Are these the two ingredients that will destroy the west this century?
Automation and High Immigration
The West will not be destroyed in our timeline.
Screencap this.
Things are just getting started.
Tell me when automation takes away all menial jobs, what will happen to all the immigrants? Do you expect them to not chimp out when we can't afford their social security/welfare.
>go home
>see your wife getting CLANKED
what do Sup Forums
no because
>someone needs to design and maintain the robots
>mass immigration produces a work force that is too stupid to know how to do the aforementioned
>someone needs to design and maintai the robots
So 19/20 will lose their jobs nice.
Go stuff my robot mistress obviously
Then get into robotic engineering and be the guy that keeps the robots working.
Adaptation is a human trait, if you can't adapt, you're not human.
This is my biggest worry, the West will be hit by both of these at the same time. We will now be entering the age of strife.
How anyone would want mass immigration at a time of mass unemployment is baffling.
>menial jobs
It is not just menial labor jobs, you dullards. I keep trying to explain the finer details of this.
Automation's most dangerous advancement is strong artificial narrow intelligence which exists now and will continue to progress. ANI isn't the godly Artificial General Intelligence, but it will displace many white collar jobs at a stupefying rate. ANI will bring us to our knees and into a reality where 25% unemployment is the norm.
Machines can now move into "cognitive" territories. Humans have nowhere else to move to. Art is not a job. Ai can create art as well.
So when AI drives trucks and taxis, does your taxes, acts as a program manager, and creates cads better than engineers in 15 years....prepare to scream in existential despair.