Based Japan: TENNO HEIKA BANZAI Edition

>Japan will become more tolerant and is begin to embrace multicult-

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based japan

>Nanking massacre didn't happen but I want it to happen again

That's the real redpill of WW2

Makes sense, white people are a plague to Japan.
African-Japanese are highly successful and well-liked though.

I support Japan in their genocide of other slants.

oh sweden, you can't hide it anymore, can you?

His speech made me cry for the dead then the cute song made me smile


that guy's gonna be an amazing president

when does shinzo abe leave?

>Nanking massacre didn't happen but I want it to happen again
Literally every neo-nazi argument ever: holohoax never happened, but jews will be put into the ovens when the white man takes over.

Not that gassing shitskins is wrong of course.

After he rebuilds the military and stocks up on nukes

The peacetime Emperor is requesting permission from his people to step down also. This will allow for a stronger emperor to take his place.

how will japan start a massacre
when they don't have guns


GO FOR IT! I like her

tfw really love living in huge houses in Canada but want to move back home to Japan

I feel sorry for white people. If they want to leave Canada like I do, they no longer have their own true country to return to.

It's easy when a government allows the will of the people to take action

The age of the white man is over. The time of the jewish controlled shitskin has come.

I'll just go to Japan or Hong Kong and give all your women muh dik

They should have given us such a detailed plan to work from.

every country in the world is the white man's country, we just allow other races to live there for now.

that video makes me sad

>Implying we won't immigrate to your countries so your rebelling daughters have BWC to jump on
nice try nipanon

I want to Japan 2 years ago and all I can say is

a) Tokyo is fucking HUUUUUGE
b) I had to surgically remove those little slant eyed sluts from my cock. No joke, they love the white man there, all you have to be is a little tall (japs are quite short so not so hard), blonde and be of average looks and Japanese chicks will froth at the pussy its not even funny lol. Its like they WANT to be subjugated by the white man, like they want the white man to teach them a lesson.
10/10 better than Canada.

Do you want me to continue?

Pale niggers detected

If I am to be a pale nigger I will gladly be the niggest

The Japs can't rally belie that? everyone else hates them, unit 731 is good enough reason.

based nips

Nice try niggers

Truth don't lie and remember where you are allowed to post what you post

Somehow Trump is enabling Japan to return to Empire just like in old day.

I need Japan to be Japan again. Kick all jews out.

Kikes and race-traitors did this.
We're going to fix this shit, soon.

>Tuskegee experiment
>forced lobotomization
>forced circumcision
but no, let's believe some made-up story from the red Chinese who themselves were known to flay people alive and eat them

I like the Japs but really liberators of Asia is just retarded, they were worse than us. Their cruelty was comparable to the Belgians, except for occupied Taiwan. They got a pretty sweet deal.

most of it was the Chinese communists and nationalists slaughtering each other in their civil war and blaming it all on the nippers, Chinese have had 4000 years of documented practice in removing themselves


Japan is based as fuck

What evidence is there of unit 100, unit 731, 516, 8604, NAnking or Changjiao were faked? I'm not saying your people were the worst colonial occupiers. Though the fact heat everyone surrounding you hates you should be an indicator that maybe your rule wasn't pleasant. Besides only 600 people were in the Tuskegee experiment, of which 400 had the disease previously. Plenty of countries had forced lobotomies, or sterilization programs. Plus circumcision isn't that bad.

Kek what massacre? Japos are killing themselves by not breeding. It's only natural that Koreans will eventually repopulate their shitty island and anime and mecha will be ours.

Japan is so full of shit.

You declared war based on a fake new and then killed them mercilessly. Just like you did with the british soldier in the Burma railway.

Japan, just fuck off. You were so nice we nuked you twice.

At least Germany accepts responsibility for WW2.

..since when did Brazil nuked Japan?
More like twice..?

Wait, so he's saying Japan fought western imperialism.... well yes by fighting the Australians but did they fight western imperialism in China by "liberating" chinese civilians ie murdering them, no hence he shouldn't use "muh western imperialism" and forget about the atrocities in China... the west didn't make them kill the Chinese they decided for themselves.

Who do you think was the first foreign leader Trump talked to after winning the election?

Our Real Greatest Ally

My dad just came back from Japan on a business trip. He said the opposite. Jamaicans in Tokyo trying to sell hookers and shit

I lived in Japan for a few months one time. Everyone was nice and all, but after a while I realized that if the nips decided to hate 6' 200lb white males, I would be completed fucked. Nips do not think like Americans. They kind of have a nip groupthink and that is followed religiously. Most nips are nationalistic.

>World Wars between white men and white men

Kek has spoken.

>African Japanese

>Jamaicans in Tokyo

They let Jamaicans in Japan? I thought they were cool.


>nips chimping out against white people because it surely went well for them when they did it in the past

There's no getting a point across to these robot-like fuckers, is there?


>Their cruelty
>Not what jews/chink war victors wrote about their cruelty

Japanese killed their enemies and fought a world war. They did nothing more evil than fight to win as far as war and all the evil that comes with it goes.

No apologies. No guilt. Just avoid war in the future.

>There's no getting a point across to these robot-like fuckers, is there?

Nope, that just the way they are. But they can be dealt with if they want something besides money cause money is one thing they do have.

>at least Germans accept responsibility for WW2
Kike spotted

Axis did nothing wrong but lose and did nothing evil except fight a war against agressors trying to increase their banks' control over the world

I don't see how a country that could only get 1 point in a soccer game, while their opponents got 7, could ever imagine that they could nuke us twice

Nah, they've got the hive mind. Only European people have concepts such as individuality. To our detriment many times, but also to our advantage.

China was an asian jew western cuck nation that bent over backwards for European powers and submitted to communism after WW2. The Allied Powers were the western imperialists and their puppets. The Axis opposed them conquering the world

That's what my dad said, but he saw them only in Tokyo, nowhere else in Japan.

And no, Jamaicans are usually your stereotypical nigger scumbag, but with an accent.

Research was necessary in that war.
Everyone was looking for a superweapon to win them the war.

Because maybe you are just pale niggers and divide/conquer jews

>Hitler did nothing wrong
>says Germans should be enslaved for losing

Hitler was an idiot who shouldn't have invaded Poland.

No, I thought the nips were cool for not letting in niggers. Not Jamaicans.

For me, I'm a lead nigger.

>Japan, just fuck off. You were so nice we nuked you twice.


>Hitler was an idiot who shouldn't have invaded Poland.

I'm pretty sure Danzig being cutoff from Germany in post WW1 had a lot to do with it.


Shouldn't have done it though. You can't always get what you want.

>Abe goes to America before the election and has a talk and photo op with Hillary but doesn't bother to see trump
>trump wins
>Abe's party votes to join TPP right after trump said it's cancelled
>trump come to Japan
>doesn't bother to see Abe, shoots the shit with some guy who sells iPhones
>trump leaves
>Putin shows up to talk to Abe about the islands
>about how he's never giving them back
>Abe arranges a meeting at an exclusive mountaintop resort overlooking the ocean and Mount Fuji
>Putin shows up at the airport 6 hours late because he doesn't give a fuck
>still don't have an Olympic stadium
gg abe

two nukes weren't enough

Invading Poland isn't what was the fuck up. Hitlers fuckup was not fully beating out the Brits, and instead invaded the Soviet Union.

most of those niggers are Nigerians

>Olympic games

Yeah, he fucked that up too, but he shouldn't have invaded Poland. Everything would have been fine and dandy.

Well thanks for clearing that up.

He did distinctly say that a Jamaican was trying to pimp out some hookers to him during his time in Tokyo. Jamaican accents are very obvious.

>Meanwhile you bend over and give muslims blankets and footrubbies


Germans arguably should be enslaved for losing

That was their last stand, they surrendered early and lost

There was no way Poland was not getting invaded

>t. invaded and genocided by neighboring superpowers twice in ten years
get off your high horse Poland

no really, it's no good against tanks

WW2 was inevitable. If it wasn't Poland, it would have been something else. The results of WW1 set up the next war. It was inevitable. Had the restrictions on Germany been less harsh, someone like Hitler probably wouldn't have been elected in the first place.

That wasn't an excuse to murder innocent civilians. Japan did the same thing nazi germany did in the ussr. But alas, it could of been different, better for the attacking side... if only they would of made good use of the population... but no.

>they surrendered early and lost
>getting their shit pushed in from both ends all the way to Berlin

You are fucking retarded. Hitler was retarded and caused one of the most deadly wars in European history, killing millions of Europeans. You want to talk White genocide, talk about WWII.

Literally just don't invade Poland, holy fuck you are retarded.

Literally just don't invade countries. How hard is that to understand? Just don't do it. Not hard.

Poland is basically the Korea of Europe, it's a very convenient place to loot and pillage on your way to the country you're actually trying to fight a war against

Good. They should preserve their society.

Checked and keked

>Literally just don't invade countries. How hard is that to understand? Just don't do it. Not hard.

Why not? What if the invasion is successful?

We're here, having a conversation, because Indians were conquered or relocated. Because of a successful invasion.

>circumcision isn't that bad.
Fuck off kike

Why are you even in the us.
Its not like we're noving to nip country

China explicitely said they would fight man, woman and child till the end

Japan killing civilians was just part of war

China invasion was a disaster for the world because Chang kai-shek and the Kuomintang were winning against the communists until getting BTFO by Japan
Japanese invasion basically allowed Mao to take over the country
worst fuckup in the 20th century

Hitler wasn't elected

The jewish cuckoldry is strong in this one

Go ahead, make a strawman you jew

You are right,

Nips are an embarrassment. Truly a nation of autists.

Because I'm an American that hates anime and doesnt speak Japanese at all but respects Japan as a sovreign independent Japanese nation

Wife material, right there.

Yes I hope my country con be like that one day

>all these red pills
>the jews face when they never conquered Japan

If america is Goku when it comes to be a cucked nation, you are Gohan SSJ2.

Shit like this makes me wish there was a way to start an all-white country and move there with all my white friends and we can live in civilised peace without crime. it would be utopia.

TPP benefits Japan, why wouldn't they sign it? His constituents are pushing for it anyways. Abe's party are aggressive nationalists.

Putin also gave those islands back so, you're a bit out of touch there.

Also the stadium needs to be completed by 2020, Japanese work fucking fast, even if they don't repurpose an old one and build from scratch they could have it done in a year.