Is it wrong that I love the south much more than I do the North? Half of my family is from Pennsylvania...

Is it wrong that I love the south much more than I do the North? Half of my family is from Pennsylvania, but having lived here my whole life and reading increasingly in history, I find myself hating the North more and more and wanting the South to break away. People down here in the south are for the most part kind, easy going, and hardworking. There's also a lot of culture and you can still find that white christian small town here. We pretty much vote exclusively Republican, the North pretty much exclusively Democrat. Should the Confederacy return, Sup Forums?

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If you have some strange obsession about the south or the north you are probably insufferable to be around

you are a yank,love your entire country you stupid redneck

its like saying i love england but fuck the welsh irish and scots

fuck england! im british!

There's nothing wrong with loving where you live. Although it is stupid to have an attitude against people over a war that was about 200 years ago. I grew up in the south and live in the north now. Americans don't tend to stay in the same place their whole life moron.
Lastly, states right, slave right, same shit. A bunch of brave, poor, and dumb men in the south fought so that rich people in the south could have slaves. Think about that as you worship the rebel flag.

Only the most contemptible person would piss on the graves of their ancestors. My family fought for Dixie and their cause was just. You don't know what you're talking about.

Nope, nothing wrong with that. The South is god tier

Shameless bump, want more responses

Naw dude, the south kicks ass. I'm from Ohio, lived in South Carolina for years, then moved back, fucking hated it, and now i'm in Alabama.

Only bad thing is all the blacks, but at least the southern ones are cooler than the northern ones.

Almost all of my family is from lancaster PA and i visit a lot... Honestly PA is more southern in culture that it gets credit for. The rural areas are so similar to rural areas of the carolinas

Aren't there even more niggers down there though?