Fake dossier?

I have read all 35 pages of the trump dossier, but nowhere I can find this excert about baneposting and "source k"

Was it made up? Where does image related come from?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cmon, someone must have seen something? I've seen this image float around. I offer stale memes in return

Anyone got the one with anime pyjama ?

people are just goofing around and making their own. it's made up, and not in the dossier.

I've seen others with Trump and chicken tenders, and reply to this post or your mother, etc. etc.

You were rused user, it's just a photoshop. Good on you for actually reading the dossier though, most of the people here probably dismissed the whole thing because of that image.

No one cares anymore. Pol kicked the CIA's ass.

Man, it seemed to good to be true.
Then wtf is up with the dossier? Is it true or false? How come /pol isn't discussing it? Instead it's just a bunch of click bait on page 1, like any shitty evening mag.

We have become what we hates. Here are more shitty memes I guess

i came

4 u

More memes I guess. If I cannot have the document it came from, at least I will have a shitty ylyl

quick googling returned only this result: independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/donald-trump-russia-10-allegations-dossier-kremlin-michael-cohen-sex-claims-intelligence-reports-a7522056.html


" Cohen had been accompanied to Prague by three colleagues and the timing of the visit was either in the last week of August or the first week of September."

"Mr Cohen denies he has ever been to Prague in his life, and showed Yahoo News his passport which appeared to have stamps running from 2009 to late 2016 but none from the Czech Republic. Given the country lies in the Schengen zone, however, it is not impossible that he could have entered the country without receiving a passport stamp. But his rebuttal has been swift and total."

There was some other article where it was said that it was some other Cohen in Prague during that time. Either way, its pretty much impossible to say if its true or not at this point.

Trump was in Russia during 2013 when the alleged "golden shower" happened, but anyone could've googled that information and made it up.

Considering that if its in any way true, Russia should be the only one that has the video, and if Trump would be Russia's puppet for real, then they would never release it for the public as they would lose whatever they had for blackmailing.

Way too easy for anyone to fake that kind of document.

AFAIK the dossier wasn't made by an user and circulated to journalists, that is just a next level meme with many Sup Forumsacks playing along and some patsies who actually believe it only confusing the matter. Several news agencies did receive the dossier, but didn't run with it because the information is completely unreliable. Buzzfeed because they are click-hungry shit-tier 'journalists' leaked the whole thing, but without being able to confirm anything as being true. For this reason it has mostly blown over. I think parts of it probably are true, such as Russia sharing intelligence with Trump as he is much closer aligned to their interests than Hillary and them having some compromising info on him too, but I'd believed these things without any dossier.

Also, theres been talk that it was ordered by Jeb Bush from a former MI6-agent who has connections to Russia, and that the dossier has been circulating for quite some time. Can't be bothered to find any links now, but i guess there's a reason why nobody released it.

If it was true, it would've been bigger than the pussy-grabbing video, but none of Trump's opponents could prove it was real.


This guy is suggesting that he faked the whole thing, but he hasnt really posted any proof as far as i know.

it obviously is bref


Yeah that's as far as I had gotten myself. Was hoping deep down for a "they don't know all the memes to they didn't get the reference"-angle, but alas I was deceived

I've seen like 4 different versions of the document, some don't even mention golden showers. I don't know what the fuck is going on.

Sven, I can't find the dossier itself but this article should be helpful:


As far as I can tell, whether or not Sup Forums was involved, it's complete bullshit and they know it.

The whole dossier wasn't made by an user the peepee stories were

please tell me this isn't the real dossier

Nope, it's either from the 2-page summary that I have been unable to find, or 100% made up

top kek


