Who is worse? Mexicans or Muslims.
I'm gonna say Mexicans. Because atleast Muslims kills for God. Mexicans butcher eachother for money and fear.
Here is a great example of peaceful Mexicans.
> bestgore.com
The wall just got 20ft higher, Juan.
Who is worse? Mexicans or Muslims.
I'm gonna say Mexicans. Because atleast Muslims kills for God. Mexicans butcher eachother for money and fear.
Here is a great example of peaceful Mexicans.
> bestgore.com
The wall just got 20ft higher, Juan.
Poor pedro
>cartels butcher each other for money and fear
Brazil is better
Violent mexicans at least have a code of honor where they usually only fuck with people involved in the criminal life.
Violent muslims on the other hand will kill literally anyone who isn't in their given autistic sub-sub-sub-sub-set of islam.
Lmfao this white cuck thinks his race will be saved and untouched from (((them))). Such high and mighty words for a dying race being bred out of existence, especially from a hateful miserable storm cuck like yourself
14 = all bark no bite,
You guys won't rebel and snap. Accept the help and we'll fight them together.
>manlets, when will they learn
>Muslims kills for God.
Sometimes people lie lad. Most likely they kill because that's the aggressive lifestyle established in the middle east since Genghis Khan's rule, and arguably even before that. The middle east needs a reset nuke.
I dunno bro. maybe the one that wants to destroy western civilisation... wtf kind of question is that?
Nah, the box knife video s still uncontested.
Cartels target anyone. If you're a member of a cartel, a rival cartel will target your fucking aunt and uncle just to harm you.
They will stop at nothing and they will kill anyone just for the sake of drug money.
Mexicans are a cancer.