I support Nazism, but I still look negatively at what the Japanese did during WW2

I support Nazism, but I still look negatively at what the Japanese did during WW2.

I understand they were fighting against Communism, but they didn't have to rape and burry alive thousands of Chinese. Or starve many British, American, Australian, New Zealander and other such POW's during the war.

Can someone redpill me on this.

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You're a crying pussy emphatic cuck. Fascism is about pass on slave (((morals)))

>but they didn't have to rape and burry alive thousands of Chinese
where is proof dumb white man?

I respect Japanese Imperialism and Italian fascism despite I have some ideological differences, but I still look negatively about Nazism.

Nazism was an anti-European movement that tried to exterminate other European peoples and turned into a joke the glorious and enlightened German nationalism.

Japanese imperialism instead sought only to liberate Asia from European colonialism to impose its own empirialism based on the Asian nations.

>Uplift LITERALLY medieval people
>Give them trains, tanks, machineguns and flamethrowers
>Holy shit they started a war and are acting like crazy people wtf where is this brutality coming from

The question isn't why the Japanese were so savage in war, it's how nobody saw this coming when they sent Perry to go cram modern weapons and machinery into their arms without doing diddly shit to advance their atavistic barbarian society beyond the philosophical equivalent of the 8th century.

There is something about Chinese that makes me consider them not even human.

Soulless creatures who multiply like vermin, without any culture, art, belief, existing only to work, consume and die.

That bizarre mix of Capitalism with Communist images, a Matrix net of units with no consideration for anything spiritual.

Subhumans living in a world of cheap plastic Fugazi things, under brainwashing control of Maoist party.

Seriously, who the fuck considers Mao a role-model? And I see Chinese building golden statues of him.

Sorry, but I wish Japanese bayonetted entire Chinese population back in the day.

I hate the Chinese as much as I hate the kikes, niggers, pastaniggers, Brits and chetniks.

>without any culture, art, belief

What, you were on the side of evil, jump off a bridge or something.

Its war bitch. The story is writen by the victors.

England did a ton of shit you dont hear about

Rape is the ultimate redpill.

Only reason I m in the army is because I get to rape village women.

>ally cucks taking high ground after eisenhower death camps, night raids, firebombing of tokyo, nukes and all the shit communists did

This comment is redneck KKK style.

China is losing its Confucian Taoist identity due to modernity. They are victims of modernity exactly like us Europeans.

We must fight against globalism and defend our identity, as well as respect other cultures. I have nothing against Zulu culture, Eskimo culture or Chinese culture.

You only see one side n brainwashed

>a fucking ustase
>thinks he has rights to exist

nu fii handicapat, chiar asa e acum. in plus de asta sunt din ce in ce mai multi bogati chinezi care ne cumpara tara, si proprietati in restul europei fara sa stim nimic

oy vey remember the six billion who died in nanking

Let your people starve and feed the enemy goyim

fuck off you dresden massacring cocksucker


Blame communism and Mao's "cultural revolution" which effectively erased all of China's past heritage and traditions in favour of making the populace soulless pets

i'm human

Who gives a fuck. What ties do you have to the Chinese? I don't give a shit about the chinese. Shame the Japanese didn't genocide em. One less group of faggots to deal with later.

Form your own opinions independently of Sup Forums you easily guided cuck.

most of the population was composed of soul less working manlets before mao. it's just how the chinese society and culture ( and most east asian cultures are like that ) is structured since imperial times, kinda like the russian. the have big, retarded population led by a few ilustrous leaders, and many stupid ones. they are however dangerous because of this, especially lately that they have an increasing number of rich people buying up entire chunks of europe and the us. the burgers have created a monster when they started giving money to the chinese for slippers and barbie dolls, and eventually for electronics.

i am sure they have world domination plans that are 10 times as sinister as the ones that jews or saudi have.

Our (((Fascism))) was shit.
>our country is governed by the Emperor aka God himself!
>so victory is already promised! Go go go go!

Literally no tactics at all.

>boo hoo why wont they kill and assert domination more pleasantly
>sure worked in vietnam and iraq.. war is all about respecting human life and individual cultures

Well belive it or not but most people like their fellow man no matter their ethnicity and does not wish war crimes upon them

if you got out of your hugbox you would realise this

Tre sa fii retardat sa zici despre chinezi ca nu au istorie sau cultura.
Plm de prost, cand tu alergai in patru labe prin copaci, chinezii construiau marele zid.
Cumpara pentru ca Romania e o tara populata de tigani sau romanasi tiganizati.
Nu degeaba romanii sunt bataia de joc a planetei.
Curve si tigani.
Curve si tigani.
Curve si tigani.

The reason you and the rest of Europe are in this shitty situation is because you think like that, while the rest of the world does not. Stop fooling yourself.

we should blame neoliberalism and globalism too, since that's the reason the Chinese are what they are today. We can't have proper capitalism when we are forced to compete with their cheap communist labor.

cum am zis si mai sus populatia lor condusa de unu doi imparati mai luminati un pic e proasta, mai proasta de 10 ori decat populatia romaniei. toata cultura lor se rezuma la a munci campul si asa a fost pana la comunism. acuma se rezuma la a munci in fabrici sau pentru mari firme chineze. omul de rand nu numai ca e prost si rau dar nu are niciun fel de alta identitate in china.

si daca ti se pare asa naspa in romania iesi in plm de bozgor

Stop playing on the Internet and go stop your women from being raped you faggot.


Da ba, uitasem ca romania e tara de filosofi.
Ce ne trebuie noua fabrici.

Chinese aren't human. You fags stopped the japs from exterminating them and now look at where that got the planet.

>I understand they were fighting against Communism

WTF are you talking about? Go back to social studies class.

tbqh Genghis Khan should have killed all the chinks centuries ago. It's to bad the nips attacked us because maybe they would have actually done it.

one word needed to redpill you

>No one says ”dindu niffin"
>They never allow us to say "dindu it"
Japs are vulnerable to propaganda


I understand what you mean
Atleast the Germans and Russians just shot each other, the japanese basically tortured thousands of chinese people for no other reason than "just because"

Its just Bushido, The way of the warrior.

In their culture (at the time) Accepting captivity and cherishing your life was seen as week, and shameful, thats why Japanese soldiers would kill themselves before surrendering.

Death before dishonor, And they saw POW's as weak, and dishonorable men because they valued their lives above the war effort.

We didn't drown POWs in slurry pits and do forced death marches you stupid fuck.

Dude its almost like a people's on the complete other side of the planet have different morals and ehthics, than that of your own.

You mean see it as savagery, and barbaric but can you seriously argue that war can be civil? only a brit would think war can be done civlily and "proper"

Its not sport, its war, Murphy's law, anything can happen it will happen, because war is the absolute lowest point of humanity. What does it matter if they take pow or cut their heads off with katanas? but when they both have guns its okay to kill each-other because its "fair"?

now you see how flawed that is. There cant be rules in war, or else it would just be politics.

>not realising britain invented concentration camps
>not realising britain literally genocided everyone but look at the poor jews when they get genocided