>Going to the gym may be great for your health - but it could give you body dysmorphia, a new study claims.
>An exposure to extremely muscly physiques could be leading to distorted body perceptions among young males and females, researchers warn.
>Dr Ian Stephen, Senior Lecturer at Macquarie University's Department of Psychology, said: 'What people considered a 'normal' body changed significantly as they were exposed to images with different characteristics.
>'Our results supported the visual adaptation explanation – looking at muscular or thin bodies produced illusions that neutral bodies were puny or fat.
Now you don't just have to wrrrrry about fake news, you also have to wrrrrry about fake-ass steroid Jew pictures distorting your mental image of what is normal and healthy.
This is how everyone got suckered into thinking that niggers are naturally muscular and athletic. Everyone just got used to seeing steroid abusing niggers over time.
Juan Allen
what do jews have to do with this?????????
Benjamin Long
Maybe if you finished reading you'd know.
Lucas Fisher
that pink eye
Dylan Martin
Now niggers think this kind of freakshow is normal and healthy.
Carter Morris
Here's natural looking niggers. This is what we should see more of so we are better attuned to the reality of normal bodies.
Aaron Smith
Stop getting triggered by Negroids man, we know they're weak.