>XXX is echochamber because they let progressive opinions fly but ban racist ones! REEEEE
Shit Sup Forumstards say
>progressive opinions
You meant regressive opinions like cosmopolitanism?
(((progressive opinions)))
You can call a cat a dog but it's still a fucking cat.
So you're saying they allow only opinions they believe to be progressive and ban all opinions they believe to be "racist", which is solely defined by them and ergo often includes any opinion they disagree with, and this isn't an echo chamber?
get a fucking dictionary m8
> If it weren't for ____ we would all be living in space right now.
what about an opinion
>refugees deserve our help
progressivism is much more than fucking transgender rights you moron
Which opinions do they ban?
Yeah its also fighting for the right to suck dick in public and fuck kids. KYS you dumb nigger
because racism shouldn't be permissible even sugar coated with """freedom""" of speech
Stop bumping this shit you retarded cucks.