Is fall of Europe inevitable?

Think about how we just accept the fall of Rome for a fact. There was no magical force to prevent it from falling, so it just did. A world where Rome doesn't exist seems completely normal to us, but might have been unthinkable to Romans themselves.

Will the same happen to Europe? Will future ''Europeans'' just feel no attachment to the thousands of years of distinct civilization before them? In the same way modern muslims feel no attachment to anything pre-islamic that exists in the lands they occupy. It just is there but it's not important who those people were, no matter how much they struggled to preserve their societies.

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No, Europeans has always resisted alien domination.

The last time we did this was during WW2, when Hitler organised a European crusade.

Yeah, and Hitler lost. Don't get me wrong, I wish WW2 hadn't occurred and fascism spread, but your analogy involved being raped at the end.

I'm not optimistic. EU is ruled by cucks. (((foreign))) influence to cuck our shit up. We need to stop taking in refugees ASAP. Why should Europe solve a middle eastern crisis there's plenty of neighbouring countries that could help them.

Hopefully it is just a temporary downtime and we will go full Punic Wars and eradicate the arab civilization.

But you forget. The Roman Empire wasn't what it once was, it was weak.
A while after it, the Frankish Empire came, that is, the true new Rome.

Yeah and he ended up killing himself as Slavs raped German girls to death

Does anyone feel an attachment to european history? I don't feel any connection to people from other european countries.
I honestly don't feel much connection to people in Stockholm either.

Good goy, yes, attachment to european history is stupid, we are all just human bean.
It's all pure accident that you are born swede, who you are has no connection to your genetic and culturealheritage, we are all equal goyim (unlike me, who is a part of the chosen people).

>There was no magical force to prevent it from falling
That's because life isn't a fairy tale and civilizations fall gradually. There were factors that pre-date the fall of the republic that can be attributed to Rome's eventual end. Don't cram a civilization that lasted 1400 years into a sentence then try to make a reasonable point.