
2x4Chan's egyptian board has been removed by the board owners.


Could this have something to do with the Thoth summoning we did yesterday and KeK going full loco on the digits and mod's deleting thread and banning people?

I think we are hitting a mark...

Other urls found in this thread: o re&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO0Zfs6b7RAhWh2YMKHbA5Cf0Q6AEIIzAA#v=onepage&q=pepi o re&f=false o re&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiO0Zfs6b7RAhWh2YMKHbA5Cf0Q6AEIIzAA#v=onepage&q=pepi o re&f=false


that's weird... edgyptians seems to be pretty busy....


Why are they so scared of ThOTh?

I don't think we should do this

Please don't do it desu


Same ID double gets. This is the Thoth/Kek combo

>you guys are fucking with something to big for any of us

so thot gives symetric digits?

Let's keep going and see what happens


If digits mods delete all Kek threads

ThOTh is order, he might safeguard the inauguration

Maybe they are scared because they are planning something?

I thought it was the id we look to for the judgement of thot

Is symmetry fascistic?

With enough word salad you get shit like this. With enough shit like this, the world becomes even more retarded.

Does the pic mean we should bring Odin into the mix now?

it should not work with the id,you have a fixed id and that means that you can abuse the powers of the gods. I have always seen that you first need to praise a god a then wait if the god help you.
anyway i'm not interested in dangerous games man. Some gets are very crazy and i still believe in gods.

Thot and Kek makes u think