

Why does he keep lying? I voted for the man but this just pisses me off.


No you didnt cnn

sneaky jew


That's just some fucking random picture. It means nothing.

Shut the fuck up, please.


herrr durrr my source is a shitty actor

Secret ink. Alex Jones called it years ago. Also Nazis didn't happen and water is poison.

This person is retarded. That is literally what the side of a book looks like

Do you still get paid to shill, nigger?

>six weeks ago
Trump should use cover sheets, look at this
> today
All those pages are blank!

Liberals are stupid

Drumpf reminds me of the hot girl in weird science

Nerdy Bros made her in a sabbath - partied 80s

Then she had to go back

Those are folders, not papers. Of course they're blank

Those are literally folders. Can you not tell the difference in color?

OMG this!
>I'm op, hurr durr what are margins? please ignore my thread while I go prep ahmed

These people are fake news. They literally don't give a shit about facts, just want to try to smear Trump anyway possible

The pages are a metaphor.

>You won't show me?? There's nothing even there!! You don't even have anything!! You're a liar unless you show me what you have.

Reporters are literally acting like kindergarteners. What happened to real, hard hitting political journalism like the NY Post?

Man you kids at CNN sure are booty blasted after getting called fake news on national love television.


Now I'm confused - who's posting what now ?

what is a margin

Giving retards access to technology was a mistake

It doesn't matter. Both sides of the political spectrum are being faggots and they need to eat glass.

lol this is great bait

>not setting the margins to 0.0"

So much for under budget.

this, get educated nerds

He should just print his memos on a single mobius strip so he never runs out of paper.

>Hold press conference with a bunch of fake documents with a fake cheering crowd made up of paid staffers
>Rail against fake news

Nobody cares what you kikes have to say anymore except people already too long gone to save.

>He wouldn't let us see the business plan so he must not have one
Welcome to the Left.

>Blind fuck doesn't realize that the documents are inside the cardboard folders.

>Mistakening the cardboard folders for the documents

>reducing the size of your paper from two sides to only one side

>The edges of the papers are blank
Hmmmm really makes you think huh?

this black hand ive seen it before

jeb is that you?

why is the manila folder blank?

>what are folders

Black hand
Clothes dont match
Not sherri dillon
There were 4 stacks of files at the press conference, not 3

>literally fake news

Every day until you choke to death, you piece of shit.

>The pages are blank

no...you just don't have the eyes to see it

Why didn't they note down which manila folders were what?

Saw this same post verbatim a few hours ago, sage the trolls

They're not trolls. They're shills. Donald trump's to be precise.

*le centrist fedora tip*


Our god emperor got this.

lügenpresse, literally fake news

erm CNN logo, it is fanfiction not facts....cheers