The final solution to the 8Q

With the recent TRS doxxings and the Shut down of the Fash the Nation site I think it is time that we discuss the final solution to the 8Q (8 chan question)
Those Autistic cunts have gone too far, by allying themselves with ANTIFA kikes in their spergilicious purity spiral and taking down orginizations like TRS, FTN and I would bet Daily Stormer is next too, is it just a coinicidence that their ads were pulled now, of all times? These orginizations were normalizing our views via poster campaigns and orginization and these cunts took it away. They must pay. But how?

tld;r how do we take down the autistic kikes on 8 chan?

This NEEDS to be discussed

BESTchan did us a great service by exposing KIKE enoch as controlled opposition. Sorry to burst your bubble, sodomites!

The alt right is FINISHED
Time to go back to flooding our countries with muslims I guess

You kikes deserve the oven, TRS was doing real wirk while you fags sat around sucking ANTIFA cock.
Also when have they EVER promoted sodomy?

Nice shitpost, really

For (you)

Bump. The autists are catching on

Here's the baphomet thread linking to this one:

/res/121381 [dot] html#121945

The mods are clearly antifa affiliated or extremely retarded.

Either way they deserve to be ignored/destroyed.

I know an 8/pol/ack IRL and he's a massive autist

I'd put his info here but unfortunately he'd probably post mine as well.

I'd recommend inking 8/pol/ to antifa sites or setting up a spambot through TOR