Did you just assume my species
>MSM are now furries
JEsus christ the memes are real!
What have we done!?
furries are redpilled
I haven't seen this much virtue signaling since "transgender British soldier coverts to Islam" British article
>I.d.; KEac
in your dreams
Gonna have to agree on this one. They're really fuckin' weird but I think that's why, they've already accepted themselves as autistic by society's standards
This might be the single most degenerate thing I've ever seen.
>gay immigrant muslim furry romance
I think we've broken reality with all of our kekposting.
Being a furfag is the greatest suffering know to man, if I had any choice in the matter I never would have gotten into furshit in the first place
>hated by everyone except far left faggots
>everyone knows about it as those retards that dress like animals and fuck
>everyone that also is a furfag is an insufferable far left mentally ill cunt
>The worst part of all of it is no matter how lovesick i get, I will never ever in a million years have a fluffy girlcat gf
This shit is hell, you guys have no idea
Nigga just to it in reverse...Find the closest thing to your sexual preference but more human looking...Then do it bit by bit by being selective. Since after all you are still attracted to the "Human form" of tits and ass which are not animal traits. If you go for full animals just end yourself now..
Aren't being gay and being muslim mutually exclusive?
>3D anything
> Thoughts that this is Sup Forums's trolling and baiting
> This is actually real
these are the only acceptable furries
are furries dare i say our guy?
Jesus was furrfag
He suffered for everyone
Would if I could, but three human gf's later and I have nothing but resentment for human """"""""""""women"""""""""""""
this so much furscution needs to stop now
I liked hentai wincest but found out I just liked milfs. Step by step I curbed my addiction.
You can do it too.
>gay immigrant Muslim furry romance
people like us love exotic females, we are xenophiles, not furfags, we love furry females as much as alien and robot ones
The arts will flourish in this time of darkness!
>JEsus christ the memes are real!
>slate is msm
>jewish furry
>is a rat
>captured by a pig and german shepard
they're outing themselves
It's kinda different than that user, what you liked was still humans, animu or not. It's easy enough to switch between the two if you aren't autistic. The reason I like furshit is for things no 3d woman could give me. I just want to cuddle something like pic related on a cold day
left 3/10 middle 4/10 right 7/10
Fucking homestuck faggot, your just as bad as the hilary supporters
Praise be , confirmed.
Find a human-like 2D waifu. If you can't, just go for catgirls that look almost human.
Find an Asian girl with cat ears
I really like this timeline
How is this different from the thousands of such stories probably on furaffinity or sofurry right now? Just because it's self-published in a physical book?
Why's this get media coverage but not "Islamic Werewolves from Tehran"? d.facdn.net
> pic
I see 9/11
because Kyell Gold is a very famous furry writer for making a lot of gay romance stories. I really didn't expect him to be this much of a liberal. This was his responde to "Islamophobia"
>inb4 he gets lynched for associating islam with western faggotry
im sure he will never step into any islamic territory but he won't admit it because that's racist
I know this feel
>gay immigrant furry romance
Holy shit this is maximum oppression overload here.
>except far left faggots
From what I've seen, furfags get shit on by them too. They're literally more hated than extremist sjws.
>tfw furshit is just a minor fetish for me and I still live a perfectly normal life with human grills
Feels good not being a sperg.
It is the worst feel desu
They're the only ones that at least sometimes defend it. Most everyone hates furfags
It was just a matter of time.
Every furry I know is hardcore right wing, or at the very least, libertarian right.
I have no idea why, perhaps it's because being a furry is an unpopular opinion, and in this time, being conservative is also unpopular, so the two unpopular cultures found each other.
Excluding the ones that actually dress up in fursuits. that's when the degeneracy begins, see
Perhaps that's why, furfags get shit from even the "Tolerant" sorts and see them more clearly for what they are, and develop more solitary and individualist beliefs.
Well there are kind of two sides to furfaggotry, on one side you have all the people who are there just for porn, and because they want a qt foxgirl gf. The other side is filled with absolute cancer, the kind of people that believe in otherkin bullshit, the kind of people that dress up like retards and go to anthrocons, the kind of people that are very open about their faggotry.
The cancer side are the only ones the left gives a fuck about. The perverts are seen and treated as just that- perverts. A lot of the sites that only deal in furryporn are rife with pro trump comments and Sup Forums memes as result
Normies are repulsed at furries. Is Slate retarded?
I hope trump lets snacks lead the fursecution of 2017
Crazy idea here.
Why don't you just not tell people that you jack it to anthromorphic animals?
Just don't make it your identity?
>Chuck Tingle
I know this feel. Former CYD poster here.
>fagshit (aka: gay porn) everywhere
>Majority of non closet furries are fucked in the head
>Turn on you in a heartbeat if you're not some fucking "everybody can get along!" hippie.
>They want you to accept all of their degeneracy.
>implying I go around like a faggot and flaunt what I want to stick my dick in
No. the people that do are absolutely disgusting
See, this is what I don't understand about the furry label.
Those guys parading how furry they are? Yeah, fuck em, they're the stereotypical autist. But someone who does it in private? How furry are they really?
I guess I'm asking if you consider someone who jacks it to anthro shit to be a furry? The obvious answer is yes, but someone who hides it away wouldn't be as autistic as a fursuiter, meaning the damn thing is a spectrum.
Furries know more about autism more than anyone else. Makes sense.
it's the truth
Furry master race checking in.
fuck off furry
Is that the world's tiniest mauser or is the artist just shit at perspective?
You are legit hated by even bronies for polluting their fandom
does it get any lower?
that's a leopard user
Please link this to ISIS on Twitter.
furries are the endgame of autism
psychotic solipsism
Basically the same thing as gay culture. Guys wearing assless chaps with flamingo feathers marching in San Fransisco beside a massive penis float are fags. Two guys that keep to themselves, live together and keep their shit in the privacy of their home? They're just gay.
Usually the bad form of autism, unfortunately.
Bring back fursecution.
If someone jacks it to anthro shit but doesn't tell anyone about it, are they still a furry? They just keep their fetish to themselves and don't show it to anyone.
South Africa has them?
They're everywhere.
you are a furry
It was a hypothetical question but ok.
it was the other way around
my trick is to jerk off to all sorts of weird shit so even i don't know what's going on
>Kyell Gold
Yes, very surprising.
I just jerk it to Callie and Renamon. Sometimes Minerva. I'm not some savage.
I like Japanese Human male X Female furry doujins. Does that make me a degenerate?
>Kyell Gold’s new novel
>Kyell Gold
Sup Forums is always right
Don't worry folks, furry right wing death squads will police their own :^)
Everyone here is a degenerate.
Furries need and will, yiff themselves to hell.
>tfw the spaniard is right
>tfw bluepill-fags are too ignorant to accept them as redpilled
>they havent taken the fursona-pill yet
Smh my famalams
perhaps to the furries, bronies are far more red pilled that furries.
Not really you can do anything without looking for a label because you are lonely or want attention.
>coming out as a brony to my folks
>coming out as a atheist LIVE
It is the same shit SJW's do, If you want to fuck a cat girl or watch Dexter go ahead but keep it to yourself.
Title actually made me kek
My Man!
go on
Poo in loo?
BTFO indeed...
Bronies are a different kind of autistic. They're not redpilled in the slightest. Most are in fact libtards. Furries are either going to be closet Nazis, perverts, moderates, or a combination. They're also more likely to make shit like pic related
Perhaps not, I know a nigger named Rashad.
It's just the beginning from desvult general.
Honestly I used to be a brony, but I voted Trump and hate those filthy fucking SJW cunts.
Here's a Plymouth Roadrunner.
Why is reality a shitpost now?
I don't know if these are supposed to be ironic, but they're funny either way.