So what's the probability that Millennial Woes will face prison time for hate crimes?


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Prison? I hope not, that would effectively be a death sentence for Woesies. They could probably fine him on some bullshit charge, though.

They don't even need to do that, they just have to let loose the useful idiots itching to bash in a nazeeee to do their dirty work fro them.

Just look at the recent reaction videos and read the comments, they'd throw him off a rooftop in a heartbeat if they could get away with it.

> Meet Millennial Woes - YouTube's Führer in a dressing gown

> Here's a link to that video about Millennial Woes

> One Of The Most Racist YouTubers Secret Identity Has Finally Been Revealed

I neve realised just how sick the media in Scotland was until this nonsense happened.

MW is probably one of the most placid "Alt-righters" out there. I mean what the fuck did he do, exactly? Give a pretty neutral speech at a rally in the US?

They outright made up lies about him, like how he allegedly hates women or some shit, which I've honestly never seen him say anything of the sort.

I'm honestly so confused at where this witch hunt came from. I could probably think of about ten YouTubers off the bat who make videos way, WAY more vitriolic than he does.

MW is less egregious than guys like Golden One. Common Filth is probably a million times worse than he is, and he's not even vaguely alt-right or "Nazi."

>Hello everyone, it's me MW. I'm here to save the huwite race but first, let me tell you about beastiality.

What did he mean by this?

It's odd considerng he would have been protected by his former social aristocracy card but also consider he was in one of the most cucked parts of Britain.

How does doxxing even work?

Did this guy use the same username/email everywhere on the internet?

I don't understand how your real identity can be found.


woes has fans on the police force in town. That's why they showed up less than 3 minutes after he rang them.

He shows himself in probably 80% of his videos man, he was probably recognized by some scott he went to school with.

Yea his speech was pretty much, "you're white, and should embrace that"

is a modern performance art project you plebs


That bitch actually said "nobody knew what he looked like, only the sound of his voice."

These people know fuck all what they're on about.

Is there no technicality you can get the dailyRag on?

Can really dox someone for disagreeing with them?

Millennial Woes looked disgusting in his purple shirt, nipples protruding, before NPI. Very disrespectful.

one of his "friends" was giving info to antifa who've been after woes for nearly a year now

I like how because he does his videos in a dark room all the normies are gonna immediately think he is some evil nazi hacker.

Everyone post your best Woes impressions


That's why...

It's because he's not unpolished, raw, explicit, and visceral. MW is reasonable, and temperate, adnd refined, and thus he appeals to regular people.

Antireeeeee are no longer focusing on literally who low-iq skinhead tiolet-bugs.

>racist jobless art student that no one takes seriously

Wait, I've heard this one before...

I really hope this is true.

The retard advocated that women shouldn't be allowed to vote even though British women have always been more conservative than men. He's a bit of a nonce, really.

>hate crimes?
what is the defifnition of hate-crime in GB?

I would like to think it is illegal. What also plays into this is that he is on some sort of list the Brits have they call "vulnerable adults", meaning he is sort "disabled" or "disadvantaged" in some way. The writer of the 1st article straight up asked that someone doxx him at the very end of the article, which itself was nothing but absolute bullshit, FAKE NEWS, if you will.

I can't see how this wouldn't violate some law. There is also slander, which I would like to think the Brits have something in their laws regarding.

I mean what the fuck did he do, exactly?

I know this may hurt you, but have a look at Kraut and Tea's "Its just a meme" video, where he pretty much destroyed EdgySphinx's "reputation".

Within that autist Spinosaw, trawls through shit, and finds a video, set to private, that Spino accessed through the web archive, of MW where he basically says that if the Alt Right is to get anything, then "violence will be necessary".
In the strictest sense of British law if the police have the competence of an autist who lives with their mother(which British police may fucking well not have), then they can use that as proof of incitement to violence.
At the very least, they could bring that to court, not win, but drag him through the mud so thoroughly that people would beat him if they saw him.

However the main reason that the media went after him, is nothing sells papers better than a good ol lynching.
Self declared racist lives near here.

I am not on board with the alt rights nonsense, but fucking hell I hope nothing comes of this with MW. All they'd do is create martyr's and possible put the notion in peoples heads that they'd need to defend themselves... and then the potential fascists have armed themselves... gg authorities.

None, if he wasn't such an impotent faggot like most internet right wing, he'd sue for libel.

Yeah, here's the thing with slander... you need to appear in court and go on record to claim slander... also if they merely described him accurately, then no lawsuit. He's said that he is a racist, and therefore... pfft, good luck with that lawsuit.

Calling for others to dox him, should violate some law... but again same problem. To prosecute them, requires him to dox himself in order to prosecute them.

Why's he going to face any prison time? What fucking hate crimes? Is the UK so fucked that you're put away for talking about white identity on the interwebs now?

No way to even get the writer of the article fucking blacklisted? ....If anything, they'll get a promotion, right?
>Good job, great article!
So fucked. It just seems upside down.
>Civilization is crumbling.

> an impotent faggot like most internet right wing, he'd sue for libel
Wouldn't that require a fuckton of British Sterling? ....which obviously MW does not have.

After actually reading the vacuously written article I could have pumped out in half the words. They didn't call for others to Dox him, but for others to inform them, so they can then reveal his information, which they'd then need to argue out in court, and would need to substantiate that it was in the public interest.
Easy claim, he attended a nazi rally, and is one of us, therefore he is as news worthy as all other speakers.

Reading the Article. None of it would come under the libel laws, other than the opening sentence "The vile hate monger". That could arguably invoke libel, but since he self describes as a racist... no, that's accurate reporting.

When I say - one of us, I mean a Scot.

Truly would be the best timeline if that happened.

If there's one thing Woes is not, it's a soldier.

>but for others to inform them
Which information could be obtained in the 1st place by doxxing him... which in wording it that way separates them from the actual doxxing. Filthy fuckers.

Not necessarily. People could live near him, or know him via family connections.
In most circles the newspapers plea for information isn't illegal, and is refereed to as lazy reporting.

The Media by definition Dox everyone they report on to some degree, as people aren't mysterious internet entities, but humans behind a keyboard.
It would only be illegal to report exactly where he lived, given the nature of what he's being reported on for, because that may lead to a mob attacking him, for which the paper would then have liability for. They could get away with publishing the city he lives in.

i love woes but he's too fun to bully

>wearing a tshirt and showing off your manboobs inside a reputable WN think tank

How about publishing a picture of his house with the address placard in the frame? Isn't that why people were showing up at his house, "threatening his family"? I was lead to believe that this is why he fled the country. That would certainly constitute letting the public know where he lived, wouldn't it?

The Nazi Pug thing that hapenned a wihle ago was already pretty bad. The guy explained how he was harassed, it was fucking insane, he's lucky he got away with keeping his job.

What was interesting in the case of woes was seeing the political far left/green, the press, professional protesters and antifags at work, how those things overlap.

Hopefully, he has gone into hiding in the United States, which won't extradite him for "hate speech". In any case, I hope he isn't hiding in the European Union, because they'll probably try to hand him over and chuck him in jail themselves if they can't. Poor guy, we really should take revenge on that son of a bitch Alan McEwen for doxxing him.

he can't stay in hiding, his visa will expire and he will be kicked the fuck out. also if this story gets more traction the UK will just ask the US to extradite him

Hello fellow memers, "praise KEK" as they say around these parts.

Isn't Millenial Woes such a fat slob? I mean, look at him. So is TRS and all those other people who publicly support our cause.

What we need to do is become user, tripfags gtfo lol!

Now check my numerals!

Because you can't criticize Islam in Bongland without getting in a world of trouble. Some lawyer doxxed Tommy Robinson a while ago.

And Antifa acts so tough in Europe only because unlike in the US, you're not allowed to defend yourself against home invaders over here.

Also, let's be honest, they doubled down on woes because he's an easy target, a depressive, white NEET basement dwelling loser that wouldn't hurt anyone.

It's bad.

> Home Secretary Amber Rudd’s speech to the Conservative Party conference on foreign workers was treated as a “hate incident” by police.

> Her comments were reported to West Midlands Police by Joshua Silver, a physics professor at the University of Oxford.

> [about immigration] “However, we still need to do more so all British people get the opportunities they need to get on in life. The test should ensure people coming here are filling gaps in the labour market, not taking jobs British people could do.”

She's getting the "hate speech" treatment for saying immigrants shouldn't take jobs away from natives.

I've got such a hard on watching Colin get his comeuppance like this. The cunt thinks his shit doesn't stink and he fucking deserves this.

I used to be obsessed with him but then I learned what a truly shitty person he is.

The repeating numbers of authenticity he's right guys

I doubt he'll ever get a green card or even secure a business visa. He should go to Hungary or Poland, he could live there on the cheap off his Youtube shekels and the occasional speaking gig.

He needs a host to parasite from so it's unlikely he could survive in a poor Eastern European country.

This will result in blowback, ironically making Woes a better advocate than he could hope to be on his own

>Yeah, here's the thing with slander... you need to appear in court and go on record to claim slander... also if they merely described him accurately, then no lawsuit. He's said that he is a racist, and therefore... pfft, good luck with that lawsuit.
They also described him as genocidal, which he isn't

he actually is genocidal. There is enough evidence to prove it. He made a video where he was talking about some girl who emailed him asking how to solve the nigger problem peacefully. Millenial woes made the entire argument about how it is impossible to solve peacefully and that there will inevitably violence

That doesn't make him genocidal. At this point the assurance of violence in our futures is as certain that the sun will rise.

>he actually is genocidal. There is enough evidence to prove it. He made a video where he was talking about some girl who emailed him asking how to solve the nigger problem peacefully. Millenial woes made the entire argument about how it is impossible to solve peacefully and that there will inevitably violence
In deportation there would be violence. There is also violence now. Violence that is only there because of muslims

We do however need a genocide of leftists

>entire argument about how it is impossible to solve peacefully and that there will inevitably violence

is that enought for a hate crime charge? I think it is, at least here it would be.

If he's put on trial then there's plenty of hate speech and this would just be used as further evidence with up to seven years in prison and/or fines

1. It's fringe politics, everybody - left or right - says reprehensible shit when they're LARPing, it's part of the fun.

2. He doesn't advocate violence, he predicts it is the inevitable outcome of mass immigration. It's already hapening, we're just not fighting back. Molymeme said something to that effect too : diversity + proximity = war.

3. Violence could mean a lot of things, not just genocide you maniac. Cops use violence when they're resisted while carrying out a lawful order. You can't just deport criminals by asking them nicely.

He's done nothing wrong

English paper m8

Golden One gets women's pussies moist, this dude is ugly. Simple as that, all this bullshit about being against the social mores comes from women's sexual preferences.

Which is why we need good looking dudes to front us.

>but today the Record can expose him as a jobless art student who still lives with his dad
>dat ad hominem
Wouldn't expect anything less from the leftists tho.

he needs to get to the fucking gym and lay off the tendies, prison life in the UK isn't forgiving to soft art student NEET boys making vidoes about muslims

>He doesn't advocate violence, he predicts it is the inevitable outcome of mass immigration. It's already hapening, we're just not fighting back. Molymeme said something to that effect too : diversity + proximity = war.


also molymeme is USA which means freedom and home of the brave

Molyjew is in Toronto

He doesn't call for violence in the video, he just says that if the situation gets worse violence will be the end result.


but leaf is protected by the homoe of the brave so molymeme will survive

Holy fucking lel

Found the nigger. Die traitor

>jobless art student
It's like they want him to become Hitler.


Joshua Silver went on record to say he never listened to the speech, he just heard about it and didn't like its tone.

Not a nigger. But Colin Robertson is a cunt.


Kind of looks like you're still obsessed with him.

Woes should be happy. This brought him into the big times, if he embraces it.

>If he's put on trial then there's plenty of hate speech and this would just be used as further evidence with up to seven years in prison and/or fines
>Woes is going to jail for stuff other people said
Day of the rake will come

Because MW is vulnerable
Leftists, being the cowards they are, go after the prey they perceive as easy to bash with subversive social tactics

In addition, Woes is a perfect target because his NEETdom puts him at odds with ideal standards on the Right. Leftists can amplify this fact to increase more ostracizing
>"Ha ha He's a basement loser Let's point and laugh at him"
Never mind how well thought out his actual ideas and content are

To contrast, The Golden One is a successful bodybuilder: both physically fit/aesthetically pleasing and has employment. There's no point of entry there for Leftists to exploit

Hitler was a failed artist too ...