Is chivalry the ultimate form of cuckoldry?

Is chivalry the ultimate form of cuckoldry?

Chivalry doesn't mean you should hand over your ass to anyone who asks Goyim.

Don't listen to me though.

>being polite and having manners is the same thing as watching your spouse have an intercourse with someone that isn't you

Sup Forums

Chivalry becomes cuckoldry if you don't get anything out of it.

You get the pleasure of not behaving like a nigger

I'm just saying... if there's a lady about to cross a puddle, and you throw your coat over the puddle to be a chivalrous gentleman, the lady can go home to fuck her boyfriend and you're pretty much cuck-tier.

Plenty of cucks derive pleasure from their activities.

Chivalry is dead, there's no reason to treat a woman like a lady if she's nothing like one

God grow a fucking pair of nuts. Can't stand whinny beta males. Gtfo my pol

Ten Commandments of chivalry
Gautier's Ten Commandments of chivalry are:
Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and thou shalt observe all its directions.
Thou shalt defend the Church.
Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them.
Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast born.
Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.
Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.
Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.
Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil.[14]

Obviously not applicable in the 21st century.

>you throw your coat over the puddle

That is not an example of chivalry and I don't think it ever has been. That is sheer desperation.

>im the guy i get paid more
Wives should stay at home to look after the kids. The whole advent of women at the workplace was to line the jews pocket.

>is being a decent cultured white person bad?
>reee I hate niggers they are savages!
ok op, I see no hypocrisy in this viewpoint whatsoever.

Spoiler: to be better than niggers you actually have to be better than niggers, not just be a different color.

>lifting 80lbs by yourself
>at a job

Wow workers comp anyone?

t. Male with a penis and a pair of nuts

I'm okay with both situations in the picture. I physically cannot fucking carry 80 pounds. 30-50 pounds is the absolute limit, and that's still way too heavy. The man who can deserves to be paid more for the skill.

I'm physically inferior, and I accept that.

Yeah it is. Women need a good brutal islamic raping to be put in their place.

wow what a cuck.

>being so low energy you can't do anything nice for anyone else without explicit rewards
Hit the gym nerd.

chivalry is a set of medieval combat rules, with like two lines about how you should be kind to orphans and widows and not beat fair maidens

theres nothing in there about paying for meals or opening doors

No. They aren't even related fucktard. Do I have to link you to a dictionary?

Are you a manlet?

>respecting weakness
>war against the infidel
Yes please

anyone here want to repill me on why the age of consent should be lowered to 12?

Sounds pretty alpha to me desu

>lol it doesn't matter that someone else is fucking my wife, i'm a good person and i'm making people happy

I thought that was the point of capitalism. You want me to work? you better fucking reward me bitch. We can't be giving stuff away for free, resources are scares you know.

This aussie is a commie bastard wanting to give things to a privileged class for free.

The idea of chivalry is along the lines of

>Spend yo money like money ain't shit

You spend social capital/effort like you've got it to spare, not only to impress women, but also elevate yourself over the men around you.

Of course, as social dynamics have drastically changed since the 19th fucking century, you might wonder if it wasn't retarded to hang on to chivalry as a concept as long as we did.

>Thou shalt respect all weaknesses, and shalt constitute thyself the defender of them
>Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.
>Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.
>Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God.
To bad this alpha is literally illegal.

A literal jew.

It's illegal in the physically, just means we have to go the jew route now. Subvert the non-believers.

physical sense*

Only when you begin to turn the other cheek.

I lift heavier appliances than that to sell on the side of being a kitchen designer, (I buy them from the company on the cheap, it's old stock I'm not a nigger) and I don't even work out at all. You must be a weakling.

>totally the same thing

insecure, bitter virgin detected

>all social interactions are judged on what is immediately materially rewarding to me
>my social life is capitalism

Has autism gone too far?

This isn't chivalry, chivalry is when you beat everyone who call your wife a whore.

Dueling with sabres legal again when? Fuck our faggot modern society

Not really. Cucking is only a fraction of it.

I work at a factory driving a forklift.. there is one old bitch that is like this.. I can't fucking stand her

Manlet here. Thanks to the modern technology it's not a problem. I lift shit you wouldn't believe.

my gf pays for dinner half the time. i like her a lot and enjiy taking care of her, but she definitely pulls her weight