Where is the proof that jews are trying to genocide white people?

It sounds to me like pol makes them out to be the boogeymen responsible for all of the worlds problems. Sounds a lot like the fat sjw's blaming the patriarrchy for everything. Also, jews ashkenazi and shephardic jews are literally white people

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I wonder the same thing a lot of the time. Mainly, I question the whole ordeal surrounding Soros funding left wing extremists. I am one of those people that refuse to believe someone as powerful as Soros would do anything that doesn't further his own wealth. I don't believe that these wealthy elites have some deep-seated ideologies that they want to spend their own money to shoehorn into society with no return on investment. I don't see how Soros trying to empower the left (which is literally going to destroy the country) is going to further his own wealth.

Yeah its counter-productive and makes no sense. Soros is just a greedy jew, trying to make a quick buck

The whole George Soros evil final boss thing was pretty conspiracy tier, literally on Alex Jones level.

Kalergi Plan... pretty sure this is the correct vidya

niggers have rights

>jews are literally white people
don't think so, faggot. white doesn't mean skin color, so nice of you to obfuscate that. it's an american semantic referring to race.


they are literally descendqnts from slavs and armenians. you dont actually think they are israeli do you? look up the khazar empire

I'm Jewish and I think whites are in decline but mostly because the white guys mate with Asians, the white girls with black men, or whites generally are too lazy self absorbed and materialistic to make sacrifices to bring up the next generation.