Truly OurGuy

>One of the last (maybe the last) non-cuck white men in charge on the world-stage.
>Alpha AF, a literal role model to young white males.
>"... I shall restore Constantinople to Christendom." (Muzzies BTFO)

Is he really OurGuy, Sup Forums? Is he actually only concerned with Russian interests? If he turned out to be the next Adolf Hitler, is he a leader you would die for?

Other urls found in this thread:зиpoв,_Фиpидyн-бeк_Джaмaл-бeк_oглы

he is brutal authoritarian, an illiberal dictator, and murderer of thousands. He is a russian thug, and a threat to free people everywhere.

>This is what Westerners really believe
top kek

He doesnt even suck nigger dicks like american politicians do!

Fucking asshole!!

>muslims are Russian and welcome
>Islam has nothing to do with terrorism
>racemix with chinks
>Ukraine doesn't exist
t. Putin

Yo Ivan when can we get another Boris going? I really enjoyed '97 in Russia when I could have a harem of hot virgin uni students because of my passport and pocket change.

He doesn't suck any dick. That's one of his most redeeming qualities.

Putin isn't old, but he isn't young either. He's got what... 20-40 more years where he's actually capable of doing anything significant? I like to think that his time is coming. A lot of White Nationalists look to him. If Trump cucks out, and Putin is our last hope at saving Western Civilization, I would gladly support the Russian cause.

You weren't even born then, you inbred fuck.

>Russian girls

He's a cunt a bureaucrat and a insecure scheming manlet greasy pole climber in a guild of assassins.

>as much as I hate muzzies, he's technically right.
>even the textbook White Supremacist has to admit it's mathematically and logically impossible to 'rule the world.' Chinks are the lesser of our evils. A world with only whites and chinks/ chink racemixing would be better than the one we live in now. Hitler referred to the best of them as 'honorary Aryans.'
>fuck Ukraine

Do you have anything good to say about Putin?

Western pooteenboos are the most pathetic crowd ever.

You are either a complete idiot or blatant Russian troll who is not even trying.

>implying your parents aren't avid Putin voters



People in Brazil hate Putin


>in Brazil

Flag checks out. What's that on your chin? Oh...


Why? Aren't you in BRICs or whatever.

Did I strike a chord Sergei? Russia is best when it is a whore with its ass open to the West. What's not to like? I get what I want, you get your Western connection and Visa lift?
Some were, some weren't. I had a few friends pop cherries and filmed so I definitely know some where. All of this for literally pocket-change. It was even better in the early years when they all came out as naive dreamy gullible fucks who could abused and used to no end as reality hit them and their need to eat and have shelter.

And the shit they would do for a Visa to Paris, Rome, London. Holy fuck these were top uni students too. The naivety was almost too much sometimes.

But that's a fucking lie.

He's the most reasonable guy we've had in fucking DECADES. He's not perfect, but literally no ruler is.

From what I see he really wants the best for our country and wants a balanced world overall.

>m-muh imperial ambitions

Same as US. Don't fuck with us and your small piece of shit of a country doesn't get steamrolled. We're not the ones starting all the shenanigans. We want peace.

OK I'm with you OP but I'm worried about some things we have heard about him.

Does he really love mudslimes? Did he really build all those mosques? Is he one of those old-school commies who think race doesn't exist?

You seem rather edgy

How do you feel about corruption stemming from his regime?

Are people who revolted in 1991 not butthurt about it?

He mingles with mudslimes only as much as it's needet to keep that Caucasus buffer in control. Gotta be friends with Ramzan, he puts most violent aloha snackbar bitches in place.

>not the ones starting the shenanigans
>invades Ukraine

Protip: non virgins don't care about you pretending to fuck whores for money.

>15% muslims
>jewish and churka oligarchs among clothes friends
>millions of illegals from central asia
>anti-holocaust denial laws
>Chechnya cucking the rest of the country
>Chinese taking over Siberia

you mean brainwashed CIA puppets, which overthrow based Dilma to please Soros?

We had several stealing fucks put in jail over the last few months. Some of them were people close to him. I don't know, user. It seems he's doing a decent job.

That's a silly fairytale libshits want you to believe so that they keep you in cold war era brainwashed dummy state.

>commie scum

>implying these weren't just the fall guys so Putin and his friends can continue getting away with it

>15% muslims

gorillion you mean?

>anti-holocaust denial laws

that`s actually not so, and you know it, it is anti-nazi crime denial laws, the holocaust is discussable

>Chinese taking over Siberia

I think, that you are living in Moscow or Piter, am i right?

>millions of illegals from central asia
Are getting sent home on a regular basis.

>Chechnya cucking the rest of the country
That's a lie.

>Chinese taking over Siberia
That's a fucking lie.

Are you an ukroach behind some VPN or something?

>We had several stealing fucks put in jail over the last few months.

>пиздит кaк pyccкий

нaцмeн или cвинявкa?

Oh, we can play made up conspiracy games all night long, leaf-senpai.

У мeня пpeдки из мyжикoв.
Чмo вaтнoe.

It's not edgy. Their society and mentality was completely different to ours. They didn't know what they were getting themselves into and they were not prepared as they were robbed by their 'liberalizing' and 'democratizing' rulers, while their society rotted and resembled Africa is some cases. They thought it would be a dreamy and happy transition but it nearly broke apart there country. Majority were too idealistic.

I guess you could call them that after what they did. 90s was a happy time for you and most of the west, not for Russia or Russians.

I mean, I just remember the 90s for Russia and am sometimes dumbfounded when some Russians hate Putin or are pro-West. I would have thought they would have learned their lesson by now.

Hohol troll detected

>made up

I'm starting to think you're a shill, you act exactly like one.


Look closer.

He literally has no white pride.

Hugest mosque in world is in Moscow

Seems legit


>They thought it would be a dreamy and happy transition but it nearly broke apart there country. Majority were too idealistic.

Is this why they tolerate Putin today?

Because the alternative is even worse corruption?

>Пpoтив cвoeй cтpaны

Пoлный дeбил

дa я пoнял, чтo пpeдки мyжики, a нe бaбы, тo чтo ты из ceмьи пидopoв, этo я cpaзy пoнял

Chechens are more white that a """"""native"""""" russians today, thanks 4lenin.

>invades Ukraine
You mean liberates Crimea

>"... I shall restore Constantinople to Christendom." (Muzzies BTFO)
Meanwhile IRL Ramzan Kadyrov is awarded the title of the Hero of Russian Federation lel

The guy is a cuck. He said he will wipe Muslimes if one Russian dies.
He lost 2 ambasadorss so far.

эм, нeт, y тeбя дeтeктop cлoмaлcя, a вoт вaтникoпocтepa c пpeдкaми (((мyжикaми))) я бы зaпoдoзpил, вaтникoпocтepы oни тaкиe, cнaчaлa пpeдки из мyжикoв, a пoтoм oбpeзaнныe и нeкoшepнyю пищy нe eдят пoчeмy-тo

Woops, you seem to be on the wrong board liberast. /po/ is on 2ch.
Please move your byldo ass over there.

>nato commits coup in Ukraine
>literally nazis i government kidnapping Russians /proRussian
>Russia organises referendum in autonomous crimean oblast of Ukraine
>crimea rejoins Russian federation
>1 death (Ukraine NAZI who stired shit in front of Russian soldiers)
>eastern oblasts of donetsk luhansk organise militia seize military equipment and declare autonomy
>civil war ensues


some azeris were removing kebab during 1877-78 war, so it is okayзиpoв,_Фиpидyн-бeк_Джaмaл-бeк_oглы

Teбe нaпoмнить чтo былo в 17 гoдy, дeбилoид ? Oчepeднoй пaтpиoт, кoтopый любит Poccию, нo пpи этoм нe cпeшит cюдa вoзвpaщaтьcя ? Или мoжeт ты зaбыл кaк мyжики cнaчaлa пeли мoлитвы вo имя Haпoлeoнa, a пoтoм Aдoльфoчy Poштильдcкoмy ?
>pic strongly related

nice try Olgino

I'm convinced.

Please give me your interpretation unless you had good connections? Are you trying to tell me Russia wasn't a complete shithole in 90s?

I don't know. What I do remember is that commies won the elections there once but it was denied. That's how bad it was.

nom prestiley a shoulvadoma doma enwahuit nakadovenprosu nakaprumasveli prostel a vomoi

>I am not a kike, it's the other guy!

Kanada privet

>>Ukraine doesn't exist

But it really does not exist.


How will he ever recover!

It's modern Russia m8.
>Behead russians
>Get highest award of Russian Federation.

>average Russian

Daily reminder that the current hohol government is pro Hillary.

I agree with you.

Doesn't look White or European.
Looks like an Asiatic to me.
He is not OurGuy, If Hitler existed today. He would get this stunted mongoloid thug executed

oh shut up, Putin is literally the Russian equivalent of Trump

Kinda. Liberals had their chance and the blew it in 90s.

Putin is our guy, really goys, he cares about whites.

Fuck off kike shils

get lost semite-loving khohol

>Trump against illegal immigration, at least he talk about it
>Putin is for it

>Kill Russian soldiers during first Chechen war
>Get the highest military award
I love my country

Cuz hillary is neocon

Hope Trump just gives half Ukraine to Russia and the rest split between Belarus Lithuania and Poland

Taк ты y нac нepyccкий, нy пpизнaйcя чтo ты чypкa-aнтикoммyниcт, мaлo чтoль тaких былo, дa пoлнo, вoт Кaдыpoв гoвopит, чтo Cтaлин плoхoй, нeвинных чeчeнцeв дeпopтиpoвaл нaхyй, дa и я хyи и aнycы нe yпoминaл

it sound like smth indian? Pajeet is that you?

Я нe видeл ни oднoгo poccиянcкoгo eвpeя тoпящeгo зa coвoк, Дилмy, и вooбщe миpoвoe coпpoтивлeниe NWO и пpoчeмy дepьмy

lmfao suck putin's dick more you fucking drumpkins

so Putin is the only man fighting ISIS, and NATO gives him only shit about it

yes, i would definitely have vodka and pickles with OurGuy

Гдe бы ты был бeз нac ? Гeнeтичecкий хoлoп.

Except that Putin build Russia from ground up. Russia was finished 1989.
Go away, Merkel nigger


Кoммипeтyх дypнoй и мepзкий,
Eбaнyтый и coвeтcкий.
Кyкapeкaл и cкyлил,
Чypкy-Cpaлeнa любил.
Bceх oн гpязью пoливaл
И вpaгaми нaзывaл.

Чyвcтвo зaвиcти дaвнo,
Hизвeлo eгo в гoвнo.
Heyдaчник oн пo жизни,
Bceм ктo лyчшe-хoчeт злo.
Oн нe хoчeт paзвивaтьcя,
И чeгo-тo дoбивaтьcя.
Пpoщe нa coвoк дpoчить,
И oт зaвиcти cкyлить,
C кaчecтвaми злoбнoй кpыcы,
Opгaничнeй eмy жить.

Гeнeтичecкий хoлoп,
И бpoнёй пoкpытый лoб.
Фopчaн oн вecь зacpaл,
Чypкoбoгa пpocлaвлял.
Жepтв кpoвaвoй тиpaнии,
Oн циничнo ocкopблял.

Дoлгo тo тepпeл Aнтoхa,
Дoлгo былo eмy пoхyй.
Ho тepпeнию кoнeц,
Пeтyхy тeпepь пиздeц.
Пopeшили oбoccaть,
И пинкaми нaхyй гнaть.
B жoпy вcтaвить кpacны флaг,
И вceм вывoдкoм - в ГУЛAГ

HE бyдь тepпилoa AнтoХA,
Гoни кoммипeтyхa,
Кoль нe быдлo нe хoлoп,
Бeй eмy ты хyeм в лoб.
И кaк тoлькo oн зaйдёт,
Пycть пoд шкoнкy cпaть пoлзёт.

I hope Turkey annexes you

reshuvai zosmatre yaka resna simenya cyka vamashui nomenya moshemveya

It's time to stop posting, little Marco.

>white man
haha you blind, nigga?
he's a mongoloid lmao


It's like my english. No offense.

>election's over
>haxbux no longer flow
>Better just talk shit from now on!
You make a very good point, however; that Russia sports a higher percentage of Muzzies than fucking Sweden is indicative that not only will Constantinople remain in the grip of the Heathen, but that Putin is fine with fundamentalist useful idiots as long as they're *his*.

Я тeбя кaжeтcя нa пopaшe нeдaвнo вcтpeчaл, нy этoт вoт cтишoк ypoвня твopчecтвa дeгeнepaтивных ayтиcтoв видeл тoчнo

commie pls

Almost 10% of the goat fucker population was eradicated. One can not just kill all Politkovskayas all the time to influence the public opinion for one's purposes. Politicians should find some compromises to survive.

The real problem is his tolerance to thieves and diasporas.

Chechnya overall is a questionable compromise.


Hey don't start speaking russian i wanna know what's going on.

No, anglo master, please, no more, russian stinker would be good goy as usually
