Why are french people so good at maths ?

Fields medal is pretty much the nobel prize in mathematics.

They're good at counting their migrants and rape victims

They have practice measuring surrender flags.

Good education system unlike in America where educational malpractice is unheard of

America is still number 1 in both nobel and fields medals.

>per capita

If it's like the Nobel prize, the French rig it to improve their chance of winning.

We have good private education here

French students in public schools learn at least three languages (French + two others). I think the rigor of their education helps their brains analytical and maths side.

You don't study how to speak, write and read proper english in the US's schools?

nice memes, very funny, have my upvote.

I don't know for other countries, but here maths is super important, if you're good at maths, you can breeze through school ez even by being retarded in all other subjects.
If you suck at maths, you really need to try hard in all the other subjects or else you're not going to have a good time.

It has improved recently, but the French used to be absolute shit at foreign languages.

Up until the 1990's their general consensus was that the entire world had to learn French and learning other languages was treason.

UK, in the nowhere special position again.

nope language at school is still shit
90% of french people able to speak english lived abroad or learnt on the internet

Very true.


good for finding a good job with their network, what they teach you in the other hand is steaming garbage

we have garbage public education here, it's a wonder we're still that high.

>mohamed was too busy smoking pot in school and now he blames the school for being an imbecile

In America, we learn but one language (barely).

school went well for me thank you for asking

There is a great pressure in French schools to be good at Math