>Still not a vegan
Are you even into ethics, pal?
>Still not a vegan
Are you even into ethics, pal?
Who cares about animals? I bet you think niggers, chinks, arabs, kikes and women should have rights too.
But vegetables are literally alive you fucking monster.
Sage in all fields
Starting to think I'll never actually see the sauce on this webm
Only vegans get the links
>stream slut won't stop pausing and speaking to the audience/donors
don't do it. shit's dangerous and turns you into a full libcuck. i tried it. i know. no more.
I'm vegan, I haven't ingested animal products in at least 12 hours.
average vegan
gal's name is lana rain
don't have the link for you sorry matey
God said I can eat meat. So I don't see the issue.
vegans fucking retarded but ive been vegetarian for 2 years now after always being a person who called vegetarians faggots. ive never been healthier but that could also be from working out. eating flesh and skin and blood and muscle just started to gross me out and i have 5 dogs and two cats and hamsters and was like what the fuck stops people from eating these guys or even humans or any mammal and got kindof grossed out. also stopped smoking weed and cigarettes and any drugs at all so that could also be why i feel amazing
This happens, I've noticed too.
Care to elaborate why?
Stop eating meat.
I would eat humans if it was legal to murder them.
>Are you even into ethics, pal?
No, Not really
I'd be interested to know whether individual vegetarians/vegans would consume meat synthetically grown and approved for widespread consumption.
How they answer would really give some insight into their choices.
>implying i don't think higher of animals than nogs and arabs
Wew lad
what ethics?
we still kill fetuses they are more human can cows..
silly half measures cunt.
Its veganism or nihilism, how can anyone claim to have a shred of decency or to be in any way civilized when their disgusting eating habits gives the lie to this.
I cannot imagine what it is like to be so shit-your-pants dumb as not to be able to comprehend why this is a deal breaker for a decent existence for future generations.
I might be game to try synthetically grown meat once or twice "for science", but the concept of eating flesh grosses me out. I could never imagine it being a part of my regular diet.
I support the idea of further research into synthetic meats if it can become environmentally sustainable and reduce the number of animals slaughtered each year. But I've discovered there are a lot of health benefits to not having animal products as part of one's diet, so really... the simplest solution - and the best one for the environment and animal welfare - still seems to be going entirely plant-based.
Any idea how old she is? Could just be a history of drug abuse but her skin looks 50.
Yeah no bitches nowadays care too much about fucking animals and have dogs/cats instead of children.
Animals were made to be ruled and eaten, if you think their feelings are that important you should conclude it's ok to fuck them (which is not, that's why veganism is the cover-up of the zoophilia promoting psyop)
You can't call yourself a man if you can't hunt and cook an animal.
Have it on my computer. Not home though. It's disappointing desu
look at colin kapernick
>be first string QB on a playoff team
>go vegan
>get put on 3rd string
>team goes 2-14
I kill my animals the Halal way
Because I haven't met a vegan who isn't gay and I don't want to be lumped in with them or give them an excuse to talk to me cause they're insufferably boring and constantly revert to "I'm gay" or "I'm vegan" as some sort of conversational hook. I also have black out if I don't get enough calories and most vegan food is low calorie or not appetizing to me.
hell yeah, man. eating honey is unethical as fuck!
>no one yet mentioning the obvious phone shit post this is
I fucking hate all of you.
except red meat on fridays or during lent..... dont be a fucking degenerate...
>when we rationalize extermination of 2/3 of the population.
Idiot vegans have never farmed.
1 cow has trillions of Lifeforms in its shit. It grows and deposits colonies all over a field creating flora and fauna colonies in the microbiome of the soil. They kill soil parasites and fungus w/ their hooves. when harvested the single cow will feed 100 people for 5-7 days.
along with many byproducts across industries.
vs say an equivalent field of vegetables. The land needs to be cleared, of nearly all fauna. 100's of thousands of birds frogs etc...
Millions of insects, and Huge swaths of plantlife. Before planting even occurs. Then to grow a batch of crops you need to optimize the soil and if commercial, throw gallons of nutrients pesticides and herbicides on the ground destroying the biological wealth of the biome by killing Trillions of lifeforms/sq inch.
in order to feed one guy one cabbage.
Meat is murder sure but veganism is genocide.
Ecocide is a believe the proper term and adoption by any significant portion of the world will lead to Omnicide
>Are you even into ethics, pal?
I'm only into ethics in game journalism, buddy!
>current year
>still not killing your own meat
are you even into survival, pal?
Uh huh cunt... and what about all the needless land usage that is required to produce the feed for the livestock?
And the extra water and energy usage?
And what is your run off doing once it gets it into rivers and oceans?
Get the fuck out of here.
I'm vegetarian but not vegan. I avoid hygiene products that are tested on animals or contain animal products but I buy leather products. Are there any synthetic leathers that don't look like cheap and shitty?
Are you even serious about Neo-Nazism? Hitler was vegan. But oh no, this board is satire of course!
You mean... Grass? And dams? And all the no fertiliser involved in any of that?
Honestly you aren't even trying. Growing crops has way more run off and actually encourages river weed growth, causing more problems with the ecosystem.
Cows represent!
Without ethics you're same as a nigger.
He wasn't vegan but they were the first established country to ban vivisection and pass animal welfare laws.
I wonder if Trump will get a badass dog like Putin.
wtf I can eat meat now
Doing god's work user.
i tried to help you my good bong but the bitch has a copyright claim on it
Checked but delete this degeneracy.
Who is he?
vegans are such moralfags, fine be vegan if that's what you prefer but the fucking constant preaching. ok we get it, you're vegan so you think that makes your morally superior.
WTF how sad of a mother fucker do you have to be to cling to a diet as a point of moral superiority.
it really is pathetic when you think about it
Ethics =/= Morals
Ethics =/= Inteligence
Lana Rain.
Plant based diet is the most optimal for health and the environment. Veganism for ethical reasons is okay
She must shit more than a bus load of Mumbai rapists
I know right eh? Just like those heterosexuals.
I mean people get so preachy about not throwing little kids in the back of the van and throwing them in a ditch when I've had my way with them... I can't see why anyone would be angry right?
I mean who are they to stop me violently exploiting something innocent that can't comprehend what is being done to it for my own needless hedonism.
Fucking vegans, on and on about wanting humanity to have a chance at a decent existence where we don't consume everything in about 150 years bequeathing our children millennia on a bleak empty hell.
Live and let live. Don't preach anons.
I'm a vegan.
comparing an animal to a human being.
I am afraid you're right about this one. It is far more expensive to raise meat for consumption than it is to raise plans for consumption
>Still not /fit/
Are you even into protein, OP?
Plus all of the chemicals used to keep the cows healthy
Yeah smart people can do that user who would have thought.
Tends to go hand in hand with an awareness of climate change and of course of our resource limits which we are rapidly running up against.
By the way ever known anyone in the slaughter industry? I do, lots of mental illness. A lot of guys tend to drop out after a few months. Can't hack the relentless killing.
One of the most miserable fucks I know runs an abattoir.
Personally I'd feel a right cunt letting another low paid working man take the psychological bullet for me there, but have at it.
The good thing is peak oil is pretty much going to force the issue at some point anyway. As soon as oil rationing comes in it will preferentially allocated to the most efficient means of agricultural production (fucking plants). Assuming we don't nuke each other over the remaining oil at some point in the next century.
2017 looking like a sknny faggot and letting halfa negro fuck his women.
yea continue to cuck yourself eating fag food
How much ya bench? How much ya dead-lift faggot?
>whiny beta cuckboi