Why shouldn't the minimum wage be increased to $15? Why shouldn't the minimum wage be a living wage?
If you give the poor more disposable income, they will spend it on goods and services and it will actually make the economy stronger. Prove me wrong
Why shouldn't the minimum wage be increased to $15? Why shouldn't the minimum wage be a living wage?
If you give the poor more disposable income, they will spend it on goods and services and it will actually make the economy stronger. Prove me wrong
Why not just make the minimum wage a million dollars per hour? Then we can all be rich
>le why not just make le minimum wage $100 an hour strawman meme
*breaths in*
say it with me bros
Why should it be $15 instead of smaller increase? The minimum wage is not supposed to be a living wage.
>inb4 1post by this id
>what is inflation
>what is basic economics
Everything would get more expensive.
Ideally, we would trim back welfare and wages would rise to match
The minimum wage should not be a living wage because not all work is "living" work.
If you failed to secure a skill set that allows you to make enough money to support yourself, that is not your employer's fault. Ergo, your employer should not have to pay you more than you are worth.
As for the economic benefits, the government's responsibility is not to maximize economic growth. Its responsibility is to protect your rights (in this example, property rights related to company profits).
As an example, the "government needs to maximize economic output" argument would justify doing things like banning cigarettes and alcohol. Both of those things contribute to enormous sums of money spent on drunk driving, cancer/other health issues, and keeping people in jail. The resources used to produce those goods (e.g., land to grow tobacco, human labor) could also be used to do something that would actually contribute to the advancement of human kind, rather than disease and diminishing health. It isn't the government's place to try to engineer the perfect economy.
Additionally, consider the fact that since you live in America and have access to the internet, you are likely in the top 1% of global earners. I'll take your wealth redistribution ideologies far more seriously when you begin sending 70% of your pay to sub-Saharan Africa.
because thats silly.
but at 15 an hour, you could take all of them off of welfare, etc and not have the fed subsidize slave wages
>daddy, can could I have a piece of candy?
>illegal mexicans are the only ones allowed to have opinions on minimum wage