Why are Chinks indifferent to the suffering of living things?

Why are Chinks indifferent to the suffering of living things?

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Not indifferent, but not bothered. And it's a good thing.

White bleeding heart pussification is also what caused the migrant crisis and SJW plague.

I think a lot of white denizens would benefit from living a bit in the countryside and seeing what life is about. How animals exploit other animals and how people do that too.

>The guy who wrote Crossed is from Northern Ireland

You're right about the chinks. Russia has had a similar mentality in the past. That's probably why both countries end up with piles of bodies whenever they start trying to do something.

It's like if I never read a history book I would think they weren't retarded subhumans but they are.

The crossed is fucking retarded
>hurr the only major religion that really survives in the US is Islam

Everybody piles up bodies equally, with a very few extreme exceptions. A view that one side is saint and the others are butchers is merely a propaganda.
You may call them retarded subhumans. Who dominated the world once and will do so once again.

Why are Western artists incapable of drawing attractive girls? Jesus Christ her face is more disturbing than the gore.

Those are Yakuza (nips), and yes nips are soul less. Also that comic series is degenerate.


Russia's story is similar. Ineptitude and apathy create waste and chaos. These have been hallmarks of your supposed "good thing." Go ahead and give the First World a phone call when either is back on top.


Glorious China has been saying they're number 1 since the revolution. Same with Soviets. They're the only ones that have ever believed it.

thats what Asians actually look like, its just the style not every art style has to be anime ffs