This is why I will never date a woman again, and no I will not date men

This is why I will never date a woman again, and no I will not date men.

what did you expect?

>I will never date a woman again because they all don't like me

Just fuck off. There are plenty of good women out there, you cuck.

It only gets worse

Asceticism is the one true redpill. We'll have artificial wombs soon, there's no reason to poison yourself with the ovarian jew until then.

Would fucking this be bestiality?

That is what you get for living in Boston.

I didnt choose to live here, and I am still earning my degree in cyber security. Man, where should I even move? I am a big family guy though, I wouldn't want to be to far

Utterly disgusting is what it is.

Do you think she has a bunch of bumps around her meat?