Violence Shuts Down Milo Yiannopoulos Event At UC-Davis

These days are just the calm before the storm.

Just wait until these 'protesters' suit up in the real world and start really getting angry.


>UC colleges
They are expensive leftiest jew propaganda institutions that prefers international students over minorities over whites.

Leftists just can't handle a successful gay man who doesn't want or need them.

Shkreli was gonna be there!

>Milo is going full Geert Tier with the hair and fake tan
>Anns roots are painfully showing

I'd still fuck either one of them on a good day

You sound delusional and weak.


Motherfuckers. These motherfucking leftists have finally resorted to violence, openly and whole-heartedly. What are we going to do? Bitch about it online? No, it's time for the day of the rope. Leftists must hang.