Mattis talks tough on Russia?

>constantly talk about how you want to be friends with Russia
>New DEF secretary talking very tough on Russia

What the fuck is Trump thinking? U WOT M8? YOU WANT NEWKE? *AUTISTIC SCREECHING*

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So, Americans, are you ready for visa-free with Russia? No more mexicans, blacks, muslims. Only Russian emigrants, strong and beautiful. Are you ready?

you ever hear of someone keeping an ugly friend around to make them look nicer by comparison? imagine that, except with friendliness.

If you read the kind of shit the russian military talks about whenever "provoked" by US, it's literally the same

Probably trying to get respect from Putin or something

Yeah because mattis is 180 degrees opposite of what this board assumes. He's not going to last in trumps team he will either quit or get replaced. He's actually pretty liberal and he reads a fuck tonne.

reminder to all the
>muh aryan white superiority
cucks that you can't win against Russia
pic related you don't want that to happen :')

Someone respond to claim i make in :

that whole fucking US russia tension is about Jews mad that Putin threw Rothschilds out of Russian central bank.

Sound plausible to you fuckers?

Hello again Hillary Cunt/Chinese/Russian operative, please go back to the shill queue and await further inztructions

what does he know about dating

They have to say shit about Russia or they won't get confirmed.

Putin bootlickers getting fucking B T F O

I have been saying this over and over, Trump and Russia will never be friends, their interests don't align in the slightest.

All you cucks were masturbating about the Trump/Putin fantastic duo being useful idiots to get Trump elected, so that he could take a real stand against Russia.

NATO countries are already increasing their military spendings greatly because Trump will be strict with them even in the face of a common Russian threat, making Russia's position in the world even weaker.

But even more hilarious is the reaction of Russians, literally shaking because their self-esteem that comes from approval by the West has been destroyed. Serves them devils right. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Behave like a dishonest tyrannical wretch and you will receive the same treatment.

>lifelong bachelor in the armed forces

He's literally an homosexual, there are many videos of him on the darkweb servicing several big navy negroes at the same time without condom.


>muh jooooos

It's called heartland theory, pick a book and study it.

It's hilarious how all theses veterans think they're hot shit


>making Russia's position in the world even weaker.
u wot m8

>Russia goes to Syria
>bombs the shit out of NATO's puppet-terrorists
>the West is literally shaking
>all those CIA billions spent to destabilise the Middle East go down the drain

Yes, I would have more slavs then niggers. At least you fucks are human.

He's ok in my book. We'll see

I was thinking it was more to do with gas/oil. Isn't the us planning to build pipelines in the middle east to subvert the whole Russia supply of Europe's gas, and these pipelines need to go through Syria. Half the reason the soviet union collapsed was because the us was getting the saudis and and kuwait to sell oil cheap as to fuck the soviet economy. Maybe them getting involved in syria to prevent a pro us syria why they're getting so pissed at them?

>under a constant threat of death
>they perform their job knowing that any mistake in it could cost them their life, compared to you who doesn't even have a job
Yeah you sure showed them there Billy

>Why choose someone who isn't going to be my lapdog and holds different views than me? Having other viewpoints and opinions to consider is bad. It's better to surround myself with yes men.

Also Mattis is akin to a God amongst the military. Particularly the Marines.

This thread is for people who want war - rothchilds, democrats, jews, liberals, and the chinese. VPN's to deactivate this new friendship before trump takes office.

mattis said whatever he had to say to get that senate waiver. why does this deserve 350+ posts is a mystery


>under a constant threat of death
so are cops but they dont demand everyone kiss their ass like a brat.

is he also a god in taking black dick?

no, he is a genuine warmonger and psychopath

he also doesn't have a wife or children so he has no stake in this world

He is a "cherry marine" look it up

Absolutely. This is the reason why Hillary, Obama etc. were in Syria: they created isis to overthrow Syria so they could install a regime that would allow the Quatar/Turkey pipeline through Syria. Putin intervene to help Assad regime to keep russian oil flowing into europe.

Russia is the type of nation that respects military leaders with combat experience.

Theory doesn't seem so good: Last hundred years the dominant country that controlled the world was Great britain and then United states. Heartland wasn't particularly important. What do?

US +Russia vs China & ME

I love how everyone seems to have projected whatever image of Mattis on to him that they'd love to believe.

Crazy Russian Kitchen Gadget guy made it here. You can too.

Since when do we want the Secretary of War to be friends with any other country?

Isn't the point that they should all be nervous/apprehensive/scared of him?

Post proof or fuck off you greasy wop shitskin.

>mattis said whatever he had to say to get that senate waiver.

Genuinely think this is the reason. How the fuck does russian figure that out?

>If you read the kind of shit the russian military talks about whenever "provoked" by US, it's literally the same
>Probably trying to get respect from Putin or something

tell me something
How many fighter aircraft in the Russian air force?

How many attack aircraft in the russian air force?

How many fighter aircraft in the US and EU NATO air force?

How many attack aircraft in the US and EU NATO air force?

The EU NATO members outnumber Russia alone. The US out numbers Russia and China COMBINED alone.

Fucking dumb russkies.


Go on invade Poland. I double dare you.

>Yeah because mattis is 180 degrees opposite of what this board assumes. He's not going to last in trumps team he will either quit or get replaced. He's actually pretty liberal and he reads a fuck tonne.

What is duty?

Because Russians know that the anti-Russia agenda is so strong even a neutral approach makes you viewed as "unpatriotic". I feel that way about Rex more than I do Mattis but it's likely in either case.

>What is duty?

To suck cocks.

This is just cabinet level good-cop/bad-cop. The Russians respect strength, and are likely to be more cooperative with trump in negotiations, because Mattis is in the background glowering at them menacingly.

>Russians take over America.
>Instantly move there because it's better.

No thanks.

>reminder to all the
>>muh aryan white superiority
>cucks that you can't win against Russia
>pic related you don't want that to happen :')


Trump is dictator and his minister is gay.
Jesus christ do you, shills, ever change tactics?!
>shit is old. also based chaffetz, kek

Enjoy mohommads cock britbong.

Russia was never that prosperous generally speaking and it was much less advanced that Nazi Germany for instance
but they won the war, and we are talking about war here

Russians are definitely more brave than comfy EU shits, willingness to fight is a big factor in war and Russians would be much more willing than cucked EU countries.

Also you're implying every war is won in the air which is just not true. Air warfare is usually just to support the ground operations. You can't win a war in the air alone, you have to have a ground presence too.

Trump is just a windup toy.

if they would be in risk to be invaded and destroyed they will just press the red button and reduce half of the world in a nuclear wasteland
reasonable people do not want that

I got one that lives beside me. Hes always drunk and talking shit. Most vets dont last long after they get discharged off the welfare teet. Cant find jobs because no one wants to work with a violent psycopath.

>>What is duty?
>To suck cocks.

In Italy maybe but since you are a russkie I will assume you are referring to the russian conscript army

As regards fighting men the vast majority if not all Russian line units are based on a rotational conscript basis and are actually under manned by 40-25%. Irrespective of 'national character' conscripts are no match for professionals and are numerically vastly outnumbered in numbers of professionals including an utter outclass in elite (defined by fast marching pace western line units, paras etc). The levels of NATO line troops alone crushes Russia numerically.

Russian division to battalion command structure are stalled in reforms (that the Russian military has been trying to achieve for 10 years) resulting in a poor command structure in a lot of the army. Spetnatz are nice guys and very civilised and have foreign languages and play a mean game a of chess and can drink me under the table (although I maintain that throwing up to clear your gut is cheating :) ). If you want to hear just how incompetent regular Russian military command chains can be just listen to spetnatz - they really know. It is not a matter of whether you or I like people (I liked some Russian fighters I met very well and thought they were good guys and well educated and very competent). Even they knew that many of their line unit NCOs were drunks and a lot of the line unit fighters are just scared teenagers who have been beaten to a pulp and want to go home. Equipment and supplies are stolen regularly by cliques of NCOs on an incredible scale and the Officers have a real problem exercising any real authority of the NCOs. Much of the NCO core in the Russian army is rotten.The conscript system is a failure and the command system is farked. The divide between NCOs and conscripts is hostile and as a force conscript line units Vs Brit. USA. German, French etc. etc. professionals is an non starter. This is just truth.

>Because Russians know that the anti-Russia agenda is so strong even a neutral approach makes you viewed as "unpatriotic". I feel that way about Rex more than I do Mattis but it's likely in either case.

Sick of listening to russians shouting about WW3 for 50 years. Fuck them. The Poles and Estonians hate them or good reasons. Russia is perpetually governed by a shower of angry cunts.

Mattis can see Russia for the Clear and Present Danger it really is

>Mattis can see Russia for the Clear and Present Danger it really is

Are our precious bodily fluids at risk?

>be America with his western puppets
>start shit everywhere in the world
>reduce the middle east in a mess
>remove arab leaders so anarchy and isis take them places
>migrants start flooding Europe because of civil war and lack of leadership in their countries
>b-but muh Russian danger
NATO imperialism is the only danger to the civilized world peace

take their place*
fuck it

> (You)
>Russians are definitely more brave than comfy EU shits, willingness to fight is a big factor in war and Russians would be much more willing than cucked EU countries.
>Also you're implying every war is won in the air which is just not true. Air warfare is usually just to support the ground operations. You can't win a war in the air alone, you have to have a ground presence too.


Russian conventional forces on enemy territory facing NATO with no air support.


At least Putin is not as stupid as the stuff on this thread

'Russia would attack NATO only in mad person's dream' – Putin

And NATO is based on being attacked. No one has any strategic, economic or other reason to invade Russia.

Anyone who actually cares will look up force levels and capabilities, economic capacity and realise (very quickly) that Russia as a military titan is an utter myth.

We're not talking about spending upteen years trying to invade Chechnya. You are talking about taking on an opponent (Western European NATO and SHAPE US) that outnumbers and outclasses in every possible tactical and strategic level at ratios like 10:1.

All Putin can do is North Korean style nuclear posturing, which is rather puerile and a sign of profound weakness.

At least the Germans grew up and realised invading their neighbours was idiotic and their Prussian and militarist oligarchies had caused them and others only misery. Looking at you Kremlin.

Why did you even post this?


The jews want Russia deatroyed because its the last country thats majority white. They know the US will be non white in another 30 years so they dont care about us anymore.

The heart of the problem

A rotten NCO core, drunk and corrupt and engaged in massive theft, criminality and destruction of morale that the officers cannot get control over.
All the talent and education is in missile command the spetsnaz and the airforce and a few para units. The vast majority of the Russian army line units in a regiment structure, undermanned even at conscript levels and with soviet era equipment. There have even been reports of organs harvested from murdered recruits being sold. Dross unfit for deployment and the kremlin knows it.


>if they would be in risk to be invaded and destroyed they will just press the red button and reduce half of the world in a nuclear wasteland
>reasonable people do not want that


There are two philosophies on nukes. MAD and survivable. I agree with mad as being probably total in terms of advanced societies ,. However some say that dispite a lot of places like Chernobyl and mass casualties such a war can be fought. Not just the US has nuclear weapons.

Well. Unfortunately (because it would be sad let's face it) the Russian population is concentrated in the west of Russia, the part most easily hit, into a relatively small area. This is not true of the NATO populations which are widely dispersed, simply put the vast majority of Russians would very soon be dead.....a similar or greater number of NATO member casualties would occur. Maybe 200 million a piece . But Russia, definitely would be destroyed as a population and the rest of the world (maybe) would carry on.

I know that you folk are barraged with propaganda constantly, I get that. I even feel that some of you think you are doing good work spreading it. Or maybe it makes you feel proud etc but the undisputable truth is Russia cannot afford any sort of military conflict with just the US, let alone NATO, let alone just the western NATO countries.

Is there anything sadder than a polish plumber in Ireland explaining to you how shitty Russia is?

There is no morale in an invading force. Russia can only fight properly if on the defensive. Their success in Ukraine is explained by this; for them it was a perceived defense of Russians in Donetsk, but there is no other place in the world where they can do that again. And furthermore, they've sent aggressive, hellbent Cossack volunteers rather than their usual, shitty troops.

Honestly I would be fine with more Russian immigration than spics. Balance the scales more. I meet Rusky truckers at my job occasionaly. "Fyu-el is tree-katars." Good guys with a very dark sense of humour that one can appreciate. Come over here quick Ivan

Good cop bad cop

I would be ok with taking in as many Russians as possible.

This is an infinitely superior option over Sub-Saharan African subhumans.

How do you know he's a plumber?
He could be a gay prostitute for all we know.

nobody cannot afford a nuclear war and the public opinion would revolt and lynch whoever would seriously start anything like that
they would have to live in a bunker for the rest of their lives, not because of nukes but because of people wanting to hang them upside down

good point

Fuck Russia
Trouw Putin under the bus , oh Kek.

>Trump will be strict with them even in the face of a common Russian threat,

Nigger please.

Define the 'Russian threat'. If they want to expand the Federation to include all Slavs, I would not care in the least, and this seems to be their only 'threat'.

>is he also a god in taking black dick?

Faggot ruskie harking back to memories of his russkie conscript days when sarge would get drunk steal one of his kidneys with a penknife and butt fuck him afterwards. The russkie conscripts safe place when being raped by an NCO is to think of nigger cock.

>no, he is a genuine warmonger and psychopath
>he also doesn't have a wife or children so he has no stake in this world

Scared russkie. O so scared.

Poor russkie. Poor little Ivan.

>Mattis can see Russia for the Clear and Present Danger it really is
HopefullyUnderstanding is the first step to solution. What solution it might be, mutual destruction or mutual cooperation, is in the hands of rational politicians now, which gives me hope, at the least.

Eh, I'm pretty sure there are other eastern european countries that are whiter, we have a shitton of national minorities and a migrant flood from the central asia.

>Mattis can see Russia for the Clear and Present Danger it really is

As did Patton.

Everything will be fine.

>guys like that ain't go no manhood anyway, so it's a helluva lot of fun to shoot them.

Here's some pasta I saved from Sup Forums. It was from an American soldier in Afghanistan.

>(Still ANA trainer dude.) So we used to wander around this village on "patrol" mostly just buying smokes and this redbull knockoff called "redball." Well this 8 year old girl would walk up, hold my hand, and chatter away in pashto, pointing at stuff, smiling at me, just cute as fuck. So anyhow, to explain my reputation in this village. There was this guy, we called him pedo pete. Hed lure kids into his shop and rape em. Watched him do it way too many times. Well one afternoon the sun was setting, and pedo pete was walking up to our PB for some reason. I got mad as fuck and shot him, like no warning. i was with my good buddy, he knew what was up. We reported that the guy tried to jump the fence. He didnt die, its just fuckin 9mm (shot him with my M9) but haji medicine sucks, fucked him up good. Locals knew when I wanted something i wasnt fuckin around. Well as deployment drew to a close i was kinda learning pashto, and realized this little girl was calling me her "boyfriend" (well as near to a word as they got for it anyhow, would probably translate into "fiance" in english). The only rreaso they hadnt beat the fuck outta her is because they knew id show up and find an excuse to shoot thier ass. Anyhow I convinced the local holy man I would convert to islam and paid a dowry, and would come get her
when she was old enough. I never found out what happened to her but it was my hope that it mighta kept her from getting beat to death after I left.

>Is there anything sadder than a polish plumber in Ireland explaining to you how shitty Russia is?

I'm Irish and in another life would't you like to know.

Kek at russkie slaves chained to their desks typing shite for father putin

t. Free man

I'm not a Russian, i don't want anything bad to happen to anybody. Certain posts are more banter than anything.

The real point is that it looks like some of you simply do not realize what your kind of mindset could cause.

No sane person wants another world war.
It doesn't matter who will lose more, everybody will ultimately lose and you don't want that to happen.

That said, you can criticize Russia or Putin for many whatever you want, but it's a matter of fact that the West has been much more aggressive and destabilizing than anybody else.

For instance this migrant crisis we all complain about is the direct consequences of Western foreign policy, not Russia.

Ok, that's understandable, but it wasn't funny or clever.

for whatever you want*
sorry, I edit my posts too much

You're not invited to the Victory over russia parades

>nobody cannot afford a nuclear war and the public opinion would revolt and lynch whoever would seriously start anything like that
>they would have to live in a bunker for the rest of their lives, not because of nukes but because of people wanting to hang them upside down

You've be shocked at how many people have lived their entire lives being threatened by russians and they muh apocalypse and at this stage dont give a shit as long a russia is permenently gone. If you attack nato you will get wiped out conventionally and if you use nukes the entire russkie population will be fried.

Shitposting on Sup Forums wont change that.

That's not Ivan, more like Georgy

I can fight again after some time tho

>Understanding is the first step to solution. What solution it might be, mutual destruction or mutual cooperation, is in the hands of rational politicians now, which gives me hope, at the least.

Fuck of Ivan. Even i russian was the only soil on earth russia would collapse in 38 months and invading estonia wont fucking change that.


It's called being unpredictable. Trump said over and over it's stupid to tell everyone exactly what you're going to do. He signals that he wants to be friends with Russia but at the same time puts a guy in that's literally named mad dog who signals that he wants to obliterate russia. Trump will be negotiating from strength.

achmed, how's the weather in dublin?

The same fucking irish pleb in the same every good damn Russian mentioned thread.
I hope you aint doing this for free.

>So I go out with the ANA (afgan army) to set up a patrol base. It takesbaseof the 6 hours to stack sandbags in a doorway. 3 americans would have had it done in 30 minutes. But 3 americans dont stop 3 minutes in to get blitzed off of some homebrew heroin. Meanwhile the commander "captures a spy." Its a 13 year old boy, who the commander then "interrogates." And by that I mean just straight rapes this kid in his tent. Very audibly. For like an hour. He then gifts the kid to the sgt major, the kid spends the next three weeks serving tea and getting railed out. His parents are cool with it cuz the sgt major gave them like 10 bucks. Turns out half the company speaks dari and cant even talk with the half of the guys in thier squad who speak pashto. I get into a mexican standoff, guns drawn, between nwo of them because they both insist its not thier turn for guard duty. One runs away, no fuckin clue where, just disappears, and two of them beat the ever loving shit out of some 12 year old girl because they thought her eyes were pretty. Im talkin she was coughing up her teeth. This is a 3 week period, i was stuck with these fuckin assholes for 7 months.

>You've be shocked at how many people have lived their entire lives being threatened by russians and they muh apocalypse
only ukranians and some easter europeans maybe
most western europeans don't give a shit about it and simply do not want a war with them.

also only some liberal SJW and some old school cuckservative believe to this stupid revival or McCartism today, we are not in the 50s anymore

>Okay.... so that sgt major who had the sex slave. Well one of his guys got "shot by some taliban." I only heard one shot, so i think he accidentally fired his ak into his own leg. They drag em around, buttstock dragging in the dirt, holding it by the muzzle. So hes all "we want american helicopter medivac" helicopter comes, lands, he walks up to it. Fucking ramp drops. Right on him shatters his spine. I just laughed my fuckin ass off. Like hysterically. The PJ's loading him kep giving me dirty looks cuz they hadnt had to live with him fucking some screaming kid right next door every fuckin night. Anyhow, he died. New guy showed up. This guy was utterly bombed on the dankest weed ive ever seen in my life like 24/7. I showed him pictures of miley cyrus, anna nichole smith, and britany spears and told hkm they were my wives. He totally believed me. Got more on the way.

what about rex tillerson?

Did you guys see Trump's press conference?

His entire campaign all he's been saying is he wants to work with Ivan in taking out ISIS. He doesn't know Putin. He doesn't know if he's going to get along with Putin. He doesn't know if Putin will get along with him. He has respect for Putin in comparison to Obama who is objectively a much weaker leader.

I have never understood why half of this board thinks there'll be some kind of John/Ivan alliance and trade union where we will lift off every sanction and get cheap AK47s and vodka in exchange for sending them jet fighters and McDonalds. Why are people on this board so autistic? Do you not pay attention to history at all? Competition with Russia has been a US foreign policy since the end of WWII, you think it is going to change with one president?

>The same fucking irish pleb in the same every good damn Russian mentioned thread.
>I hope you aint doing this for free.

All free. As in not a slave like a russkie but dont worry there are more than one of us.

You out to have been nuked already just for marxist leninism.

>you think it is going to change with one president?
maybe not but hopefully it will happen
after all anything can happen these days