Do you guys realise what's going on right now?

News agencies around the world have teamed up and coordinated to push as much Trump/Russia propaganda as possible, no matter how tenuous the evidence, to try and force an impeachment as soon as possible.

The Guardian are already discussing it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bloink will get impeached.

The American people were lied and misled by Russian propaganda.

>to try and force an impeachment as soon as possible.

impeachment has no teeth, a republican majority and news media is going to take down a popular sitting president?

don't fucking think so,

Trump needs to do internet only press conferences and take questions from press and public alike

when they impeached Bill Clinton what happened?

he stayed in office

>The American people were lied and misled by American MSM propaganda
fixed that for you faggot

They're destroying their credibility, it's fantastic

You're going to accuse American media that has been faithfully and fearlessly covering every single important event in our history since the invention of television?

You're just a Russian troll. There's nothing American about you. Doink will get impeached and there'll be nothing left for you but a two weeks notice from the boss of the Russian troll farm you're posting from.

The rabbit hole runs deep. Remember, at the beginning of any food chain are oil plays.

Hello CNN



This is true Trump team communicated with Russia on a daily routine. The problem is that Trump is not socialist like Putin, he only used Putin to do money.



Or maybe they're concerned about Russia interference. Id believe American msm any day over Russia propaganda machine.


Having so much Drumb hate on a platform for political outcast is a good sign for the next 8 years

Yeah, every president impeached has so far. Not a good track record.

Who is Doink?

The left has nothing to talk about so they just write more hurr durr Trump sucks and is treasonous.

They could work with each other to provide good policies to present to people in the next elections but that would be actual work.

>Media begins with television

Dat bait.


he got pissed on.
deal with it.

this how the MSM works. they push a narrative this is the flavor of the moment.

reading the hacked DNC proved they would push narrative after narrative, nothing suprised me anymore, i am woke.

News agencies are using subliminal shit too, I read an article earlier that had nothing to do with Russia that had a little subliminal message in it.

Hover your mouse over the picture for a second and you'll see the image name, you would most likely miss it unless you were going to save the image.


I've seen that shit too. I was watching the CNN countdown, it was a party, during New Year's and they had a whole special about 2016 and "how good the country is doing right now". They talked about jobs and all that being "great" and you could tell they were taking a dig at Trump's campaign and the "great again" thing.

Shit is literally propaganda.

>You're going to accuse American media that has been faithfully and fearlessly covering every single important event in our history since the invention of television?

yeah American media is propaganda and it sucks

Trump needs to redesign presidential media by offering it himself directly to the world, presidential livestream, questions from press and citizens on screen, no questions from non citizens, they have to go through the press, he can choose to answer or not answer whatever he wants, each question is visible to the viewer so we know which questions he's not answering as well

They said in that latest testimony with Comey that nothing links to the russians trying to help trump, but to help themselves. Even said that even without the DNC leaks he would have still won.

I don't think any outside government should be involved in swaying public opinion, but the information needed to be leaked. It's funny how they ignore the fact that our own MSM undermined the entire election with fake news.

I'm not going to tolerate another news event with some CNN cunt shouting directly into the microphone again, no way, Trump just needs to reinvent the press conference for the modern age, do it livestream, say his piece, answer some questions or chat for a fucking hour if he has time,

news networks can cut pieces of it together and pretend Trump is allied with aliens and russians and he got your wife pregnant

Greener's Law at work.

I doubt this is actually a conspiracy. Trump merely made a mistake when he decided to make himself an enemy of the entire media apparatus, and then continue to attack the media even after he already won. The media doesn't like being insulted like that, and since he isn't backing down they are just going to keep giving him negative press until he submits.

Worse still, he won't have time to fight the media once he's actually in office, and they will use that as their chance to hammer at his reputation CONSTANTLY until the next election.

It's going to get bad, folks. Don't be shocked if their constant stream of anti-Trump propaganda leads to assassination attempts and worse. They're already convinced he's Hitler-lite - the media is just going to do everything they can to convince the world that he's Hitler-DELUX

>Trump gives a shout out to Styx, Razor fist, Molyneux, and Black Pigeon Speaks
>They earn press credentials and unconditional access to the Trump white house
>CNN, MSNBC, and FOX (with the exception of Hannity) all have to sit on the back row

Think bigger, friend. A new day will Don.

And Alex Jones


I kek'd.

yep, they been doing it here too


Are people really dumb enough to believe this shit?


CBS tonight covered the Marine Water Poisoning story today. Their main interviewee was a "retired Corporal". Not to seem ungrateful for anyone's service but a Corporal 20years? Man God you would have had to bang a Generals wife to remain a corporal after 20 years. But that is CBS news reporting. They are most as weak as CNN (Clinton Negro Network). Even Fox using Megan Kelly to trash Trump. Found today she donated $60k, to Hillary campaign.

They are kicking and screaming. But the swamp is being drained.

I'm honestly curious what their endgame is. Okay, let's go with the premise that the Left gins up something that sticks. Trump is impeached and convicted in the Senate. Mike Pence takes control and becomes president. Back in the 90's, Newt Gingrich had some plan where they'd get rid of Bill, and then Gore would somehow be taken down before a vice-president was appointed and old Newt would slide into the Presidency under the rules of succession. Problem is, in this scenario, Even if Trump and Pence are somehow removed from office, Paul Ryan as Speaker becomes president. I don't think there is a real plan. I think all this bullshit is to try to stop Trump from dismantling Obama's "legacy" before Barry can settle into his new life. And the media is spending the last shreds of their credibility on an ultimately futile exercise.


they failed to generate enough outrage, though, too little too late

>Barn door, horse, etc
She was guaranteed to win. There was no reason to do anything. They're all scrambling to catch him after he's developed a huge lead. Wanna see what happens when a generation raised on Leftist indoctrination realizes they're losing power. Stay tuned, the hysteria is just getting started.

>you'll see the image name

what the fuck

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Many happenings will be upon you.