A very stupid cartoonist

Well Sup Forums?

Should we make good use of this anti-Trump meme template? What would President Trump be torn about?

What should he Nuke or Tweet? Lets manipulate this template.

Trump would be very ready to respond to a false alarm. Carter got a false alarm and decided to wait before he ordered the attack. Because of his intelligence and patience the world was saved.

Trump would have killed us all over an error.

>I know what trump would do because the liberal media told me so!


>blah blah wahhhh she lost it was her turn wahhh nuclear codes wahh


>Deport Mexicans
>Also Deport Mexicans

one should say "tweet"

one should say "nuke, then tweet"

Average Trump supporters. You know deep down that if it was Trump rather than Carter in the oval office a nuclear war would have erupted. Trump is impulsive, easily angered, and has no regard for human life. That's why you like him. He's like you.
