What's next?

What's next?

Other urls found in this thread:


Electing Kanye Lul

nazi america


We raid hotels in real life

We're essentially on hiatus until such time as we find something worth doing.

Civil war 2.0

Nuclear war.



>Sup Forums hackers turn cancer fighting nanobots into a targeted kill system aimed at world leaders and a waifu worship technocratic Kek god dynasty is established

We all get big tittied girlfriends and live happily ever after anons

We won

Its time to stop waiting for WW3 it isnt going to happen in our lifetimes.

Find a wife
Get a job/degree
Do something meaningful
Have children
Get /fit/ not for "aesthetics" but for your own health

Practice gun ownership
Participate in the community in a meaningful way

nuke the mecca

ok digits confirmed, you know what to do


We will help Trump destroy isis

4th reich

Global Nazi Empire.

You're right. It's been a long road and I'm happy it has come to this. I am going to stop being a degenerate and go back to my white country, and get a non degenerate degree to raise my non degenerate Asian wife. Glory to trump

We start actual wars and riots in developing countries just to watch and laugh. Meme Magic is real and its power is growing.

Remember that non degenerate is just one over several important qualities in a wife. Asians are cold blooded, you'll fell empty inside soon enough.

You can do better annon, trust in yourself!

World peace

As the world teeters on the brink of total self annihilation, Sup Forums memes us back to world peace. They'd be forced to hail us as hero's. I think reddit and Tumblr. would really hate us for that one.

The 10th Crusade shall be waged here, on the web against ISIS. 1st: The meme war of 2015-2016, Second: The Tenth Crusade.


Read this and you will see what will be memed into existence during the next few years.



We meme the ayy's into existence

>Sup Forums tricks ivanka trump into colonizing mars to prove she's not a slut
>Muhammad Mal Hijaab of Sweden admits defeat in Martian Race.

Global broadcasts of memes and jokes via nanobots or global cellular signals

Guiz slow down. I know once Trump takes office, he will crack down on Sup Forums because if this incident. He will blame us as pedos and arrest us. Stay safe and go underground.

Awakening a literal god

Iran is working on it. learning how much shia and sunni muslims hate eachother will give you hope for the world.

Day of the Rake. Americans need lebenstraum

Before 2026 please

Kek this please

wouldn't they grant each individual province their own state status?, otherwise the canadian state would have a lot of electoral votes

crashing this plane...


American Balkanization

Sup Forums really is the new Sup Forums.

China first

Both of these

Most of you faggots will be dead or in prison.

t. fortune teller

Nigger public lynchings

What part of Day of the Rake do you not understand?

Heh, fuck Denmark

Civil War 2.0