What the fuck is his problem?

What the fuck is his problem?

Problem? Mattis is fucking greattttttttt

just look at those soulless reptilian eyes

Mattis is what happens when no gf for your entire lifetime.

You become a badass distinguished general? Sounds good to me.

neocons like mccain.

fucking commies and their evil plots

>i ordered men to kill whilst sitting behind a desk all day, Im so bad ass.

What's your problem? He's the future Def Sec. He doesn't set policy, he does set the tone, and that tone is bad ass motherfucker. Who better to lead the military? He will follow orders, and soldiers will follow him.

not enough blood to make the grass grow greener.

Someone will be behind that desk. Would you rather it be a transvestite nigger who ironically converted to Islam because they're insane?

if he has no wife does he do his own clothes?

cucks like you

lol I wake up to the sound of a dozen Anti Mattis shills

Gotta have something to live for to fight for and protect.

Neocon who's gonna get us in a war with Iran

he's good. one of the only voices in trumps cabinet opposed to Israel.

He's done his time as a field infantry officer when he was younger and a lower rank. Obviously you're not going to send out a general to get killed, dumbass.

Traitors of the American flag and American people are the problem, your Hillary Cunt/China/Russia operative shroud has been lifted, it is time for all communist LARPERS and islamists to pay for their mortal sins

>I didn't bring artillery

That seems like a pretty big error to not bring any artillery to a war.

Are we sure this guy is qualified?


He's pandering to Congress right now. I have faith he won't be true on some of his more controversial claims. He's a real marine, give him a year and he'll show his colours

>What the fuck is his problem?

what's bad about maymaying young men into making poor life decisions to benefit a few wallstreet fatcats?

He also seems overly emotional. Like some kind of pussy one might say.

i get strong jew vibes off this guy

look at those droopy soros eyes

suppose its why he's committed to serving jewish interests worldwide