Why do parents let their daughters leave the house looking like this? Why is teaching modesty to your daughter seen as oppression and misogyny?
Why do parents let their daughters leave the house looking like this...
>takes pic of ass while she's shopping for toilet paper to wipe ass
Need more angles of those feets
Because men should be able to handle their libidos, but nope.
Why dont they wear shoes? Can they not afford them? Why do they like looking like chickens?
They're comfortable desu
The fuck does that have to do with anything? No one is even talking about that. I'm talking about women having no modesty whatsoever.
Why do parents raise creeps who take pictures of people without their permission?
Be honest OP, you've jacked off to this pic
Ralph's commiefornia?
Are they? Because as a man, I've always equated tight with unconformable. I always wear loose fitting athletic or basketball type shorts.
ok im gonna walk around with my cock outlined in tights
oh but wait ill get arrested
If they weren't wearing the clothes, maybe the men wouldn't be taking pics of them. When you wear something like that, you give up the notion of having any type of privacy, plus, she's in public, shit's fair game as far as I know.
No you won't. Show me one example of a man being arrested for the outline of his dick being visible
>to wipe her big greasy double bacon cheeseburger turds
What's wrong with that? Are you a Mormon?
Except you literally won't you stupid fag.
Because most parents are dumb Millennials who shouldn't have children in the first place.
Because it's covered at least and the more you push girls to become conservative the sluttier they turn out to be.
I'm not saying it should be illegal. I'm just saying some personal responsibility should come into play here. OP is talking about women having modesty, when I think the real issue here is whoever took the picture (I assumed it was OP) having a sense of common decency.
Aren't you redpilled fucks all against invasion of privacy?
History really repeats itself. Rome had the same problem that the woman dressed so sluty that every man knew the shape of your wifes body better then you did.
>not even bare legs and a mini skirt
Oh dear...did you smell that? W-would you like to come closer?
Oh my goodness! That surprised me! Hmm? You wanna get a little closer?, oh alright.
Oh my I...I think I made a mess, would you care...care to...to lick it up?
How's it taste? I had had some taco bell today
Mmmm that's nice lick it all up
I know you got a whiff of that heheh, I'm all tapped out! Oh! What a mouth full you have! Care to share with me?
Mmmm yummy~~~
>real issue here is whoever took the picture (I assumed it was OP) having a sense of common decency.
It's not any more real than OP having problems with how women dress. And what is exactly indecent about it?
Hedonism, instant gratification, and selfishness are valued more and more over delayed gratification. Girls would rather be comfortable and get immidite sexual attention from multiple strangers rather than find one good man to be their life partner. Parents don't bother teaching them any differently because they would rather have the instant peace and pleasantness of letting their kid do whatever they want rather than conflicting with and disciplining them now, making them a better, happier person in the long run.
>implying anyone could see your tiny prick
I guess it's a matter of opinion, but I think creepshots definitely fall under shitty behaviour to me. I'm not saying it would be a crime or anything, but if I found out a friend of mine took sexual photos of strangers on the regular it would definitely make me think less of them
Mate that's just leggings/yoga pants. You a fucking Muslim or something? Girl looks fine to me
Lazy, isn't it
I got a better ass than that kek
fuck off faggot, you're just mad your ass doesn't look like that
>waaah waaaaah women wear pants
Why do we tolerate Christians like OP again? they act EXACTLY as Muslims.
So you guys can jack off to Japanese cartoons, but women wearing getting underwewr is 100% proof she's a whore.
Women showing any interest in sex are also degenerate whores.
Sex is only to make Hitler Jr.
White race is dying cause you're all losers who masturbate to Japanese cartoons and hate women for being women.
Marry a man if you can't handle the fact women like and act differently then men.
Fucking virgins
Only if you get the wrong size or you're a complete landwhale. Otherwise it's like wearing jammies in public.
stop the nofap bro
The better the advertising the sooner they will leave the nest, maybe.
does the air just flow right through?
looks like you would stay really dry/cold
im on hormones so yes it is little
my wifes son likes it like this
Because she wants you to checkem
"Let" them? Have you ever dealt with a teen girl, in the US?
"You're not the boss of me!"
"Fuck you, I'll wear what I want to!" *foot stomp*
I thank god I never had kids, I watch everyone I know deal with this, once their daughters hit 13. The media tells them that they can do anything they want to, because they have a vagina, and dressing like a slut is 'empowering" and "brave".
The only good thing to come from it is women with daddy issues - if you're over 35, and want to fuck 19 and 20 years olds, they're all waiting for you, to piss off daddy with. God bless their spoiled, black little hearts.
>I guess it's a matter of opinion,
Precisely. And your thought process here is very similar to that of people critising the way some women dress, you just dislike different things. I agree that creepshots are shitty behaviour but you can't deconstruct morality and hope that it won't affect life in many unexpected ways.
Who gives a fuck
Saw some slut at the mall yesterday with her mom. She was wearing jean shorts that were so fucking short you could literally see her ass cheeks hanging out. Yeah she was pretty hot but the attention seeking whore factor was off-putting honestly.
>letting a teenage girl do anything
Kek, fucking amatures, the lot of you. Everyone talks big until it's their turn to face down the most self centered creature on the fucking planet.
So they can easily be grabbed by the pussy, obvs. It's America's proud new future.
I dont mind it. Never gonna have kids so I dont care. In fact the more naked the better honestly. Except the ugly ones. They should be clothed modestly
How does one ascend to braap posting
what I do
>pull out cell
>cell is actually idle and not ringing
>pretend to be having a conversation
>gruntle conversational generalities
>look over to the whore
>say within her earshot "yeah there's this slag in these yoga pants right now and everoyne is looking at her. I have to go to another isle, I wanted to go shopping this afternoon not the strip club"
>put phone away
>Imagine her life raising with 2 unruly mulattos with no help from dad 10 years from now to quell my rage
>forget about it in 5-10 minutes
What are you? Muslim?
This meme is so fucking stupid.
> judging people for being immodest by your standards
I seriously hope you guys don't do this. This is some retarded-ass evangelical christian bullshit.
It's the next level after leaf posting and bogposting
>ass like that
>not choosing cottonelle
Parenting is hard work when you can't even move.
>tfw they closed the based Ralphs down the street
>tfw now instead of /comfy/ daily shopping, I go once a week to a winco 10 miles away or 7-11 in a pinch
hold me cali bro
You're right.
Who would let a woman leave the house without putting on a decent pair of heels should be shot.
She looks lile a cow in thoseflats.
Shorter than this?
>when your body is nothing special and you try to wear as short as possible to get noticed
Because women are pathetic creatures who are unable to think for themselves.
They are consumed by their surroundings and mold their entire being based off of what they've seen in media and other women.
Oh dear...did you smell that? W-would you like to come closer?
Oh my goodness! That surprised me! Hmm? You wanna get a little closer?, oh alright.
Oh my I...I think I made a mess, would you care...care to...to lick it up?
How's it taste? I had had some taco bell today
Mmmm that's nice lick it all up
I know you got a whiff of that heheh, I'm all tapped out! Oh! What a mouth full you have! Care to share with me?
Mmmm yummy~~~
Muslims know how to treat their women, we can learn a lot from them.
I recently saw a girl who looked 14 wearing them at the supermarket. She was with her mother.
>I was about 17 years old
>Worked a shitty job in a grocery store nothing special
>One day sexy girl comes in, looks like she just got out of the gym
>Her back was a little sweaty, she was wearing black tights and a tank top
>Her hair was up in a bun and looked a little messy, muh dick
>She comes over to me and asks where something is, point her over and looked at her ass the whole time
>I'm shadowing her because this girl was fucking hot and I was trying to get a mental memorization going to jerk off later
>She groans and says she knows I'm looking
>I say she is hot
>Of course defaults to the "I'm not a piece of meat" shtick even though she looked like one
>Apologize and tell her again she is sexy
>She complains again and we get into a 15 minute conversation about how I don't have a right to look at what she is displaying
>Tell her she shouldn't show it off then
>Continues preaching her feminist crap to me until she rolls her eyes and assumes my gender by saying "All of you boys are the same"
>Later on I'm leaving because its closing time
>IN FUCKING LINE I see her Chad fuckboy all over her
>He fucking gropes her butt I shit you not, all in public
>This wasn't even an hour after all this crap she lectured at me
Why is Sup Forums filled with autistic cringy ass virgin beta males Jesus Christ
>>She groans and says she knows I'm looking
>>I say she is hot
>>Of course defaults to the "I'm not a piece of meat" shtick even though she looked like one
Only because you weren't up to her standards. Women don't care if it's Chad objectifying them.
>what are jogger sweatpants
Do this all the time. Drives my girlfriend wild. You're a fucking faggot dude.
Agree. OP is either Muslim, Gay or a virgin. Probably all 3.
>Drives my boyfriend wild
Fixed that for you
The extreme negativity, mysogany, hate, and pure idiocy a lot of you "men" post here daily truly makes me cringe irl.
>and then I woke up all sweaty with a semi
>Why do parents let their daughters leave the house looking like this?
because their husbands don't stop them
>Why is teaching modesty to your daughter seen as oppression and misogyny?
literally because jews
Like anyone cars what a Canadian has to say - you don't even have a real country.
So that i can see she has big feet and a weird calf to thigh ratio and avoid like the plague.
Sluts must be careful not to get STDs.
She prolly took a shit realizing there is no more tp in the house. So her ass crack is all spackled with shit paste.
because they are godless, and indoctrinated with some sort of anti-Christ teaching.
Wait a second... if girls are dressing more sluty today (which in my neck of the woods they aren't) and talking to them about dressing more moderately turns them into wanting to dress more revealing. What about acting like you want them to dress sluty in hopes of them doing the opposite
you are used goods, roostie
No, people will simply laugh at you.
It's awesome - they're good girls