Kikes are convincing autists to cut off their penis

kikes are convincing autists to cut off their penis.

whats their endgame here?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Can't have babies
>They die, most likely from suicide
>Just another method of killing the white race

They started with the foreskin, now they are coming for the rest

they'll use every tool available to them to do their Jewry. This is simply another tool they can use.

the jews are behind all of this.

promoting faggotry gives them cover, they arent the first line to be attacked any longer

The kikes' endgame is ultimately eugenic. Whether it's good or bad for humanity, I don't know.



>first post isn't >(((goldberg)))


To disable white people through subversion so they can continue their Jewry, life at the top of society, and ensure another holocaust or mass realization of Jewry never happens again

Depopulization, social atomization, spreading disease through fornication (go look up "trap" HIV rates), another radical group they can beat into their heads that they are victims of normal white men for various gommie unrest purposes.

On the plus side I take a perverse kind of pleasure in seeing failed men sterilize themselves, its a great form of eugenics desu.

Can't breed without a dick. Less autism in the gene pool. Now if only we can get whites to stop fucking their cousins.

nigger he says what are the kikes up to in the first fucking 3 words

no need to be redundant at that point coincidences are not an argument but a framer

They are preventing reproduction.

How many non whites are doing this. It's a tool to divide the white people into subsets and minorities, to make them dependent on government (Through mind alter drugs, Hormones, and expensive surgery) like other minorities.

Oh look. Pederasty.

Ask the (Pope)

Thailand and Colombia are the tranny capitals of the world. But I do agree with your point.

Also, (((GOLDBERF)))

Fair. It may be more accurate to say the majority race, but I'm not fully educated on colombias and thailands political climate.

If i had a dollar for every gender there is then I would be broke because GENDER IS A SPOOK LMAO.

effeminate population unable to revolt

Boi pucci is the best thing ever. Thanks goiys

no, right circle is bigger you cheat

I think this happened more naturally. if you can call it that, in Colombia and Thailand. In Europe and North America we're not naturally a bunch of feminine faggots so the (((media))) need to push it on us and indoctrinate the people.

yeah but then you think about how a lot of them had normal families who didn't encourage them to do this shit for social points and they were just vulnerable people exploited by our judaized society
in a different world they could've grown up properly into fine men and women
the jews win when whites disown and revile these victims instead of trying to stop them

Who is the semen demon in OP's pic ?

Yeah I agree there needs to be push back against the normalization of it but you won't find it here with all the trap fapping sycophants usually employed for raids not wanting their fetish threatened

The reproduction of who, though? Men and women stupid enough to get their dicks cut off and vaginas sewn inside out? People stupid enough to think blacks and whites are equal?

If we survive this century, the euro-herd will be much stronger as a result.

Kek, nice one Charles


reminder to petition against this nonsense

>Tell National Geographic Gender Ideology Harms Children

>“gender Ideology harms children,” and “urges educators and legislators to reject all policies that condition children to accept as normal a life of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex. Facts – not ideology – determine reality.” In their statement, they go on to say “a person’s belief that he or she is something they are not is, at best, a sign of confused thinking.”

>"Conditioning children into believing that a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse."

oh I'm laffin

why is it so common in Thailand

no one has ever tried to answer that or have a thread on it on pol

Transgender people have been a thing since man has existed. They're not exactly beloved, but it's generally the Abrahamic religions that get a big dick about it; even the Romans were okay with it (even if they looked down on the dude not being a dude).

Nope. Transgender is a complete social construct. They're just what homosexuals do in various cultures. Societies where gay men are forced into woman-like roles have strict ideas about men and women.

Native Americans and Samoans and Indians usually let gay men do their thing without cutting bits off.

Why is Nat Geo so anti-science?

Has anyone read the article? Is it REALLY trying to say that being the billions of bullshit gender are 'proven by science XD', or is it just an article commenting and observing the movement?

Because Jewpert Murdoch took it over and it's now complete tabloid shit.

If you could will gender dysphoria away, it would go away. For most people's traumatic enough to come to terms with it and they've spend years trying to be ultra manly (which is why you see so many thick beards on "before" pictures).

Did you not read the article I linked?

it doesn't matter if you can't will it away

you don't start telling schizophrenic people that the voices they hear are real

Just a coincidence

you mean other burgers and inbreds


The world needs more qt traps

dysgenic, you mean

I remember just a couple months ago, they ran an article whining about how anti-science the world is when some retards denied the moon landing or global warming. I guess they should have saved the ticket on that one

>hermaphrodites and genetic fuckups have been a thing since man existed
That's not what a transgender is you fucking retard. Transgender is defined as that you are one gender, yet feel like and are transitioning to another gender.

But sure, call hermphrodites the "third gender" if you want, if you ignore the fact that they are genetic dead ends and so rare that you realize they aren't actually supposed to exist. Trying to normalize any gender outside of the male/female binary is retarded since by definition, all the 'genders' outside of that are not normal and are extremely rare?