My gf broke up with me because I voted for trump

My dumbass friend told her

I was gonna marry this stupid girl now my life is over I guess

Other urls found in this thread:

She's just using that as an excuse, it's pretty clear you're just a loser

what a dumb whore

Kill yourself.

>*kisses you on the neck*

kill yourself


You lost her when you pulled the beta begging shit. No girl finds that attractive.

Kill yourself and remove your weakness from the gene pool immediately.

jeez guys tell me how you really feel

C-c-can't I j-just not have k-kids?

Cucked by your own opinions. Be a man and have some goddamn conviction for your beliefs. I'm far more worried for you than your relationship when you're so willing to shame your own beliefs for a little pussy.


You shouldn't be begging to her. You should be throwing her ass on the street for voting for an enemy of the United States of America

How do I be a better man for my girl user. I NEED TO KNOW PLS??

Pls respond.

what all the other posters here mean to say is, an hero OP

Dunno about other anons but this is my legitimate opinion. Never let anyone shame you into shaming your own opinions my man. You're better than that

Wow what a turbo cuck holy fuck dude.

We aren't your fucking girlfriend quit crying to us faggot, either kill yourself or grow some balls.

face it op, you're a cuck. might as well just off yourself


Don't move your stuff. Continue to live (is this in your apartment? lol). If she tries to destroy all of it, call the cops

holy fucking shit cringe

you deserve it

this. you deserve this if youre just pussy whipped. sorry excuse for a man

I honestly surprised this caliber of absolute dogshit posting isn't from a leaf


that's some cringey shit man

Being a man means strength, courage, and assertiveness.

Something OP showed nothing of

Dude, you should be glad.

Why the fuck would you marry someone like that?

>all these faggots falling for this b8
Good work m8

why did you jump immediately to "i'll kill myself"

that probably made her self-righteous panties moist

End your fucking life, right the fuck now.

>the woman is the boss of the relationship

this has to be fake.

so disgusted at what Sup Forums has become

ok I'm taking your guys' advice and cutting out the begging shit

I'm switching it out with lovey Dovey shit though so I'm not sure if that's any better

You're a weak, ineffectual faggot with no grit and no balls.

She was right to leave you, the reason doesn't even matter.

call her a dumb cunt

>You literally support a racist, misogynist, fascist rapist. You voted for a monster.

user, who the actual shit are you dating? Is this the only option you could opt for? Probably a fat cow with dyed hair?

Any pics?

If this isn't fake you should kill yourself. Kill her, your family, the neighbours then eventually yourself. Do it, it's for the greater good.

Check these digits then throw her in an industrial plastic shredder

She deserves better.

Also, what a bitch. No, YOU deserve better.

You're both too immature for a relationship. Focus on your schooling and getting a good job, then worry about girls kiddo.

Be confident you mothafuka, if you said that shit attach it and defend it. Just say you like some of his ideas and its not her business.

yeah you kinda deserve it

Who cares, she's trash.



If you have to do this shit, do it in person. Also just say no what the fuck, do you share an apartment? Whats the situation


End your fucking life now

Found the burger with tiny balls.
Seriously, fucking cringe.

I can do that. I promise. I'll be whatever you want me to be user. Just don't leave me. Pls let me know I am satisfying you emotionally. Please don't stop responding.

this, and checked

>all these people in this thread falling for this bait

you know theres a website that allows you to create fake smartphone convos right?

dumbasses *slices your neck with a katana*

Thank /r/The_Donald for bringing in all these faggots.

Keep it real. And make up for yourself after that *kisses you on the neck* bullshit, nigger.

Might as well just leave though. Girl sounds like she's got one disgusting cunt. Find yourself someone better, although I don't know if you can at this point. Literally fucking cucking yourself.

lmao you're such a fucking faggot holy shit

We're both 23 and we both have jobs bud

Ok so no to the lovey Dovey shit then
I should probably add this is my first girlfriend so this is all new to me

you have no self-respect



Thats coming from the least endowed country. They literally have to manufacture special tiny condoms just for India

What does that say about you?


Goddam it so much cringe, I seriously hope it's fake

I think OP dodged a bullet here anyway. If he married that chick she would have made his life a living hell. Pity he made himself look a little stupid, but no harm done, ultimately. This liberal whore's opinion is meaningless.
>yeah I know it's a scripted text and this whole thread is bait, just larping about being in a situation where I can have an opinion about something.

This can't be real. I can't believe somebody would use the "fuck Drumpf and fuck white people" line in a situation like this. R-right...?

ur a pussy mane just get a new women and get on with your hold

*gives you the kiss of death*

jokes playa you should kill yourself because you are not a man

Praise Kek. If she dropped you over such a minor thing, she was gonna screw you during marriage anyway. Now you are safe from such a fuck up and escaped her unmolested.

they'll get redpilled and go neet mode no worries

>*kisses you on the neck*
OP may just be, the biggest faggot i've ever seen

You can tell this is fake and you're a virgin cause no one talks like that

sage it newfags

What is this shit hahahaha this is #fakenews

>Ill be whatever you want me to be.

If you're not going to be yourself you should have never been born. What's the point of your birth if you're going to be what someone else wants you to be.

so in the scientific classification, cuckimus maxiums

what are you upset about user just date a hot white girl now. Stop being a pussy. Trump would not approve.

meh, i lost countless friends over this.

lost a bunch of girl interests too.

surprisingly, black girl who likes me doesn';t care at all.

it's for the best, user

your emotions are clouding your judgment right now.

fake and GAY

send her a pic of your balls tbqh

Hehe my girlfriend tried to pull that shit with me today. I stood my ground and made her look crazy. I told her that both candidates were literal shit and that liberals wouldn't even vote for hilarity. She is over texting me all day now

>I was gonna marry this stupid girl now my life is over I guess
You might as well KYS at this point right?

Just stop responding altogether. Even if she tries to talk again just don't respond at all for a couple of days. She'll show up at your doorstep

No idea why you want that though. And maybe she really isn't kidding either way stop replying

couldnt agree more,
jesus christ OP

this was painful to watch. I can't believe she stayed with you long enough to even give you her number...

You are much better off.

If you literally can't tell your girl what you think then what is the point of living? What sort of pussy bitch are you? You aren't even your own man if a girl can so easily carry your balls around in her purse!

Be strong, be firm. If that bitch walks anyway then just dump her ass. Whining, crying, etc will just make her feel justified. Women are actually heartless despite all the trash media they consume; none of that pitiful crap has any effect on her

Okay, listen.

You are not ready for marriage.
She is not ready for marriage.

I'm older than your ass, I've seen mature couples talk it out. You guys sound like highschool teens in your texts, not 23. This is not rational or normal in any way.

Take a stand for yourself, if she refuses to even talk then just walk out. Trust me, I'm saving you from divorce hell.

This is what you get for begging you beta male faggot.

Dude, just tell her to fuck off if she's too blind to see who you really are just because you voted for Trump.

Since she voted for Clinton I assume she's a lying, backstabbing coward who sucks Jewish dick for money and supports Saudi Arabia. See my point?

How many times do I have to say it before you actually kill yourself

Seems legit.

now your wojac

wtf do I say

I dunno user. I just got out of a thread along the lines of "WTF I HAET NAZIS NOW. Wow Hitler was an evil asshat! I'm with Trump but bigotry is sooooo wrong."

That my digits are checked

you sound like a cuck

Kys faggot, or grow some balls
You're better off without her if that's how she feels, if you had half a brain and one nut you'd see that



this is the only way to redeem yourself. start shoving redpills down her throat before she blocks you

kill her

This poo speaks true user, head the advice.

Hi all you new faggots. This is fake. It's not only fake but obviously so, because it rehashes a well-established template developed by a group of paid trolls called CTR (Correct The Record). They tried this same script every day all through the campaign. That and we are getting spammed with this new "screengrab" version lately. And no disciple of Kek would talk like this, bother us with this personal nonsense, or in all likelihood have a girlfriend. The operating premise here is that we will have to change our ideology in fear of our family disowning us, our employer firing us, or, in this variant, our girl leaving. Because we based on beliefs on pleasing others, right?
Do not reply to spam, instead ignore it, or sage and hide.

OP You got nothing to lose , so listen to me for a sec , women love to be treated like trash , reply with this

> I cant believe I loved someone so politically bigoted , My condolences to you're future partners.

Do not respond or reply to anything she says after that.

Give it a week and she will be begging for the d.

>tfw able to change my gf's liberal ways
>with saying "kisses you on the neck"
what a fag.

tell her yes so you can atleast prep the bull and watch

OP if she acts like this fuck her. Find a different woman. Join an org and ask one out to coffee it's not hard. Treat them under you but not too extreme. Avoid extra desperation

>ameriturds still use sms