaken bone density which aint good
Our race will die on this planet. God help us.
Fucking women need to dive on everything, dumb it down the be like
>Look at me, im a woman, i can do this too
Bitch you're setting the clock on a microwave while you male colleague just discovered 5 new stars
But he will get gender sensitivity training while you get an award for getting the numbers on the microwave to stop blinking.
Sounds like somebody needs to get laid.
Holy shit, i thought no one would post it. I've done months of research on the topic and I came to the same conclusion.
There are currently Fallen Angels on Earth and they abduct people from our National Forests.
Don't believe me? Look into the "missing41" phenomena
Humans will only leave LEO on suicide missions. Bartierchen and turtles are the ultimate apex of viable cosmonaut.
americans never went to the moon and the original broadcast footage has conveniently disappeared
all we're left with is shit quality recordings
if they went back they would have better quality cameras which would reveal the fakeness of the set
...especially considering your obesity of body & brain.
mars is more massive than our moon
Pretty much. Isn't it funny you can trace the West's decline to the early liberation of women in the 1920's? When they where chaste,loyal,elegantly but modestly dressed and their education consisted of manners refinement and finishing school the West ruled the world. Seems to me the jew and the black are not as much the cause of the decay as stupid women with a chip on their shoulders and delusional dreams and ego. Get your whores back in line for Christs sake. Women destroy empires.