Does everyone have Free Healthcare?

Does everyone have Free Healthcare?

How is this possible?

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>How is this possible

By not spending an insane amount of money on your military and foreign engagements.

40-50% income tax

>Free healthcare
No such thing.

Canadians have poor dental health.

Says the brit

This. We're lucky the US has our protection covered. This country basically leeches off of that and it bugs me.
Not true. Highest tax bracket it something like 38%. Still a huge amount but not as much as you said.

The USA spends around the same Gdp percentage as other countries. The amount is high because we are the richest country in the world

uuh not really.. dentist are everywhere.

If you have any sort of elective surgery you have to wait months, or years.

Fuck that.

Depends, if you're poor it's technically free because you pay very little taxes. If you make more than a certain amount of money, a fairly large chunk of your taxes goes towards it.
Bong is right. My dental health is pretty shitty because that's not included, nor are prescriptions. None of my teeth are rotting away or anything, but I need about 5 grand worth of work done due to the fact that I'm a recovering alcoholic. When I drank, I didn't take care of my teeth.

Dental health is not covered in our governmental health care. Funny how poor people can't get root canals done and live with rotting teeth but we have free sex change operations because WE'RE SO PROGRESSIVE

It's not "free" it's paid for by taxes and most often with your life. Countless people I know have died from cancer for example because the xray techs miss tumours because they're retarded. So yeah it's "free" but don't get sick.

Everyone basically has it unless you are a third world shithole. Woops, sorry america you didnt make the list

Drink plenty of fluoride

>This country basically leeches off of that and it bugs me.

This, even worse are the libs going full REEEEEEEEEEEEEE when it's suggested that we, as a NATO ally, should actually contribute the 2% or whatever it is

just like the city running the buses,
they found it is cheaper to do thigns this way

Can we just like take the land and you like pass us taxes but have no say in elections?

I take great care of my teeth now, and I drink 3-4 liters of water a day. Brush twice a day, rinse with hydrogen peroxide mouth wash twice a day, very little sweets etc.

I need a crown on one of my teeth due to me chipping it 20 years ago. I need a wisdom tooth removed and a few fillings.

>implying China, Chile, Oman, Sri Lanka etc are first world Countries

I guess you'll have to choose between your teeth and eating/heating/rent.

Such a great country.

Buy our shit and get up to 2% then! Plenty of brand new F18 Silent Eagles

Meh, they could be worse.

So long as I keep up on my dental hygiene I'll be fine.

I wouldn't mind but y'all have more basketball americans that would come up here. Regardless I'm planning on moving down to America in the future if Trump does even half of what he says.

terrible quality. dont worry though your fucking amoxicillin presciption is """"""free"""""" now.

>your fucking amoxicillin presciption is """"""free"""""" now.

That's what they give to poor people with dental infections to keep them alive and paying taxes.

Your dental healthcare is so good that it's the most expensive in Europe and half of people go and get their teeth done elsewhere because of it.

the only thing that's free is going to your GP to find out what you need to pay out the nose for

Awful quality healthcare paid by being tax farmed to death

no u

Nah, well yeah but amoxicillin is a great antibiotic. It's just that it's cheap as shit and most people will only ever need a simple one like that. So all universal healthcare does is screw over people that actually get sick by giving them shit quality treatment.

sorry bong, talk shit get hit. We're in the same boat

They give it to you instead of repairing you because they don't give a fuck about you.

By living in close proximity to the greatest military power in the world

no u

For many, dental insurance is not a given thing. Many people are forced to go without or pay out the ass for the bare minimum

Huge taxes and no defense budget... Fucking leaches. We need to anex them tbqh.

I dont know how it works. I have an alberta health care card and on the bc website it says when you change provinces you should get a bc care card after 90 days or something. It even says out of province vacationers should get travel insurance? I havent been to the doctor in years though, one time I made a huge gash on my leg with a crowbar, I did the bandaging myself because I didnt want to wait several hours in the ER. When I had a job the dentist was covered but now I have no dentist coverage so I havent been in years. RIP my teeth lmao

We tax our working class less than even the Americans do.

t. abdulajar mahmoudi

zero innovation
same with china and electronics - wait till another country is finished with r&d and just copy them

We do tax our wealthy more than the Americans though, by a significant margin.

>Huge delays
>Enormous amount of paperwork reaching idiocy levels.
For example, I was in a car wreck. I had great service immediately because it was life threatening, but later realize both my shoulders are fucked and I need an MRI to know how fucked. 6 months, 3 visits to setup, followup, and eventually do the MRI, and they would only do ONE shoulder. What the actual fuck is wrong with you retards? Would it not be easier to do both back to back and be done with it??

Jesus fucking christ. Our system is set up to be so much of a pain in the ass you don't want to use it

The only Canadians I've met without dental problems all work for the government or a union business with a government contract.

Every working stiff has a mouth full of trouble and/or pain.

The government extorts more money from its subjects while selling assets bought during more economically literate times.

I was lucky in that my mother is a elementary teacher and they get relatively good insurance benefits. Would be much more difficult otherwise

Higher taxes on the wealthier.

I'm pretty conservative but universal healthcare (don't call it "free") is a good thing. The free market is the best system mankind has ever created, but it only works because of competition. If you're having a heart attack, you're not going to shop around for different doctors. But the government, though, can use bulk buying power to get cheaper equipment and drugs, and suppliers need to compete for that government money.

Even when I was broke as shit I was able to go to the doctor and get checked out. I had a minor health issue that was taken care of that could have grown to be a disaster. Prevented a shitload of expenses down the road and I have been able to remain a breathing, working taxpayer in that time instead.

You had to actually go visit to just schedule an MRI? Are you sure about that?

Coming from a Brit this is pretty hilarious. We have more orthopedists in Ontario than you have in your entire country, everyone on disability and welfare gets free dental and 82% of full time workers have third party dental coverage. Americans have the best teeth in the world and they don't have socialized dental even for most of the poor. You guys have some of the worst teeth in Europe google says its worse than most Eastern European countries.

no u

>Free Healthcare
biggest fucking meme in this country. nothing about it is free. see really dishonest or just naive.

add at least another 10,000 to that by way of land tax, property tax, carbon tax, etc. even after currency conversion ex. to USD, you still get less value per dollar here because almost everything is inherently over priced because companies know canadian consumers are used to paying more so they'll continue to shaft us.

This. IIRC above 60k a year you gotta pay 43% here and healthcare is not even 100% free, the lowest range of treatment isn't covered.

small population and high taxes

inb4 le quoted ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''free''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' libertardian rhetoric.

Everyone has '''free''' police force and '''free''' police department in usa.
In other words you might lock your house, be responsible when cooking but you still pay for the irresponsible fucks who do not lock their home and get robbed, who are not careful with cooking and start fire.

I'm amazed by the bunch who rage when they hear the concept of paying for someone else yet are perfectly fine with paying cops and firemen.

We were talking about income tax you fool. He claimed your average joe pays 40-50% income tax and I set him straight.

American property taxes are higher because of how countries handle services, my province doesn't have sales tax. Percent of income paid in taxes doesn't need to factor in currency either you filthy rat.


You should see what police and firefighters here make. My local small town cops get $92k after three years and my chief made $190k according to the sunshine list. It's ridiculous what we pay them here.

>You had to actually go visit to just schedule an MRI? Are you sure about that?
Yes, 3 trips. All in Calgary, and I don't live in the city. Massive fucking waste of time just for them to shrug and say they don't want to operate (unless I get on the floor and beg and cry because apparently the squeaky wheel gets the grease). So I say fuck this shitty system.

fuck your stupid technicalities, it doesn't change the fact that we get taxed to death for this """free""" healthcare. and my point about buying power completely went over your head. the fact that everything is overpriced in canada is in itself another tax.

As an extension of They require you to authorize the medical request in person. So I make a 3 hour trip into the city to sign a fucking form, then wait 4-6 months

I wasn't even talking with you little rat. We were talking about income taxes and you ran in like an autist without reading anything. Fuck off.

Ignoring the fact that healthcare is government run, Canadians pay less per person for their healthcare than Americans.

This is because Canada's social healthcare is a single-payer system, which is important. With only the government paying, it can more easily negotiate with big pharma and cause them to reduce their grossly overinflated prices.

This is also why the Swiss healthcare system works so well, even if it isn't government funded: the government regulates the medical prices.

>you little rat.
>you ran in like an autist
>Fuck off.

...High quality discourse that leafs are famed for.

In reply to your reply to this post: No u.

This pretty much

Shit, that sucks. I had a few procedures scheduled but never an MRI. Just did it over the phone and that was that. I was surprised at the time at how easy it was.

To be fair, most western nations are struggling with rising costs.

Here the healthcare budget is high enough to consume more than all the VAT (21% on all purchases, 6% on life essentials).

That said, I would rather see them fight waste, high salaries of hospital management, too high drug costs and unnecessary hospital visits by dumb people than give up universal healthcare.

Its beyond me how Americans find it acceptable that you can go bankrupt or have your finances destroyed by getting sick, something you have absolutely no control over.

you're still wrong. every tax is effectively an income tax.

I never could renew my healthcard. the last time i tried they wouldn't accept my proofs that i lived at my moms house and denied my renewal. It's not like they won't treat you if you become severely ill. just show up half dead on the doorstep they'll probably take you in.

Healthcare is a meme though, 90% of the health problems you have can be cured on your own. If anything the universal healthcare system hinders your ability to get immeidte help. Instead of going through all the beurocracy to see a doctor you DIY or say fuck it.

>Instead of going through all the beurocracy to see a doctor you DIY or say fuck it.

I have actually seen diy dental repairs and surgery on Canadans.(I'm a dental assistant).

It's literal third world conditions for the poor over there. I cannot imagine any of the people I live around having the same problems you folks do.

*Please don't act like a kid and make fun of me for being british. Not saying you did, but let's keep on with the grown up discussion. It's rare to have with a leafposter.

Canadians just don't get healthcare man.

if you go to any decent country without memecare going to the doctor is like visiting a store.

you go see a doctor at any time and they give you diagnosis and pills then its optional to show healthcare whcih gives you a discount if its too expensive.

instead in canada its like oh you gotta register a family docotr, and prove you're a legit citizen with 43900349 documents. and then oh you gotta make an appointment then wait 6 month for the actual checkup, and then oh fuck you need pills that you need to actually pay for out of your pocket lmao kill yourself. i could do this in a day in another country.

>30 000$

I don't have a family doctor
If I want to see a doctor I have to get to the clinic a 7 a.m. and hope they are not already full
I then get to see a shitty clinic doctor that will send me to see a specialist, which I have to wait somehwere between 2 weeks and 3 months to see.. and if there are some tests that needs to be done each test takes about a month to perform and anoter 2 weeks to get the results..
Its free but its shit

This sounds like the Veterans Hospitals we get. They're a great place to go if you want to die.

It's not free. I have to pay for it even if I don't want it. Practically half of my paycheck goes to these socialist programs every 2 weeks.

something something something gift-horse

>shilling for the status quo

pick both.

NO. It's not free everywhere. The individual provinces get to decide/allocate funding. In BC everyone pays 100 bucks a month for basic healthcare. You need a good secondary plan for extras.

Pretty much this.

We have comparable per-capita GDP to the US, but we don't have the pentagon losing 9 trillion dollars in "an accounting error" and 1 trillion dollar a year military.

And because the care is there, people are able to seek preventative treatments early on in illnesses. (like most provinces make gastic bypass surgery available to the obese before it gets out of control).

So the system paying for gastric bypass is cheaper than playing for 6 gorillion titanium joint replacements further down the road.

It's not free. You still need to pay for medicine if you're uninsured.

Only the status quo that works. There's no need to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Of course you stupid gook, why would we pay for your medicine if you aren't part of the system.

I'm white and here on business you cuck

High taxes and lower spending in other area like military. Usually it's pretty good but sometimes it sucks for wait times. Dental used to be covered but that was crazy expensive.

All that inbreeding and peasant malnutrition lol

no u

My dad was a smart man and secured us a family doctor when my brothers and I were kids. I go see him once a year so they keep me on as a patient.

Most of our healthcare expenditures are gobbled up by old fuck boomers that keep falling, needing rehab and then won't fucking die.

t. hospital employee

Not really. Water fluoridation, abundant dentists, good nutrition, public education. Useless you eat nothing but shit or have bad genes, you're teeth are your last problem.

>Useless you eat nothing but shit or have bad genes, you're teeth are your last problem.

The working poor of Canada have horrible teeth. Stop shitting all over your own people m8.

>The working poor have horrible teeth

Bingo. The American Public has no idea of the amount of money they generate because it gets whisked away and spent on shit the never directly benefits them. If we invested in ourselves, the quality of living would be unbelievable.

it may be free but its shit and its SO SLOW.

my dad had a fucked up shoulder and went to the states for surgery otherwise he would have had to wait like 4 months

The ironic part is that Americans pay for their decaying boomers via Medicare, so they have the same flaw and exorbant costs as our healthcare with zero benefits.

It's hard for you to belive because your are so propagandized but you don't have it as good as you think.


you burgers have a really poor education system, dont you?

this is true if you make 100k+, but it's because provincial income tax for that bracket is around 10%

certain medical procedures aren't covered by healthcare unless it's a neccessity

an ingrown toenail is a paid procedure unless it's so infected you're at risk of amputation

dental work is only free if you have an infection that will spread to your brain, and even then they will often only remove teeth, not provide fillings or dentures

ITT smallbrains who don't know that the top expenditure in the US budget is healthcare, not defense or that the US spends a similar amount per capita on healthcare as countries like Canada, Germany, UK

>he fell for the """free""" healthcare meme

Thats sweden tier


BASED Mad Max Bernier wants to implement a two tier healthcare system, our regular "free" service, and a paid one similar to America's if you really needed it right away.