Yikes Trump better cool it

Lemon raises a good point. Fire with fire, innit chaps?

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Will kek's next victim be Lemon?

I would really love that

Le mon face

You said he made a good point. I certainly don't see one....

zulu lemon needs to eat a bullet

>What if we called him a pee pee pants?

Fake News!

>What if we call him a fake President?
That's more fake news.

FACTCHECK: PANTS ON FIRE. Donald trump is the 45th President of the United States of America.

What if we called you lugenpresse?

lemon party needs to fuck off

>dies of AIDS given to him by Anderson Cooper

Sure. Also, they should disobey all those fake laws that are about to get passed so they can get a fake boot to the back of the neck.

He seems pretty sour about it.

LemonA I D S


Anons. Do it.


woah woah woah

cool those jets bra

just cool ur jets mane

>shoulders wider than hips

idk man, very pretty face but i'm not convinced until i see a snatch

>not just drinking black coffee and smoking meth like everyone else

what compelled you to make this post

What if I called him a nigger?

Good CNN, good. Keep transparently showing your bias so everyone will know you're not a real news company. Trump will force you to show your true self.

Lemon might be the biggest retard on TV


Please do it. I want to see this happen.

Kek Liberals are big children

I'm ok with this

If CNN want war then they have got it.


Dinners almost ready Gabe. Wash your hands and clean your room.

#SourLemon should do that.

It would only prove Trump's point.

>Watching niggers on television
Jesus user, get your shit together.

Go ahead you fagnigger, just discredit yourself some more.

>I know you are but what am I?

So, he committed treason by not recognizing Trump as the sovereign and thereby undermining said sovereign?

More like Pinotus. President in name only of the united states.

what if a black hole swallowed up CNN? what would happen to the airport tvs?

>innit chaps
Fuck Lemon and fuck CNN. They are fake and irrelevant, who cares what they think?
And especially fuck OP for using the pseudo Brit streetspeak.

>Call him a fake president
>Just say it's more fake news.
This desu. CNN can't win.

I smell a meme...who can Photoshop?

It says in the Constitution, if a discredited media organ with a shrinking audience declares the President of the United States to be fake, the entire government is illegitimate and you hold snap elections in seventy-two hours.

>what if we called him a fake president
you'd be spinning more fake news just like you're accused of?

Fake news claims are still fake news claims.

Id be so happy if we had another Civil War. Leftist libtards vs. Traditional conservatives. Tell Kikewood to bring thy bodyguards vs 200 million armed rebels. Bunch of lowlifes vs rebels. You wont have Abe on your side this time. Lincoln what a pile of shit.

>Lemon raises a good point.



>exhales weed

what part of what they reported was fake? they said trump was briefed on russia supposedly having a blackmail file on him. trump himself has acknowledged that this briefing happened.


CNN's been faking the news since at least the Gulf War.

They're famous for it.


I guess we should troll the fuck out of CNN.

They had their run as the first 24/7 news service and took over the 80's and 90's, I would love to see them burn to the ground.

Hey Gabe Athouse, time to eat you faggot

harnessing your inner canadian with that shitpost bruh

CNN has already shown to the world that they cant be trusted. Their ratings have tanked significantly.

So even if they were to say something like that it has no ground to stand on.