How about dem apples?

how about dem apples?

Really, really stupid. If you can't see why- well, that's why you're so fucking stupid.

explain lol

>intentionally being this retarded

you dropped your leaf

>a few
>mayb bait
So what you are only talking about the trigger pullers, ISIS and other terrorist organizations are supported privately and ideologically by hundreds of millions of Muslims

Gun owners don't think God wants them to bomb people.

Okay, mass immigration in exchange for repealing all gun control laws.
>b-but... it's not the same thing
Go fuck yourself.

Owning a gun isn't a violent ideology.

of course not, u dont bomb people with guns.......

There have been more mass killings In the name of islam caused by the "few" than white supremacists/Neonazis or as you call them, rednecks

I would happily get rid of guns in exchange for the end of women's suffrage and the deportation of ethnic minorities.

One: Guns reduce crime. One or two mass murders is nothing compared to the casual murder rate increase "abolishing" guns would do. criminals will just be stronger.

Two: Guns prevent tyranny. Guns ensure that the population is more powerful than the state. Since states tend on average to have stronger ideological positions than members. And the majority of members of a state favor peace. Having stronger members ensures the government given legitimate control is not tempted to undo its own democracy in favor of increased power.

Three: the group "Gun owners" has no set of homogenous traits other than "owns a gun" by which to screen personal problems. some gun owners are even against gun ownership but are so fearful they break their ideals "out of necessity".

One and two are pretty self explanitory. Three states something interesting. Unlike shitskins which have a clear ideological, cultural, religious, ethical and political differences when imported from the middle east. Gun owners are so diverse that no combination of traits dependent on gun ownership actually result in a propensity for crime.

The most viscous mass murders happened via bombs and the most memorable of these was by 12 Muslims using an aircraft as a projectile.

Lastly, important to know is that america while strong has too many weaknesses structurally. It is so vast that it is impossible to protect all the important target points like dams, power lines and oil pipes. One terrorist entering is too many

so brave

>ban guns cause of a few shooters
>you just can't blanket all muzzies

a few of them are terrorists? terrorism is in their damn holy book



>trading liberty for safety
founding fathers want a word with you


jidf go home

also NOT


Except people are born Muslim. They aren't born gun-owners.

Really made me think, faggot.


the Ideology behind owning a gun is not set in stone as is a religious book, thus it is up to the individual to decide why they need it and to what extent they should be allowed.

furthermore, a Gun itself is a tool, and to get said tool you MUST pass a background check.

The islamic religion is a set in stone book in which its values and ideals are something that if one follows, they can be said to be a bigger threat then one who does not.

while people do interpret it differently, all interpretations are based off the same base work, which contains vast amounts of content to be called into question.

Islam is not a physical entity either, and is something that outright is a decision to follow, meaning one is actively admitting to agreeing, or at least possibly agreeing, with a set of rules and ideals that as said, is not to be trusted.

you do not need to pass anything to be a Muslim either, only if anything, prove your faith by following the books teachings, which automatically brings one closer to committing acts that have legal consequences due to its contents.

Doesn't work,

One is a 1,500+ year old religion that teaches violence.

One is a utility item for protection from other humans and hunting.

A closer analogue would be "Ban all people who wear Arab clothing because Arab clothing kills people"

"You can't blanket all gun owners for killing people because they just killed people"

Even then it kind of sucks.

IDK , I think ti has to do with lib-tards not being very good a sentence construction

I'd just like to point out that christians have the best kill to attack ratio. Deus must indeed vult.

muslims have no right to enter the country, gun owners have a right to own guns