Nunavut thread...what actually happens here

So leafs what actually happens in this area
>are any Nunavut posters even on Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally nothing of importance happens up there. To be honest I have no idea why it is even on the map.

People pay 60$ for a 20 piece box of fried chicken.

It's like alaska but without the mountains and with tasty baby seals

Nunavutfag here living in Pangnirtung, Nunavut is only 13% white, it's 87% eskimo.

This video summarizes 95% of Nunavut. Also, barely anybody lives on the mainland, the vast majority of people live on the islands.

ᗛᐪ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᑔd ᘏᐅ ᘗᔆᐪ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᙓy ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᘋ, ᘏᐅ ᘦᐪᘷ ᗬᐪcᑋ? ᐉᐧᑊᑊ ᐸvᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐠᘃw ᐉ ᐟrᐊᑐᐊᗟd ᗝp ᐃf ᒼy cᘧᔆᔆ ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘇvy ᙑᐊᑊᔆ, ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧvᐈ ᗫᐈᐣ ᐉᐣvᐃᑊvᐈd ᐉᐣ ᘄᘋrᐃᐅᔆ ᙑcrᐈᐪ rᐊᐉdᔆ ᐃᐣ ᐊᑊ-Qᐅᐊᐈᑕ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ ᐸvᐈ ᐃvᐈr 300 cᐃᐣfᐉrᘋd ᗹᑊᑊᔆ. ᐉ ᐊᒼ ᐪrᐊᐉᘅd ᐉᐣ ᗰrᐉᑊᘧ ᗕrfᐊrᐈ ᐊᐣd ᐉᐧᒼ ᐪᐶ ᗝp ᔆᘆpᐈr ᐉᐣ ᐪᐶ ᐈᐣᗠrᐈ ᐅᔆ ᐊrᘋd fᐃrcᐈᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐊrᐈ ᘃᐪᐷᐡ ᗝ ᘋ ᗪᐪ ᘗᔆᐪ ᐊᘃᐪᐶr ᗡrᗲᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᗔpᐈ ᘏᐅ ᐪᐶ fᐅcᐠ ᐃᐅᐪ ᗔᐪᑋ prᐈcᐉᙒᐃᐣ ᐪᐶ ᘦᗸᔆ ᐃf ᗚcᑋ ᐸᔆ ᘅvᐈr ᗫᐈᐣ ᙑᐈᐣ ᗫfᐃrᐈ ᐃᐣ ᐪᐷᔆ ᐈᐊrᐪᑋ, ᘍrᐠ ᒼy fᐅcᗹᐡ ᗑrdᔆ. ᘏᐅ ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᘏᐅ cᐊᐣ ᗲᐪ ᐊᗕy ᗔᐪᑋ ᙓᘒᐡ ᐪᐸᐪ ᙘᐪ ᗝ ᘋ ᐃvᐈr ᐪᐶ ᐉᐣᗟrᘅᐪ? ᐪᐷᐣᐠ ᐊᗴᐉᐣ, fᐅcᗸr. ᐊᔆ ᗓ ᔆpᐈᐊᐠ ᐉ ᐊᒼ cᐃᐣᗡcᗠᐡ ᒼy ᙑcrᐈᐪ ᘅᐪᗑrᐠ ᐃf ᔆpᐉᐈᔆ ᐊcrᐃᔆᔆ ᐪᐶ ᐅᙓ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅr ᐉP ᐉᔆ ᗫᐉᐡ ᐪrᐊcᐈd rᐉᐦᐪ ᘃw ᙏ ᘏᐅ ᗫᐪᗟr prᐈpᐊrᐈ fᐃr ᐪᐶ ᔆᗝrᒼ, ᘍᐟᗰᐪ. ᐪᐶ ᔆᗝrᒼ ᐪᐸᐪ ᗔpᐈᔆ ᐃᐅᐪ ᐪᐶ pᐊᐪᐶᗠc ᘦᐪᘷ ᐪᐷᐡ ᘏᐅ cᐊᑊᑊ ᘏᐅr ᘦfᐈ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹd. ᐉ cᐊᐣ ᗫ ᐊᐣyᗙrᐈ, ᐊᐣyᗠᘋ, ᐊᐣd ᐉ cᐊᐣ ᗹᑊᑊ ᘗr” cᐃᒼᘋᐣᐪ ᗕᔆ ᐊᗩᐅᐪ ᗝ ᗮrᐉᐡ ᑎwᐣ ᐅpᐃᐣ ᘏᐅ, ᘍyᐅ cᐃᐅᑊdᐣᐧᐪ, ᘏᐅ ᑔdᐣᐧᐪ, ᐊᐣd ᘃw ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ pᐊᘒᐡ ᐪᐶ prᐉcᐈ, ᘏᐅ ᗰdᑕᒼᐣ ᐉᑔᐃᐪ. ᐉ ᗔᑊᑊ ᙘᐪ fᐅry ᐊᑊᑊ ᐃvᐈr ᘏᐅ ᐊᐣd ᘏᐅ ᗔᑊᑊ drᐃwᐣ ᐉᐣ ᐉᐪ. ᘏᐅᐧrᐈ fᐅcᗹᐡ ᑓᐊd, ᗹdᑎ.

I saw a leaf poster that was from Iqaluit once. he said life was miserable

>mfw that's a real lan·guage

How much is alcohol up there ?
