Trump's first trip as President: Russia

Not even trying to be subtle about it.

How's it feel to have been lied to?

Other urls found in this thread:

>that source

its just the 6gorilion-D chess

Lmao, the liberal assmad this will create

>How dare Trump try to improve relations with Russia!
Why are libtards so russophobic?

why is this bad

whats the problem here
where else would he go?

I can dab to that


Where do you want him to go?
Also, lied to about what? We don't hate Russia. No one had any problem with Russia in the media until the nigger decided he should try and start another war for no reason.

Obama has spent the past two months trying to start WW3, so it makes sense to repair relations.

Also Putin probably doesn't want to set foot in the USA so it makes sense to hold it in Iceland. It's not like Putin will be the first foreign leader he meets, it's the first one he'll leave the country to meet.