Do you have any problem with ACTUAL refugees?

Do you have any problem with ACTUAL refugees?

Im talking about those that were actually displaced from their homes because of war or other serious situation and who actually try to integrate in society by getting a real job and trying to learn the language and either keep their culture to themselves or try to assimilate into the one theyre in

Vast majority of refugees are typical backwards middle easterns - there are exceptions to the rule, but it's nearly impossible to filter them out.

We dont you take them in?

if their skin isnt the colour of shit i might consider it


Actual refugees are supposed to go home, not integrate or ghettoize themselves.

I have absolutely no problems with refugees, that being said, there are no refugees; only migrants.

you mean migrants if you're talking about integrating in society.
refugees are supposed to go home once their countries are stabilised again.

my only problem with these refugees is that most of them aren't even refugees
this is something nigel farage harps on. they're actually economic migrants. when a country is hampered by war and their economy shits the bed these people get some technical refugee status even though they've never even been touched by the war.

it's all bullshit.

they should be restricted to refugee camps and sent back when things improve


Out of 77 here:

One poured his wife over with gasoline and wanted to light up. Was interruptted by niggerwalker paying her visit just at the right moment.
2 sued government because were granted temporary protection.
And all of them whine and demand special diet to their children in school. They have to be thrown out ASAP. Islam is not compatible with western society.

No I do t have a problem with those
But even amoung legit refugees that only 20% tops.

A while back there was a "sad" story in one of the local papers about the refugee community from Bhutan here locally. One man had built a business, but 90% of his countrymen had moved away to states with better benefits and now he was lonely.

I think the story was suppose to make me want to raise benefits. It made me want less refugees.

>not playing the better doom mod

Note that they were vetted and checked by immigration officials and still behave like ungrateful cunts.

Only this.

why aren't these shitbags 'migrating' to other Arab countries?
They aren't coming to assimilate into your country, they are coming to assimilate you into pisslam.

I feel sorry for them, and many are likely wonderful people, but they have to go back

I don't, because they don't come here.
If they did I'd have problems with them and I'd personally make sure not a single one of them lives anywhere near me.

Who cares?
Who ''displaced'' them? US that funds ISIS and drone strikes them.
If the ''refugees'' have to go somewhere they can fuck off to Israel and America.

this they could have stopped at the balksn or basically every country on there road if it would only be about escaping war. But no those gentlesirs feel like they are too good to live anywhere without huge gibsmedats.

Yes, they need to be gunned down to prevent entrance into our holy white sacred lands.

I have no problem with actual refugees that are only temporary.
I don't care about the suffering of shitskins though so they can get fucked.

What sense is there sending them to the other side of the planet where they are alienated and have difficulties integrating when they can just move to Turkey and live exactly as they have for generations?

The only reason to ship them to Europe is to intentionally alter demographics.

Europe is not rest of the worlds dumping ground.


Is this the first quality pooinloo post?

There should be no refugee camps in any European country.
Not a single taxpayer cent should be spent on taking care of a different species.


I live near a refugee centre. Ive not had trouble with them persinally

But the neighborhood super market had to hire security because they steal a lot of shit there. So...yeah when im buying things now im watched by 3 huge bouncer type security people.


Fuck off.

If you mean eastern christians, I don't have anything against them. They shouldnt be here though. The middle east needs them.

If you mean Muslims, fuck them, they don't feel bad for us when our leaders betray us, so why should I in the opposite situation?


well if they are running from a war then i suppose they are going to go to their beloved homeland after it ends, right?

if that's the case i am all in for them, otherwise fuck no.

>they should be restricted to refugee camps and sent back when things improve

Agreed. Trump also suggested building safe zones in the middle-east.

>Europe is not rest of the worlds dumping ground.

The Muslim savages are treated better than the host population while turning everywhere they go into a low trusting area. It's truly a deliberate invasion pushed by globalists.

Born a bosnian refugee, spent 3 years in Germany, then moved to the us. My mother integrated to the point she learned german, and even took English classes once we reached the us.
The refugees now, some of them, really had to leave. But let's not bullshit ourselves, most of them are shit

Are they willing to work and respect the culture and traditions of the country taking them in? If so then they are cool with me

Fuck off back to muslimistan pedo worshipping child rapist

This. Also, why ship them half way around the world to the US? Let them stay in neighboring countries.

No. There was a bunch of Southeast Asians dumped in my town. Within five-ten years, they busted their ass going to school and moving the fuck out of the ghetto social services put them in. One girl I met who couldn't speak any English when she got here is a pharmacist, a guy I knew is a doctor.

>Do you have any problem with ACTUAL refugees?
Yes, if they aren't white.

So let's say you are properly displaced from your home and all you're looking for is a safe place until the war is over and you can rebuild.
The situation is the Syrian civil war.
Why the fuck would you go to Europe?