What do you think about this?
Deserve to be hung from lampposts.
Europe will become the continent of single mothers
Goodbye Europe.
I cant wait to kek to death in 5 years when women who literally fell for this are raising a little nigger on thier own, wondering why it all went so wrong,
"WHy dont guys wanna date me anymore reddit??"
Made by a white man. Only white men masturbate to this shit.
Fetish materials that 13 year old newfags think is what is really going on in the world outside their bedroom door
I'm willing to bet you €5 that Sup Forums made this image themselves
Black Men are ripped, muscular SEX GODS who sweat pheromones like waterfalls and make white women ovulate within a 1000 miles radius of them. They possess the ultimate weapon of conquest, which can claim even entire races without a single bullet having to be fired - the BBC!
When white bois see a Black Man coming, they naturaly lower their gaze to the ground in submission, knowing full-well how completely and utterly powerless, pathetic, meek, mentaly ill wrecks they are in comparison to a Black GOD.
No matter how much you autistic cuckolds here on Sup Forums bitch and moan, natural selection already dictates that whites get weeded out of existence by more evolutionary fit Africans!
have fun raising #niglets
can't even spot our own fake news
Are they really stupid enough to fall for this?
Maybe take out the BBC?
delete this
Thats kind of the point Senpai
oh cool, another fake picture that will be reposted for years to come
>sweat pheromones like waterfalls
they sweat so much its disgusting. i remember playing basketball with niggers and they would be drenched. they smelled like shit and it would smear all over you if they guarded you
this, senpai. buttblasted racists like .
are somehow offended by stupid people fucking themselves over . if they were so superior and intelligent and the 'better race' they wouldn't be doing shit like this.
You say this as a joke, but...
Why do we need white race? Its Racist race.
So what if they did? There is some truth to it isnt there? Dumbfag...
>european HERITAGE
it's not just europe you stupid abo, don't you think the cùcked lard who made this would want to see american girls blacked too?
I hope your right, medpack. The german elections aren't looking to bright though.
that's the alt-left equivalent of Sup Forumsacks posting swatstikas to trigger normies.they want you to get buttblasted.
that nigger cock isnt even real
This was made by Sup Forums
I know it seems bleak, brother. But you must never lose hope, as a white race with low morale is the only obstacle we face.
Hit the gym, hit the books, amass wealth, weapons and influence brother.
>wanting hyper leftists to solve the problems youre too afraid to fix youself
How we can even compete with them? If we mix White and Black we wont get white kid anymore in family. So white race is doomed.
Lmao at white "men" can't control thier womyns,
If that's the alt-left then they have plenty of professors. Kinda an important social position.
Awesome, fuck the Alt-Right!
Spread this meme, comrades!
White men are just too beta. They don't even approach girls, or know how to talk to them. If they where more proactive and tried to get girls then they wouldn't be sulking alone in their basements on Sup Forums
Oh and also interracial relationships make up a small % of actual relationships. These types of threads make up most of the discussion here which is sad and fucking weird.
Get off your computer, stop looking at big black cocks all day, and go talk to a girl. Not hard
I do wish #OpenBordersForIsrael kicked off again.
your country would know a thing or two about nigger cocks,was it not dark enough for you?
Stop your degenerate fetishes
>Racemixing is unhealthy
>All liberals eventually racemix
>Remaining whites - no matter how few are left - are soon no longer liberal, and are healthier
It'll be like colonising Australia again. A few whites vs a bunch of abo-tier liberals only this time they'll be less aggressive.
Begone, foul pest!
Absolutely this.
Including all these betas jerking off to Japanese Hentai and MLP's. Mentioning also Traps and Trap Lovers.
I'll make sure to add that to my block list.
We should cuck the cuck propaganda into oblivion
I just reported you for watching ponographic material Muhammad. My the sharia court be merciful with you
You're the expert Fernandez Tubonegro
(((wikipedia))) says this is a "conspiracy"
what a surprise...
Google is somehow showing tons of fake black history, false images for historic figures, predominantly replaced by black photos and more.
Not sure who is responsible. Can't we just create a program that searches Google a million times a second for what we want to show up?
haha holy shit, they all deserve to be publicly executed
White wounding.
I was dating a german girl for 4 years. She was in college.
Her senior year of college she started telling me about the patriachy and saying that white people needed to be removed from European government.
She then decided that having sex with white guys (me) was RACIST. She was told this in her college classes by her college friends.
She then made a point to start fucking refugees to PROVE that she wasn't racist.
She was a virgin when we started dating. Within a month of us being over she had more sex partners than most anybody I knew. She uses Tindr now in Germany to find random darkies and arabs to fuck so she can tell her friends and professors that she "isn't racist".
We nuked the wrong country during WWII.
I think this fetish is called "immigration porn" that's what I typed in to find it. Don't know why it's more (((promoted)) on porn websites.
this, blackifran amerifrans body odor is absolutely disgusting and I gagged once from the smell alone when one was at my gym.
No, we did defeat germany, that was the plan wasn't it? Germany is forever gone, and good riddance. Whites will be just fine without germany. We're the most recent race of humans, we'll be alright. We're the smartest too.
No wonder your country is controlled by a military dictatorship, your'e god damn retarded.
That's one way to go from middle class to lower class slums in one generation.
Not this copy pasta again.
Sad but probably true
None of these things happened.
>Hey rabbi
I would have thought that too but I've had a similar experience with a German girl, although not as extreme as that post.
She did start fucking any immigrant she could find so she could virtue signal about it.
None of this happened
I love how wikipedia automatically labels anything challenging cultural Marxism as a"conspiracy theory," as if cultural Marxism isn't an extensively documented conspiracy even by those pushing it.
Looks like a gross alien
That's just a pregnant girl who needs to shave her bush. This is a gross alien:
pretty obvious to anyone with an iq over 80
Niggers. Niggers never change.
forgot your proxy rabbi
Mere fantasy
>tfw can't tell apart satire and real life anymore
Either that is a false flag poster or someone who actually believes that, at this point it can be either one.
jesus christ I hate my country
>watch out, abdul, the religious police are coming
whoever makes these pics is my hero
Best post that never happened
This is a genius thing to trend...
If you hear someone use the term 'boi' unironically, promptly rip out their trachea please.
Let's get this trending FALSE FLAG THIS!
>that flag
>uses the term 'womyn'
When the Imam hears about this...
This. The first step to securing the future of our people is becoming the best man you can be.
>Holocaust denial search results are taken down
>this shit isn't
>implying another Nazi Party must be founded in Germany
That definitely happened. You dont know what college age females are like today.
prego women are the hottest, HOTTEST!
sexist your excluding idiginous european males from this progressive project
Anyone who wants to huecify a white nation should be hanged in public squares.
At least they admit this is war
It's now a conspiracy theory, no different than ufologists. Oh my, that almost made my day.
if people knew that they were superuior they would not try to progagandise ops message or worry about being out competet in the dating market. Which jews dont.
no instead make
>100 whpis for looking at woman without patnies
>10000000 whpis for looking at nigger cock
boy you are bloody pulp already
>German ellections dont look to bright?
Haha, my normie friends increasingly lean to the right.
AfD will end up 30%+ for sure and I dont even consider 50%+ unlikely.
No shit. Males aren't supposed to be attracted to it. It's supposed to make you scared like you are bitch boi
>t. nigger
Hate the race traitors, not your country. You can make your country great again, if you try!
(I hope.)
Yeah, hate to tell you this, but our HUMAN females aren't attracted to animal scent either.
>white men disappear
>only savages are left because Asians flee to a new planet
>no tech advancements
>earth gets swallowed by the sun
The last white man will turn off the lights and lock the door
We win in the end, the goal was always to keep the shitskins from getting of into space