So what specifically is wrong with Obamacare?

So what specifically is wrong with Obamacare?
because liberals on twitter keep saying how lifesaving and important it is

Other urls found in this thread:

nobody knows

Because those liberals on twitter are the ones getting free healthcare because of it.

For the middle class, most had their premiums more than double and many lost coverage altogether.

Forcing working people to pay double the premiums to pay for all of the gibsmethat that cant afford insurance

>most had their premiums more than double

why did they keep a plan that had such a cost increase then?

that seems pretty stupid

The """""""affordable"""""""" care act is not affordable.

Can't afford it. Deductibles are retarded. It's a tax

>why did they keep a plan that had such a cost increase then?
the ALL went up dingus.. not to mention the deductables are outrageous now.

Right. It's not like they have to pay a fine if they drop it or anything.

It diverts your money to insurance companies and mexicans
no thanks.


weird how mine didn't, must suck to not explore options

>be me
>be /RacistSlightlyHomoSexualWhiteBoy/
>be political science
>be in library, preparing for my politics midterm
>bunch of womyn near me start going on about how they are stressed out by uni, how they couldn't get enough sleep on the weekend
>mfw they both do Electrical Engineering and Pre-Med Nursing double majors

If you are not in an political science or the sociology field you are human garbage. You are literally nigger tier trash because any other subjects in college are not real subjects

>weird how mine didn't, must suck to not explore options
still under mom's coverage user?

The people who work are paying for those that don't.
Before Obama healthcare cost about $75 a month. After Obama it cost double, for less coverage. If you look into it, a majority of Obama care recipients are prisoners.

No fucking reason why my crap wage needs to support everyone going into, being in, or getting out of prison.

...what'cha talking about

>The people who work are paying for those that don't.

oh, just like insurance before

>a majority of Obama care recipients are prisoners

do you mean exchange plans? prisoners don't carry personal insurance anyways...

i like how someone from another country had to correct something an american should know

Can someone explain an outsider what Osamacare is? How did they managed to slip something like that? We are fucked up too: "merging hospitals"=closing one hospital and moving patients to another

>switching to a cheaper plan somehow means dropping coverage

no wonder you idiots have no idea what you are arguing about


Pretty much this. You're also forced to buy into it, which makes it a massive handout to insurance companies. It's effectively a government health care plan, but with for-profit middlemen who still get to fleece the average person.

Prices were set to nearly double this year. Health insurance is now going to cost families like $16k per year. That's insane.

So you sayin, my dad didn't need a private plan that cost 800 dollars a month. oh ok.

I said exactly what I meant. I even posted reference to prove it. Try reading what's written instead of assuming I implied something else.

Before Obamacare, health care costs were rising at a rate of 30% annually. After full implementation by 2011, annual health care costs have been rising at 20% including 2016. Increasing deductible costs have been going on for decades and insurance companies saw Obamacare as a way (a cover) to radically increase costs for non-Obamacare recipients.

It's pasta.

what i said is how it is

So the simple answer is that our government is retarded and shouldnt be allowed to make the decisions

The complicated answer is that its assumed young people are generally healthy, so if they all enroll then the extra money they dont use will go to the sickly old people and everything will work itself out

Problem is they didnt factor in the non-working americans who want free healthcare, they got it but as we all know nothing is free.

So in order to compensate for the low enrollment numbers the administration upped the premiums in order to balance out the mass amount of elderly people and gibmedats getting healthcare for jack shit. Then the middleclass turned out to be just as sick and needing as everyone else so they further increased the premiums

Now a nignog can get shot in Chicago and have a 14 day stay at the hospital but you with a platinum level premium cant get pills.

What a well given rebuttal of the material presented.

Cheaper plan equals shitty coverage, you'll be paying like fucking $60 co pays for medicine that costs half the price

Good Lord you are a retard, I feel shame having you in the same country as I am.

>deductibles go up
>premiums go up
>millions of people lost provider coverage in their areas, so they couldn't even keep their plan
>couldn't keep that doctor they liked, either
>get taxed for being uninsured longer than 3 months, the funds go to general income tax revenue, instead of paying for care
>what really niggles my noggin is the lies.

I know this is a Tibetan cat shaving board, but as a worker I had a stint with the ACA/Obamacare when between jobs. In one sense it sucked, in another it was good. It sucked because as a worker, I got nothing to defray costs, so for my family of 4, it was over $1000 per month. Why was it good? Well, I have asthma, not bad, but I have it. Never been to the emergency room, just a rare attack and I use a puffer. However, before OB-care/ACA, also between jobs, I could not get insurance at all, because of a pre existing condition, my asthma. I was scared into not lying on the application for insurance. While the rest of my family obtained blue cross, I had to rely on ultra expensive COBRA until I found a new job. The pre-existing condition is so popular with the families of Republican congressmen, it's the one thing guaranteed to stay.
That said, Republicans hate the ACA/Obamacare because of partisan politics, they hate everything Obama. If they could bring Osama bin Ladin back to life, they would, just because. It's sad, our founding fathers warned us about this shit. Democracy crippled by a two party system.

I was told that the people's who premiums increased significantly were from red states, and these red states didn't take the federal funding that would've kept those premiums low. But the blue states who did take the funds, Obamacare is actually not that pricey.

what decisions

so if they aren't healthy, what was happening before

nonworkers still received healthcare about the expense of workers

what administration

not obama care. he had two three health care companies. of course he went to the er every day.

Taxing without calling it a tax. Also there is a group of Americans who don't qualify for nigger tier hand outs but cannot afford it - yet they could afford their own insurance and pay their own way before Nigger care. Also it's not even a tax without calling it a tax, it's a straight up fine for not paying into nigger care.

It's basically robbing from the middle class to buy the votes of the nignogs.

and took 30 pills a day. no joke.

>way too much $$$$$$$$$

This is how health insurance works: your employer pays the same premium for both old and young workers so risk pool is shared. Maybe companies should remove younger workers from their insurance plans and save some money, huh? If a younger worker gets sick and can't pay for it, let them die.

Brother, allow me to show you the forest through the trees. Health care is completely, utterly out of control. Medical students in the USA are expected to mortgage their future on $100K loans to work as slaves in a hospital. While student loan debt is well known, it is an outgrowth of medical student costs, rising waters make all boats rise or some shit, but inflation is one number, tuition and medical care are something else entirely.
What will kill this bubble? Medical tourism, that is, fuck you USA medical, I'm going to India/China/Mexico for surgery, vacation + reasonable medical costs. I cannot wait for this bullshit to collapse, and want to see it in my lifetime.

I can't afford insurance because of it. Then the gov fines me for not being able to afford it.

If you make under a certain amount you do NOT have to pay for it and you can get medicaid or whatever your state has for free anyway with $4 copays for dr visits and $1 scripts.

It's all total bullshit and because of Obamacare I now have no health coverage because I'm at the sweet spot to overqualify for medicaid and not want to pay out the ass for private insurance.

Luckily kids get it until age 18 so at least they are fine.

Me? I'm fucked.

Car insurance is only $60 / mo but ...add that in with rent, power, gas, water, trash, and even a flat fucking tire becomes a major crisis.

Get sick? Fucked.

They are saying that because they were getting free hormone pills

I had the cheapest plan available to me before, and it's still the cheapest plan available to me now.

But now it costs twice as much.

Ask them, they wont be able to tell you whats good about it.

>be me
>be /RacistSlightlyHomoSexualWhiteBoy/
>be political science
>be in library, preparing for my politics midterm
>bunch of womyn near me start going on about how they are stressed out by uni, how they couldn't get enough sleep on the weekend
>mfw they both do Electrical Engineering and Pre-Med Nursing double majors

If you are not in an political science or the sociology field you are human garbage. You are literally nigger tier trash because any other subjects in college are not real subjects

no it doesn't

My wife has asthma. Uses a puffer. No insurance. Her yearly bill out of pocket is less than a quarter of what health insurance would cost. Cheaper just to not have ins.

They're still, most likely, keeping in the part that required private insurers allow pre existing conditions starting in 2014. None of that is up for debate. Honestly, what I have a problem with is thay Obamacare did nothing to lower the cost of insurance. We've had years to make it work but the left won't dare criticize the way it's being run. This not quite singlepayer not quite market insurance bullshit makes no sense.

>studying political science
>not human garbage

It does.


Its a deeply flawed policy but did move the needle in the right direction. The biggest 'problem' is that we are now insuring all the sick people which makes coverage more expensive. Especially because so many of the healthy folks havent signed up, or cant afford it.
Crazy thing is, this is the one part of the plan that republicans want to keep - the no denying insurance for pre-existing conditions bit. I just dont understand how theyre going to be able to do that while undoing the rest of the bill and its associated taxes. I think we're going to end up with a paired down version of Obamacare rebranded as Trumpcare

You can buy a lot of albuterol for 1000 dollars.

>The biggest 'problem' is that we are now insuring all the sick people


this I am in this exact situation.
Before Aca I had major medical coverage, or catastrophic ins. Only covered major illness or injury. Was cheap paid $200/month for whole family. Since my provider was in a certain group if I went to doc I still only paid a co pay.

Aca made this type of coverage illegal, had to get full coverage
Can't afford it. Not nigger teir income enough to get subsidies
Pay $2000/yr in fines
Pay full price out of pocket when I go to doc

Asthma sucks. I saw this once.
> When you cannot breathe, nothing else matters.
However, paying for puffers is not insurance, not hit by a bus protection. Protect your wife, fight for universal health care. Disgusting if you murder someone, and get thrown in jail, you can get it, but if you don't, you cannot.

Obomba Nation

Me, specifically. It forced me to get insurance when I didn't want it. I had to pay a penalty of $500 on my taxes a couple of years ago, it was when I started coming to Sup Forums.

Also I've been to the dr. twice since I've had the insurance and no damn help. So I'm basically paying $1200 a year for nothing.

The people who are actually paying for insurance know you are retarded. Not only have premiums went up but deductables make it useless unless you are a 400 pound aids patient.
People who had jobs had good insurance before they were subsidizing all of you freeloaders. I sincerely hope they don't replace it with anything.

I get that it is not affordable for many people. Thats why I say the thing that jacks up the public insurance rates is 'the problem'.

My point was that I can pay for her medical bills out of pocket cheaper than I can pay for ins.

Just pay the fine it's cheaper

Yeahhhh, but I figured if I was paying for nothing I might as well just get the damn insurance.

Mmmmm that sweet sweet welfare and securing votes for the next nigger feminazi gender queer president.

$1200/yr is cheap. I was paying $7000/yr for family of 3

That's true. But one issue with Obamacare is it has disproportionately raised healthcare costs for the young and forced them to buy coverage.

So the young and healthy are being forced to subsidize the cost of care for the old and sick. Older people should be in more stable careers and financial situations so it's completely backwards to force young people to subsidize their costs.

My point is that her medical bills for asthma are not insurance. Insurance is for truly bad shit, cancer comes to mind. An MRI is not cheap, should she have a brain blood vessel burst. My friend, I do not think you quite understand insurance, or you are old school and think such maladies are a death sentence, even in this modern world where the rich would live.

>obummercare not expensive in blue states
t. illinois.

I've stopped including the fine when I pay my taxes, because fuckem.
Fucking irs is all up my ass now
Letters out the ass
I send them letters back that say come get it.

Catastrophic medical insurance is available under Obamacare. Check it out.

it's governmentally regulating private sector healthcare. If you don't understand that, you might be a libtard

the point of it is to remove free market decision from health insurance and in return give this shitty sterile school lunch grade health insurance to everyone, exclusions to people who have the money to actually afford health care even with the price hike. By law its unconstitutional, but its written in the books as a form of tax.

That's weird because her inhaler was covered under the ins that I had pre Aca and still would be today. Anyway I was replying to the user who was bitching about having asthma and having to buy ins and paying higher rates because of it. I was telling him just to pay for it out of pocket.

I don't want to continue getting money taken out of my paychecks for an insurance I'll never use; I don't go to the doctors for anything which is my choice. And as a student living in an apartment, I'm stretched thin enough as it is.

Let's put children back in those coal mines. The government does't have the right to dictate what a business can do. Remove those scrubber from those smoke stacks too. Fuck the air.

Yeah at twice the rate it was previously through my employer. And my employer is not allowed to offer it anymore

fucking this. these repubtards think worker safety,living wages,are bad. But are willing to fund going into a desert thousands of miles away to shoot people who live in sand castles.

What happens when they repeal the ACA but the premiums don't go back down?

Trump already said hundreds of time that the replacement bill will keep clauses like pre-existing conditions and people staying on parents insurance until 26.

Thnx 4 monies

They're not going to go down. Trump cucks believe the insurance companies are going to bring down the prices because muh free market. Unregulated insurance jew is going to red pill a lot of people. A lot of trump voters were on the ACA, they just voted for their suicide because they don't like brown people

Well, shit, you just hit the nail on the head.
> High risk pools
> Low risk pools
The great idea to pay for this is to have two pools, a high risk with higher premiums, and a low risk with lower. I would rather pay out of pocket for asthma and be in low risk, because I do not have cancer (yet), ALS, MS, Progeria or Downs, HIV, or a congenital disorder requiring care.
However I am getting old.
That's what "medicare/medicade" is for. You would not believe what the budget of the USA is for medicare/medicaid, and social security is about half of what the government spends. Military is about 17%
Anyway, old people are high risk, but earn less. How will you solve that?

>Trump said

The GOP don't even have a replacement plan yet. Paul Ryan the person who is a puppet to big Buiz is going to be in charge of it. Politicians say a lot of things

>Complains he has to pay extra taxes for sick people
>Plans on mooching off the hospital when he has a catastrophic injury

nothing will be wrong with it very soon

Why did Republicans come up with the plan? Were Republicans libtards until 2010?

The Eskimos solved it by leaving them on the ice when they couldn't chew leather

>Obamacare rebranded as Trumpcare
This is somewhat true. The real effective changes will happen outside of the repeal and replace process. The problem is not Obamacare -- but Obamacare is it's own problem in that it is meant to fail and ensure the public pushes for single payer. It's a scam.

But it has nothing to do with costs. Costs will be alleviated over time as Trump ensures the rest of the world helps pay for RnD costs, breaks up monopolies, and destroys regional barriers of insurance companies. A lot can be solved by simply rolling back all the regulations the industry has bought in order to destroy competition and ensure profits.

Take CVS for example. They have a deal with Aetna where people on that plan MUST go to CVS. After this deal, CVS cut hours and shut down most 24 hour pharmacies (not caring about service), then raising prices. This is how it works. All these fucks collude to ensure revenue streams at the cost of competitive pricing. This all needs to be destroyed. Once that happens, even Obamacare would be affordable (but it will always be considered a failure since it will be rebranded Trumpcare).

Sure I said that. Here is the massive disconnect: medical costs have increased over 10% year over year for over 8 years. That's 1.10 to the power of 8. Medical costs have doubled. I'm a tech worker, my medical plan is top tier, but runs me $350 a month for my family. I'm talking PPO with dental, vision, and $10 copay. Tech companies are encouraging employees to created medical savings accounts. I'm talking Google/Alphabet is telling employees to set up investing accounts in case then need major surgery in a few years time. It's

Sounds like you and Trump like Obamacare? But you just don't want to make sacrifices for it?

It's the war on neets.


>So what specifically is wrong with Obamacare?
Forced people to buy a service from private companies without any control in place for cost to service provided.

This was the biggest payday for the insurance industry in 90 years.

You have to be 18 to post here.

Why did this meme start showing up all of a sudden? Obama's message was to not be partisan. He used a Republican idea for health care. It was experimented in Massachusetts and was massively successful. Obamacare won't fail as long as it's not actively sabotaged.

Obamacare was fine

The basic problem with it is that the ins companies had a seat at the table when it was being written.

who's sabotaging obama care? and how? I don't understand?

I had a buddy that moved from a house to an apartment because of the price
He almost wasn't able to go to trade school over it