Will they get a pardon on the 19th?
Will they get a pardon on the 19th?
no fucking way - better chance on the 20th
Not Snowden but Manning maybe.
Praise kek and ye shall see.
Who is the middle one?
Obama commuting manning's sentence or pardoning bergdahl would be the final and biggest fuck you he could give the military. I want to see it happen. Simply for the even more noticeable shit stain it will leave on his already trash legacy.
So he was a deserter? That opposed the Afghanistan war? Why would you enlist in the army if you were disillusioned by the war effort?
Because he is a turd. Most likely joined for the military welfare and free school. There are a lot of those people in the military who love the benifits but don't think they should have to deploy.
I hope Snowden and Bergdahl get executed.
Snowden is a lying Russian spy and Bergdahl is a dirtbag traitor.
Snowden is proof of why the NSA isn't militarized enough, and Bergdahl is proof of why muslims and liberals should be restricted from the military.
No. There's no conceivable reason why they should be given one.
Also this. So many fucking losers enlist under the pretense of "gibsmedat" that when they're told to do the job they signed up for they lose their shit.
>purposely failing apft
>purposely pissing hot
>missing movement (top fucking rekt)
>they just plain stop showing up
Gotcha. What are your guys opinions on women in the military? From what I have read they abuse the benefits the most
Some are good, some are bad. Just like men. Honestly liberals tend to abuse benefits the most, the best service people I know to this day have been female but the worst were also female.
Trump should pardon "Bradley Manning"
What Snowden did was worse than 9/11. He should be executed.
>Soros Open Society cuck
>traitorous deserter and Muslim
>traitor who killed American soldiers
How about we hang them all?
>Snowden is proof of why the NSA isn't militarized enough
Ummm.. How about the NSA doesn't offload it's unconstitutional interception programs to intelligence contractors to avoid whistle-blower protections for the people operating said programs.
he is a CIA infiltrator sent to go deep on Afghanis and this rescue mission was to recover a valuable asset. It was never supposed to hit the mainstream press like this.
Bergdahl is a CIA phony, it's blindingly obvious.
>fake paper trail
>highly intelligent yet becomes a grunt
>oh poor me messages to the world
>disappears for 5 fucking years
>oh shit, better get that nigger RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW RIGHT NOW after 5 years
>trade 5, f i v e assets for him
He's a spook and he's being debriefed and deprogrammed as we speak.
Manning dumped a bunch of shit to Wikileaks over gays in the mlitary ban which Obabo lifted anyways
Manning pissed off two or three groups: those who are opposed to LGBT and leaking and the anti-Wikileaks group which is now "progressives.
Snowden, who despite some slapfights with Assange is also associated with Wikileaks.
manning might get one because it would be progressive. i doubt snowden would, considering the whole russia meme the establishment is pushing, and i don't see why bergdahl would. i hope they all get the rope except snowden tbqh
>Why would you enlist in the army if you were disillusioned by the war effort?
Many reasons:
1. Retarded. Like most people who enlist
2. Benefits. Like a lot of people who enlist. Also retarded.
3. Just plain fucking retarded.
There's a reason any little shit who's 18 can up and sign up. When they're out with their "benefits", with some being taken away, with PTSD and other mental ailments they can't handle because they've never learned self-reflection and they've never learned handle to handled their mental state very well, so they rely on meds and other people to tell them what's going on in their head. Some are extremely prideful while others become total recluses because they realize how much of a waste their life was.
> Chelsea
Top kek
I'd like to see Trump strongarm the release of Assange. Snowden? Maybe. Fuck these other cunts.
Heroes and patriots, shining a light on the real traitors.
There are actually some intelligent t people in combat arms.
> Some are extremely prideful while others become total recluses because they realize how much of a waste their life was.
It would not have been a waste if obama hadn't just given up for no reason.
Trump should pardon Manning and give Snowden a fair trial but not pardon because he ran the country like a little pussy. (I would have done the same)
lel but liberals have been demonizing WikiLeaks for months now. How are they going to justify releasing Chelsea Manning?
lol retard
Probably a trial with leaniant pumitive action
He has Berg in his name. The military is going to have him rot in Leavenworth
Berg maybe, I want to know if Obama is corrupt enough to pardon Blagojevich. If he were to pardon Lois Lerner there would be cries for blood in the streets.
Isn't Snowden OTR saying he'd accept a trial if he was sure it would be fair?
I think this is most likely. I can't see him reading omg a bunch of terrorists for berghdahl and then letting a trump/mattis led military put the guy over a barrel
>slapfights with assange
Should but won't.
Should but won't.
Should be executed by a firing squad made up of members of the unit he betrayed.
I fucking hope he pardons that grey haired fuck. Always felt like Illinois was a great example of why liberalism doesn't work, is broken and corrupt. Fucking hate Illinois.
No, you really think obongo is going to pardon 3 whites? Not a chance.
Totally should. Won't. Manning saw a lot of things he thought was wrong and tried to report them. He was shot down, mocked, and told to shut the fuck up. So, he sent the files out. He never denied it, never asked for mercy, never backed down. If he doesn't want his balls, I'll take them.
None of them will be. Manning and Snowden least of all. They betrayed the Obama administration, why would he pardon them?
not a chance
He might have a chance with Trump.
snitches get stitches
Who cares really.
Snowden is part of a very important psyop.
lel drumpfkins are braindead
Yes. Also he should help out assange
>inb4 hes ded
the way i see it is they should all be shot. every country spies on every country and they all do less than legal things. exposing your own country only hurts everyone and gives our rivals an advantage. it's complicated and fucked up, but this is the world we live in. there was other options these people had yet they took the easy way out
>not striving for a higher moral standard
what makes our rivals better than us, seriously
why is our country being ahead a good thing if all it has to show for itself is moral depravity
A lot of the more recent wars and terrorist uprisings are the result of the west's past shady activities. Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, all of these were fucked up in some way and they all came back to bite it in the ass
the sort of thing you're advocating might give one a minor advantage in the short term, but in the long term, all it's done is make things worse for everyone.