Sup Forums

Sup Forums is a really negative place

Some of you guys should really stop coming here, especially if you're a young guy like me. I'll probably take a long break soon once my class semester begins. I don't need to be feeling shocked or angry over bad news or seeing the way a lot of Sup Forumsacks talk to each other and talk about other people. Just the hate in here in general..

Although I do enjoy engaging in discussions and serious arguments with some of you guys, those who are smart individuals and are well versed in political science and history, this place is a real shithole.

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Jop. However i think most people are shocked about the news before they came to pol. And even more they where shocked that the truths they where told did not hold up. That diversity is a strength. That everyone is equal. That intelligence is just a matter of education and not of genes. That woman and men behave the same. That all cultures are equally good.

That is imo why most of us are here in this miserable place, posting rare frogs and arguing with idiots. You can take a break but you will remember why you first came here once you are reminded of it in the real world. Once the feminist put up a gendered text in your college or get some profs fired or hate on some random add on the subway. Once the next muslim terror attack happens and the next light circle against the far right is taking place.

It's only negative in the beginning when you're still getting used to your new reality.

I'm an Aussie.

I only come here about once a month.

To literally shitpost, no joke.

This is a good post, young fella.

I miss when Sup Forums used to have actually interesting threads.
Now its all tea partier/christian faggot general which were the exact types we used to make fun of.
I don't even know why I come here anymore. The moment you post a comment that doesn't adhere to the hivemind you get shitposted/rage replied into oblivion in hopes that you'll just give up and leave.
Sup Forums really is no better than SJWs/jews.

Nice gaslighting tone argument.

Properly developed people are capable of comprehending the dismal direction of society while maintaining social acuity.

Yeah this place is like a torture chamber, the masochist in you makes you come back. But where else can you get all the latest live streams and updates on the latest happenings.

Pretty much. When I come here I can feel myself getting dumber.

At first you'll be angry, but once you become redpilled you will become motivated. It's okay to take a break

sometimes you have to wade through muck to find a gem

there is great discussion to be had here...somewhere...