I'm pretty sure the Facebook app listens to my conversations... anyone else noticed things like this?

I'm pretty sure the Facebook app listens to my conversations... anyone else noticed things like this?

Note: When the phones in my pocket idling

Anything you do online is monitored by the government, dipshit.

>i think the jews are listening to me when i use their applications

rly now?

Obviously- but Faceboo- oh gosh, it really is a government tool isn't it!?

Possibly this. It is conceivable but haven't seen any evidence of it anywhere.

Likely only happens if they are investigating you personally. I doubt they have the storage space to record everyone all the time.

It is listening, you can test it too.
Think of a keyword and just talk about it constantly and at random.
You will eventually be shown ads for that keyword.

that's nothing. I can be doing something on the internet and think of a google search I need to do then go on google, type two letters, and the first autocomplete result is word for word the result I was thinking of.

ugh, I've got a headache.

It 100% does, It recommends pages based on it. Seriously test it out, got recommended a page called Sesh Gremlins 5 minutes after a mate called me a sesh gremlin irl. Never heard that phrase in my life previously and normally FB only recommends meme pages (as that's all I like), Sesh Gremlins is also not a meme page.

>drunk one night reading conspiracys
>read one about apple listening to you all the time
>see what it takes to stop it
>put phone on audio record mode
>half a roll of duct tape later i can still her me talking to myself while my phone is in my pocket
Yeah they are 100% listening to you op. Its fucked up how well the audio can pick up your voice

Going to try this tonight

Never experienced it personally, but you can deny permissions for the app to use your microphone if you're on a rooted android device. Not sure if that solves the issue since I can't test it.


Massive love for the sesh!

Yell 'BOB!' at work, later it suggests a video of a chap screaming after his cardboard dog named 'Bob' ... several other happenings much like this, not a coincidence.

with any facebook app in your phone you're giving the authorities permission to use your microphone at alle times. also when the phone is in your pocket

If your that concerned about privacy, why are you using Facebook in the first place?

NSA here.

I just activated your camera and your microphone. I hope you don't mind us eavesdropping your house for a bit.

>the sesh



Hope you enjoy watching me jack off, play rise of the tomb raider, then jerk off to rise of the tomb raider.

>I just activated your camera and your microphone.

Jokes on you, I activated your almonds

you fuckers always do. typically when I start talking business, taxes, politics, or who needs to die to make the world better. I can tell too cause my battery takes a massive shit.

never said anything even remotely about hentai anime manga etc on facebook, but it still suggests lolicon world to me, so I would say definitely

Dude, just delete your FaceBook account. Having a Facebook is the equivalent of the Big Brother Screens in your apartment from 1984.

The problem is other people continually using it. You are trapped in it from all the people who still use it.

Their stupid picture taking, 'status' posting and chit chat still involves non users. Their face recognition still has you in the bank.

Deleting your account and not using it is the correct thing to do but in the bigger picture it doesn't matter that much if you do or don't.

Unless you have no friends ofc.

t. 6 years clean from FB

While driving, turn your car radio to the Spanish Channel and put your phone there. Alternately you can have a TV running on the Spanish Channel and leave the phone in the same room. You will soon start getting ads in Spanish.

I haven't noticed that, no, but I have noticed it scanning everything else on my phone, including my iTunes library and automatically signing me up as liking all of the artists by name, including those highly respected artists "various artists" and "tv theme".