he listened to lowlife inbred retards on this shithole and deluded himself into thinking he was superior
Serves him right
he listened to lowlife inbred retards on this shithole and deluded himself into thinking he was superior
Serves him right
The fact that he feels such shame and guilt proves he is superior to niggers.
he's sorry that he got caught. But of course a subhuman being like you inferior to everyone (black people very included) wouldn't be able to understand that
your mental capacities are lower than a chimp's
He looks like a mongol version of Johnny Knoxville.
I think i counted 263 years if im not mistaken
Witty retort mate : )
Doesn't change a thing.
Whites > Niggers
>Crying like a bitch
Is this guy... mentally slow?
Normally men act stoic in the court room. I'm pretty sure they are told by their attorneys not to express much emotion.
keep telling yourself that if it helps you forget you're a miserable worthless failure that need a false sense of superiority in order to forget the shitty thing that your life is
; )
>mentally slow
Must be a regular user here
>muh test favor whites
when will this meme end?