Operation B.A.B.B.Y

Let's meme up the White birthrates!
Easy meme generator is here: just-girly-things.minify.hu/
Grab a pic, dream up a caption, and meme more white families into existence!

Previous thread(s): >>(if applicable/easy to find)

This is a normie-tier propaganda campaign intended to promote the traditional nuclear family and help to offset our demographic displacement. Overt racism is beyond the scope of this, make your own thread/propaganda. Race is to be implied by selecting images of families that have people of the same race. We want to increase white birthrates, but also while restoring the traditional family.

Recommended distribution methods are Pinterest and Tumblr. DO NOT USE TROLL ACCOUNTS TO SPREAD THESE. Recommended stylizing is lower case captions with a period (full stop) at the end. Where possible, select images that reinforce the ideal nuclear family.


Other urls found in this thread:


>gf and I want to have white babbies
>I'm terrified she will get pregnant with a grill

What do?

OP's image is no good
Too serious
Will make young women, the demographic we want, shy away from the thought of the responsibility and permanence of it

Shit, forgot to edit previous in

Fug her
It is okay if you have a grill
Your gf is a grill and she clearly was good enough for you to love her
Just raise your girls in a way you think will let them be happy adults

So make a better image and share here, faggot

Stick to "cuddling." or "nap time." or "sweet dreams."

I dont got da tools to do that and Im about to nod off

Tools are in the OP, meme generator website. You only need a source image and an imagination

In the last thread a femanin said something about having/ not having children. Anyway as a different femanon, let me share my story:

Married my 2nd BF at 19/as a Mormon & a virgin had our 1st child at 21, 2d at 24 & our last at 27. By our 2nd I learned he was addicted to speed when he told me he was due to start a PRISON sentence after testing dirty 3x while on probation. I'd been going to college at night while staying home with the kids, this left me with 2 weeks to find a job to pay for everything. The .com bubble hadn't burst yet & I knew networking as well as Photoshop & illustrator as I studied graphic design so found a job at a Sega & Nintendo 3rd party developer. Mom watched the kids while I worked. He came out 8 months later & I said unless he went to rehab we were done. He did, I paid for it.

3 months later he wore an e-monitor so no job but at least he was watched the kids. I got pregnant soon after (missed my BC while he was in prison. I definitely did not wanna have a 3rd child without us owning a home & being so financially insecure but he convinced me to keep it (which wasn't hard given my Mormon upbringing) We had our 3rd child & a month before her 1st birthday he was arrested again. He to prison for 6 months.

Was ready for a divorce but he convinced me to give him another chance, so again he went to rehab, came out, things were great for a few months then the verbal abuse when waking up after sleeping 3 days became physical & in front of our daughters.


Whenever you make one of these propaganda pieces they need to have the same feel as the real ones. The first letter of the message should be lower case, and there should be a period at the end. Otherwise it looks way too coarse and looks like a guy made it, something we obviously don't want. These are catered to females by (((females))), so make it look like it. Also try to put the text in the center with the justgirlythings tag either under it or in one of the bottom corners. White text with a black shadow is also a necessity. Try to use a soft font, nothing too rigid.

Pt 2-Last stroke was on vacation thru several states both ways, when we stopped in Vegas before returning to Cali. Our last night there I found out he'd been carrying a huge bag of shit & I lost it cause he brought that into my family's home in SLC, crossing interstate lines with our 3 kids with us. When I confronted him he beat the living shit out of me while yelling all kinds again in front our girls. I drove us home while he was passed out & that was the last straw for me, my marriage to the man I thought I'd grow old with ended.

To recap, I was a virgin, gave him 3 daughters, was always faithful, cooked & cleaned for my family, even as I had to return to work, stayed with him 4 years after I found out about his drug use, put up with increasing abuse because I didn't want to be a single met. In the end I wound up divorced with 4, 7 & 10 y/o kids, something I never wanted, haven't dated cuz I' not about to bring a man I to my girls home. Our oldest just turned 18, still have6 years til our youngest iis 18.

tl;dr I never wanted to be a working mom, nevermind a single mom but my ex-husband's beatings & drug use left me that way, so I agree with the other femanon's view given that I'd have had 4 kids if my ex wasn't such a fuckup.

Eh alright



I'm going to bed, will post some of the ones I made in last thread in future threads if this keeps up..

here's an updated version of one of my better ones..

Exactly, thank you. As I've been saying throughout all of these threads:
Follow the format.
Keep it simple.
Keep it cutesy.
Make it pretty; these are for girls and not you stupid fags.



We should also start the distribution phase soon. We could make memes all day but isn't the objective to spread these far and wide to all of our future qt wyatt waifius?

Suggestions for the pastebin are appreciated. I'll be off to bed soon, but I'll check this thread when I wake up

That's in the pastebin, well- part of that is already in there.

>for girls
They're for both, but girls are more likely to use that pinterest shit

Busy at work but I have some catch phrases

>not being alone
>shopping for baby clothes
>baby showers
>gender reveal parties
>picking out baby names
>eating for 2
>crazy pregnancy cravings
>having baby fever
>pregnancy heartburn


Some already have started to distribute them.

>pregnancy heartburn
wtf no. Don't remind them about anything bad that could come from being pregnant.
>not being alone
Yes if you do it right. Focus on the "together" part, you want them to be longing for a life partner, not depressed and scared.
>shopping for baby clothes
>baby showers
>gender reveal parties
>picking out baby names
>eating for 2
Yes, perfect.

What do we do about the family court situation and it's extreme bias against men? It's a huge part of why so many men don't want jackshit to do with marriage.

Where? Post links please.

This propaganda is intended to encourage coupling and procreation DESPITE that shit. Meme it up, user.

Check previous threads. Here's one of them:

Try and try again.

Kek Recommends we begin Pinterest....

...And Kek is right on target. Pinterest's userbase is smaller than Instagram's but is predominantly female. We can use it as a testing ground before launching it into outer space.

I read your story and that sounds terrible. Sounds like you did the right thing though.

Can you attribute at least a portion of your success to faith and family?

Here are all of them that I've made so far. Use and distribute as you like.


Holy fuck how gay can you guys get bahahahaha

And to be real, this isn't going to help white birthrates go up at all. Complete dellusion.

>operation baby

Oh lord hahahaha

kek how you feelin' honkies

Updated with (hopefully) less autistic caption from previous thread

thank you based user, i have to go to sleep but i will try to get on this tomorrow!

The divorce rate among couples with children is 40 percent lower than couples without children.

Google it.

Wow 4chin is full of white trash hoes. Not sure we want any more white people guys.There's not enough food stamps for you skanks too.

Sup Forums has become the Jews.

That happens when you fight the monster for too long, you eventually become it.

>delete Genesis and serpent memes
>make vaginas look better
Good luck: youtube.com/watch?v=if1zBr0hw2U

Lads, it's 6 am and I'll have uni for 12 hours soon but this is one of the rare cases in which memes are easily translatable.
We need a German/French/Nordick/Russian division, shouldn't be too hard.
Keep this shit alive, once it's picked up by grills it'll run on its own.
Godspeed kekkites.

I will use a surrogate because faggot master race

To beat the jew...you must become the jew

Don't forget Italian and Spansih

>you become the monster
>the monster fought against what we're fighting for

He's the only one roaring.....

You are most definitely welcome. It's kind of fun. I hope it catches on.

>typing out hahaha

please neck yourself on a livestream

I'm mixed white and hispanic, I shoot loads in all colors of women.

Imagine seeing the MGTOW faggot's reaction if this is successful. They will be crying over the sandman jew failling them.


Is sandman a literal Jew?

>a leaf telling someone to neck themselves

Good one.

You should push the notion of "having a kid that looks just like you".

MGTOW was made by jews so most likely. Anybody who wants whites to die off is more likely kosher.

Is this any good? You won't beleive how hard it is to find a genuinely white family on google images. Also, I'm not too sure if this is really going to help our cause. Wouldn't it promote birthrates for non whites as well?

>becoming Jews = promoting health families

Monsters wanting redpilled people to have child OK THEN.

expecting isn't the right word. Make it simpler.

Minorities wouldn't even view the images, That's why stuff like black twitter exists. It's like Social Media Segregation

I think the caption is too long. Also, see the OP and for tips. keep the first letter lowercase. try to make it "girly"

Here I wrote these up use them how you wish.

For women:

"I don't need mace if I have grace."

"My body is my temple."

"Every king needs his queen."

"He is my rock, I am his light."

"Together we are more than just a thing."

"I can fly higher knowing he is there's to keep me grounded."

Here's more that are more satirical and can appeal to MGTOW and degenerate types...

(Picture of a family, emphasizing the guys prespective)

(Picture of a family in a living room, kids playing with toys, everyone with smiles on their faces)
"No dungeon is as challenging and fulfilling than this one."

"The digital can wait for the physical"

"You can't find purpose in pixels."

"A night life makes you miss out on life."

"A selfie a day keeps the humility away."

For men in general:
"My duty. My purpose. Their love."

"A man can create a masterpiece with more than just his hands."

"Purpose gets me up in the morning. Integrity let's me sleep at night. Their love carries me through the day."

"Being responsible doesn't mean you can't have fun" (use this to defeat marriage = less sex trope)

"Love and dedication are more than just words."

"My hands are rough so their lives aren't tough."

Yeah the first threads were all about that.
All the "when she has your eyes" and pictures of ladies with their mini-me toddlers.

this thread deserves bumps

can we re post this thread every hour like the maga threads. this needs to be a thing

Things only parents know: That AMAZING new baby smell. Almost like freshly baked bread but way better.

Check the digits /pol

Nice, OP! Here, have this 14/88 bump.

MGTOW is a faggot cult.

Bunch of whiny selfish weak betas who don't know how to grab a woman by the pussy, penetrate the pussy with a hard dick and blow a load.

A woman who cannot take a man's abuse short of severe physical beatings is weak.

i'm guessing the majority of MGTOW have some sort of image fantasy of their perfect girlfriend. And after hours of searching on the internet or around their home town they finally find some girl who matches their visual fantasy, only to be rejected hard like the creeps they are seen to be.

You may as well just rename MGTOW to; "The Elliot Rogers Foundation for Males"

"counting down the days." or "stability." or "beauty in all things."

grill detected


Even old Sup Forums thought they were a bunch of losers.


This is dated 2014 mind you.

Not sure
What about,
love grows love.

You need pictures of hot white guys saying how much they love girls who have their babies.

White babies need to be seen as a way to snag hot guys and a status symbol. 90% of that is overlap. Having white babies must be seen as the easy life, too.

Socially validating
Get hot guy dickings
No need to work.

It's the only way white women will go for it.

Deabins yourself for Eve is the definition of cuckoldry. God doesn't care if we don't fuck apples and the sloppy seconds of the Nephilim. In fact He prefers this and allowed surrogacy. Nobody knows what sodomy is and they engage in it by being inhospitable rapist assholes. Angels have no gender so where we twisted this into gays has to do with Platonic Complementarity and the Shekinah hoax. The only thing that has tits and a cock in that realm is Lucifer. Not God. Not Adam. Adam is glory of God. Eve is glory of man. Be fruitful means to do good. Not "go fuck". Man and woman were put here to walk with God and with eachother. All the curses had to do with shame and nudity. Christ came on the same tree we all died on. And died as a perfect ransom in order to save us. FROM ALL THIS! Go ahead and touch your neck for me. Tell me why there's a huge lump there and why we called it what we did. I'm convinced God would not have this. Adam is image and then we fell. Use your brains


Honestly not to faith. Just self determination to give my girls a better childhood than I had, so that's kept me going. All my girls ply one classical iinstrument + guitar or bass. I always took them to museums while they were going. The pride of seeing my oldest graduate HS with honors, a 3.8 GPA while taking AP classes wat hing tbem performing is a high for me.

reposting for inspiration

Gross. Am grill, hate baby smell.

How do darkies feel about their kids having beady, colorless eyes and alien ass faces, no matter what they fucking reproduce with?

What fucking food stamps you moron? I worked and continue to work to support my family. No child support BTW. No handouts of any kind either you spazz.

Yes Goys white women and children are evil go your own way.

Great blog!

Can i friennd u on facebook?

Is this better? Any of you know a good place to find real white (not mongrel) family pictures? I kinda want to find really cute photos.

bumping for trips

god bless white people

God creates. I do not directly proCREATE. If I want an Eve COMPANION whom is a man then I find this makes me less feminist. And I wasn't the only one! The longest love story in Bible is David/Jonathan. Centurion important here too. If you doubt me on the former, remember Jonathan's dad asked him why he chose David and "uncovered his mother's nakedness". And why David said the love Jonathan gave him was more wonderful and greater than that of all women

I'm about to "meme" up some white kids

Gf came from a family of 4 so we will have at least 4. I'm shooting for an old school prime like 5 or 7


Hey Lori look at this funny picture I found.

Hispanic isnt a race. Its a language group.

No shit user. I posted my story previously.

That's good, but add a period at the end of the sentence to keep in the same syle. Source pics are hard to find, with the way jewgle operates.

You guys did something. Were banished. You created my sex and we came after you. Mankind always needs to geet rescued because he is so vain and retarded. Serpent. Don't eat this. Ate it. Fucked us all up. Man follows in this. "Somehow". Ushers Christ. It's also probably genetic (xq28). I don't really care. If I thought children were evil I wouldn't say "go use a surrogate". If you don't want to fuck men if you don't curse yourself with other things, you wont. But the same applies for me

Probably pretty good since their genes are dominant, they destroy all weaker white genes.

Yep, good except what the other user said, and recenter the words. Primary text could float off in the green in front of her, put the justgirlythings in the lower left corner

Christ said the marriage parable doesn't apply to all men. And what is a "born eunuch"? It's not hermaphrodites. Enjoy your thread. I mean brainwashing

> Debasing yourself for Eve

You realize that when I tell my girlfriend to go make a sandwich, it often happens.

Maybe you're not bathing your baby well enough or keeping his/her diaper area well cleaned and powdered? Not trying to be mean but clean baby smell is awesome.


The government will give tax breaks to white families, my digits confirm.

Daily reminder that leaves are fucking creeps.

Cause they trapped