Le Pen Wins

Le Pen Wins


Le Pen is mightier

>be hillary
>sees a super predator
>approaches with caution to try and win it's vote
>the dab dance move doesn't impress the nigger
>trump wins

Tomorrow, I...

go the fuck back to redd.it fucking cancerous fuck

Have some helpful meme digits

I think you don't know anything about the French, they're cucked so hard they will never recover. It will never happen, Sup Forums really has to understand that. Trump was possible, I doubted that he would win but that's nothing compared to Le Pen. I would like her to win and invite my fellow cousins (oui en effet) to vote for the FN but I would not bet anything on this one.

why are we shilling for Le Pen over Fillon again?

Really I dont get it, Fillon seems to be better in every way.

Definition of a cuckservative

Third French Empire

>Hillary used HOTSAUCE PANDER!
>It's not very effective...

When is the election?

Fillon will win.


Include me in the screencap


She will get crushed in the second round just like her father. You have to realize, this time it's not liberal vs conservative so people will vote conservative because of muh terrorism. Both candidates in the second round are conservatives. She has no chance.

literally the jeb bush of france

maybe the marco lubio

we can always wish massive terror attacks on france

Big numbers kills this user


Am I the only one here attracted to Le Pen? I honestly would make sweet love to her and call her mommy