70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

>Far too many young men have failed to make a normal progression into adult roles of responsibility and self-sufficiency, roles generally associated with marriage and fatherhood

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.


So Sup Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

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Was this including blacks?

Because i don't wanna

Women are unlike how they were in the past, nowadays marriage = risking half of your economical assets for ungrateful cunts who would not hesitate to take it.

If you have a child with her you're doubly screwed.

I am am 22 and work full time to support myself and hobbies. I don't want a family, I don't date, and I have no debt. I don't take welfare or need private charity. Hell if I stick to my retirement plan I will be retired by 47! Why do I need to fuck up my life for someone else? Can't they just not be idiots?

>complain about how women are oppressed by men who place roles on them solely because of their gender
>Oy vey! The men aren't fulfilling their gender roles! Why are the men such pussies! #KillAllMen

>So Sup Forums, why are you still an unmarried man-child?

Because video games get better every year but women have just gotten fatter and meaner.


Oh look this thread again.

Kill your self /r9k/ reddit shill


>this fucking pasta again
>started several times daily on Sup Forums by some goddamned faggot


Cultural marxists have used feminists to warp marriage in such a way that it has become a horrible deal for men.
Their goal was to destroy the family and reduce birth rates. They succeeded.

Women from that age group earn more than men. Try again.

plenty of good women out there


I have a pretty good job, especially for someone whose only 23. But I don't plan on getting married/having children. As much as I'd like to, there's no point in trying when almost all women would rather date black guys. Also factor in that most women ignore shy/average guys. I'll just buy a house in a few years and live on my own.

Why would I marry? What does a woman have to offer me other than halving my money?

what do you expect when that generation and the new ones were raised by single parents who split up because they were too busy looking on www.40flirtyanddirty.com
Younger people have seen what a sham marrige is first hand and would never want their children to expereince the same thing.

i tip my fedora to you, good sir

Women are entitled fucks and/or feminazis these days.

Why do Australian care so much about my sex life?

The kicker is [spoiler]I believe in God.[/spoiler]

>advantages for women in marriage or divorce
I'm gonna take my chances alone, thanks.

Because your wife announced all Australians are welcome to be the bull in your relationship, a good bull gets to know the cucks sex life to properly torment him.

I got married when I was in my early 20s. Here's a fun stat: Most of the 70% of women aged 20-34 who aren't married are not willing to work.

Modern women suck and I rather not be enslaved to the state and a harlot, although I am seeing a QT Romanian who I have begun to redpill and we are very much into one another.

You should not marry for the sake of marrying, but rather marry for the happiness of being with the person you love and doing your duty of populating the world as God commanded.


Nothing a Marxist hates more than families because families are a direct threat to their wellbeing (all social workers are Marxist, broken families = $$$).

So do you guys agree? All white women's prefer black men?

>video games get better every year

This is wrong.
t. Sup Forums

Good work user keep it up.

I would say that those feelings might change come 27-28. No problem in creating a family just don't do it with a whore. There are some good women out there however little but they are out there.

>70% of Men Aged 20-34 Are Not Married

by that logic 70% of women Aaged 20-34 Are Not Married??

what am i missing here?

I live in the NW and I see more white guy/nonwhite women couples then I see White women/nonwhiteman couples.

Also in my church they had a huge event where they split the genders and each voted on questions to ask the other side. All the women kept asking is why guy's where not dating or looking to marry and refusing to listen to the guys answers. Which were basically "It isn't safe to do so with todays laws."

Most do, once they have a) felt the domineering presence of a black man and b) felt the deep penetration and fullness he can provided with his superior penis.

Just see blacked.com.. that porn is totally aimed at a female audience. Women love black dominance and seed when they can get it.

I literally cannot afford to support a family. I don't know why there's such a heavy fucking emphasis on it either, because my mother was 19 when she had me and it ruined her fucking life. She then turned around and ruined my fathers life, and I grew up without a dad.

I couldn't stand it if I did that to a kid.

Silly user, women can't possibly be at fault.

It makes me depressed that I will never have a wife and children. Then a mate will take me out looking for women and I see how shit they are and I'm all good. I started just getting a hotel room once a month, because it's all I can afford. Then getting an out call hooker, at least then I can organise what is fine and what is not.

I was planning on surrogacy if I changed my mind.

I would need a Third party donor for the egg or else surrogate could fuck me up in court an a whim.

$30,000 to $80,000 to pay the surrogate (assume I hired an american woman, which would be easier to get citizenship for the baby).

Then I would need to have a plan to finance the child to adulthood and be able to raise them properly.

A lot of work, might just give everything to my little brother's kids, he actually wants a family.

because i am a 21 yo kissles virgin, who enjoys his life to the fullest alone

I've always thought about seeing an escort just to experience sex. But I don't believe any escort willing chose their job. My conscience would bother me because I'd feel that inflicted pain on them. I'd even be ok with just taking a shower together or just giving a reverse body rub. Still can't do it.

Same here. Or if they do they're not the kind of person I want to spend time with. I had a girl want to have sex with me in February 2014 but I just didn't like her personality and it turned me off. I think sex and the intimacy involved in penetrating another person and having them allow you to do that is such an big thing, especially for guarded people who are suspicious of people, that I don't like the idea of cheapening it when I can just jack off instead.

I am 43 and never married.
The woman in this pic must have a pussy that looks like ground zero after all tihose kids.

When they are getting paid $500 an hour I don't really care if they willing chose to. I've had a few ones that I could tell were not even good at pretending they were into it. That is the only time It has made me feel on comfortable. After awhile you will learn who the good ones are and you just rotate between them and maybe try a new one if you feel like it.

Because sucking dick is more fun than dealing with a roastie bitch and little shits.

Don't feel sorry for escorts. A high class escort makes a fortune, $1000/day is a slow day. She can "work" a few weeks a year, and spend most her time traveling and enjoying the finer things in life. Women are whores today anyway, might as well get payed for it, right? They're just being pragmatic. Their pussy has value, why not cash in?

>what is dignity
>what is pride
>what is not being a literal whore

Something modern women don't have?

>being part of the 30%
>32 and married

not that my wife is all that bad beyond refusing to do any housework or get a job, but i routinely get hit by the realization that my life would be simpler and easier if i stayed single.

>I had a girl want to have sex with me in February 2014 but I just didn't like her personality and it turned me off.

You shit your pants, you mean. It's alright, lad. We've all been there. You're among friends here - you can admit it.

I already met the girl i want to marry. Shes armenian and lives in russia, im 23 and a student so i dont think putting a ring on her finger is the smartest atm

You guys are pathetic!
You cuck sons of bitches need to get out there and reproduce for the white race!

Who cares about the laws?
Who cares about money?
Where is that mentality going to get us?

Our women want us, we need to take them back and red pill the shit out of them!

I did it to my wife!
Do it to yours!

>You guys are pathetic!


>Our women want us,

No, they want Chad. I am not Chad.
Even if I somehow tricked a woman into having a child with me, I don't want to inflict another me on the world, and I really really don't want to inflict the fate of living as a beta on another person.

Hello, let me improve your thread!



Then why do they bend our ears over wage inequality and the glass ceiling?

Because we can't afford it you fucking retard

>becoming a father = maturity

there are fathers that shitpost on Sup Forums

>The high percentage of bachelors means bleak prospects for millions of young women who dream about a wedding day that may never come.
awww poor babies :(

looks like they got that equality they wanted so much

This is why





Thinking men have to get married and be fathers is sexist.

>can't afford it
neither can niggers and yet they have children by the truckful

I think they just want men to pay for kids and that's all


and guess what happens to those children? They grow up with a shitty life, and impreg some bitch at 17 and the cycle continues until everyone is autistic

Marriage is such an awful prospect plus most modern women are worthless sluts. The Jews designed this so white birth rates fall and then they can flood our country with shit skins. Once white people die off the Jews will lord over everyone from Jerusalem by controlling the money supply in every country.


Why indeed.


There are literally no good women, and society is not conducive to wives staying loyal.

Suck it society. Throw away tradition and it all falls apart. You asked for this.




Becuase 95% of women are fucking parasites.


I am never going to marry or be tricked by female. Traps is where its at

This actually happened exactly to a friend's parents. The only difference is all the guys his mother started dating after they broke up were betas even worse than his father, and apparently the one dude he liked that actually had his shit together, his mother dumped.

I'll never understand how a woman can put her happiness in front of what's best for her kids.

>Females demand the right to be huge sluts with no loyalty
>Wonder why no responsible men want to settle down with them

I fucking wonder what could be causing this phenomena?

Find me a woman that wants to be a wife and isnt fat, a reformed whore, a single mother, a coal burner, ugly, or a gold digger. Then I will consider fathering a child. Until then I have better things to do.

Completely accurate. Woman are cruel and unattractive literal whores with too much frequency. 10/10 Chads still get a nice attractive virgin if they want, but any male who isn't rich and isn't minimally 8/10 has absolute trash to pick from. Add to this that we are expected to work far harder for far less money than our parents, our student loan burden, and astronomical taxes and it is far more attractive to not grow up. Minimum effort for vidya and weed.

It's depressing as fuck but the alternative is worse.

Sounds like you personally enjoy big black dick

I've only known one woman that dated a black guy. She did it to piss off her parents. I don't think they even kissed.

So do Muslims, Hindus, and Zoroastrians. Regardless of your specific beliefs, many Christian denominations thin you are going to Hell.

Feeling lucky you picked the right dogma, lad?

>hmm wonder if anyone new signed up on okcupid..

In my world if you don't get married young, you don't get married at all. Modern womyn think they can just live their 20s (prime of their looks) care free, fucking and partying all the time, doing whatever they want and then when they approach 30 settle down with a "good" man and live the married life. Absolutely not. I am 26 almost 27 and women my age are already slowing down and starting to panic, starting to notice some wrinkles in the mirror and putting on weight easier, that youthful glow is dimming, now they are looking for a different type of guy. I will die alone before I end up a beta provider.

I have a mulatta that wants my dick so you are going to have to try harder jamal

fuck niggers
fuck muslims
fuck jews

You guys ever think about hiring a surrogate?

You can reproduce without having some dumb bitch who can divorce you in your life.

It sounds great.

I'm not a man-child. I realized that my value peaked at 16, but my dad wouldn't let my marry my husband until I turned 18. So a few months after I turned 18 we tied the knot and we now have 2 kids with another on the way.

Suck it, roasties.

At least spread your genes.. fucking selfish. We need to compensate for the amount of children those stupid people are making.

You better not take Social Security too if you have no kids

What do I care what others believe?

And I am Mormon, I intend to as for oblivion during Judgement. The Kingdoms aren't for me, I just want to serve my God, help other's find happiness, and ultimately stop existing myself.

*let me**

pls stop posting these

im very much sad now

Because marriage is a trap designed to rob me of my money and sanity


A time is coming when we will just go Giver and Brave New World mode, by having specific women become breeding sows with exactly prescribed birthing rates by race, gender, and intelligence. Afterwards, the children will be raised in a tribal-like group setting until adulthood, where they will be given careers based on their aptitude.

It is already happening. Both parents working with no time to raise their children, leading to daycare. School and after school activities take care of the childhood and teenage years. Loans and financial aid allow these students to enter whichever career they feel that they are best suited for.

This will happen because we approve and long for it to happen. The financial and time burdens of raising a family, coupled with the risks of marriage, provide a constant need for a better way. The idea of being able to pursue your ambitions without being tied down will give a good counterpoint to those preaching traditional families. Of course, the government will welcome it as the perfect way to maintain a population suffering from decreasing birthrates.

I plan to have my 401k, retirement savings accounts through insurance companies, and rental properties. Social Security is a scam and isn't going to be there in my old age.

i'm sorry bro, have this

Because 99% of women in Portland are highly degenerate blue haired shitbirds who only date nu males.

Many girls I start dating here break it off when they find out I have guns and go hunting, they inevitably end up dating nu makes after they date me